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Everything posted by Alice21

  1. This information and topic that you have done is very good and useful also because now we can know how to find false coins here in yobit and not invest in those currencies this is a good thing for those people who invest and do not want to lose money because now They will be able to tell between true and false coins.
  2. It is very true that you say that with this platform we can improve our English by reading and also writing because there are people who do not have all English as a language and with this we can improve it even more until we have our English as we want perfect.
  3. I think that we should give the same reaction even if they do not pay us because if we continue giving the reactions to those people that if they deserve it, it is as an incentive to those people to continue making publications or providing good or useful information.
  4. In my opinion I think that the best possible wallet that exists or that exists is binance, which is the one that I use for me personally and very good for the time I have been using it and having it is the best wallet that I have so that is the one I recommend .
  5. I think that for students this work is very good because it helps them to pay their expenses and me too because I am a student and this is helping me a lot for my expenses in school I do not know what I would have done if I had not found this site because how is everything now I do not know if I could have found a job.
  6. I think the same as you that looking for free cryptocurrencies is a waste of time since it is better to work and obtain those coins instead of looking for coins in many places, it is better to work and thus obtain them.
  7. Yes, friend, we can still give reactions to other publications or topics that others do, only now they do not pay us as before for evaluating but we can still give reactions to other people who deserve it.
  8. This is very true every time someone quotes us our content, we should always pay attention to him or pay attention to listen to what that person wants to tell us, whether it is good or bad, but we must listen to that person because it may be that thanks to that comment or person who did it, we can improve even more.
  9. I believe that to discover a good coin what we must always do is collect or obtain information from the last years and how it is doing now in order to know if that coin is going to do good if its price is going to rise or not.
  10. Friend, what you are telling us is something very bad that happened to you, I hope you have not stopped working and have continued to get ahead because of the errors it turns on and well now thanks to you others may be careful with those groups that they join or unite them is why always be careful.
  11. Friend, this advice is very useful and also good because there are people who do not know about this in order to avoid being scammed by scammers. This topic is very good because now this advice will help a lot of people not to be scammed.
  12. Friend I am not very expert but what I think is that the price of bitcoin has dropped and then it will rise more than it already was and have a new and higher price that is why I think that it always happens or they do this in the currencies to That its value increases more than it already was, that is why the price goes down to double.
  13. Friend, this information that you have given us is very good and I also believe that we should save but there are times when saving is impossible because there are times when we have to pay for things that are necessary to live that is why saving is sometimes very difficult.
  14. I think that none of us ever imagined or thought that we could earn coins but here we are working and earning coins and what you said I think we have all been the same as you when we entered here because we knew if we were really going to win or not and in the end if we win.
  15. I knew that there were scammers here in cryptotalk but that there are also scammers in the telegram application that is not good because now there are scammers everywhere so we just have to be careful and be more careful with what we do for that scammers.
  16. What I say and think about the scammers that we find through spam is that it is a good thing that we find them because that way we can remove them so that they do not return and do not harm but it is also a bad thing because we believe that there is no more but if there is only that they are waiting in the shadows to be able later to leave and continue scamming.
  17. It is very true that you say that we must maintain or try to have a stable mind because it is thanks to the fact that we have a stable mind that we can do our topics or publications that is why we must always try to be calm so that things go well or as we want.
  18. Friend I can not believe what bitcoin is rising I have also read that several people say that bitcoin will continue to increase even more only that we must wait for it to gradually increase this is something very good for all of us and other people because Now we know that bitcoin will not stop and continue until its value or price increases a month.
  19. It is not at all informed about what there were movies about cryptocurrencies now thanks to you that if I know that there are movies I can get more information than I already have and it could be in those movies your topic is very useful for everyone who don't know about this like me.
  20. I think that if you can do that with two people sharing a bank account to be able to receive the money or what they both earn in the same account, I think that is not wrong and that the rules do not say anything about that not can be done.
  21. This is good in wanting to work in a group, but I do not say that the problem I see in working in a group is wrong because it is not, but there are times or almost always that the people in whom they make groups always end up doing one or two things and that would not be a group but it is what I think.
  22. In my opinion, I think that all the topics are popular or good, depending on the information they provide us, that is what will decide if the topic is good to be popular enough or not. That is my opinion and that is what I think about it.
  23. Before starting any topic or publication, what I do is inform myself or look for information before so that I can be ready to limit or give my opinion or provide my information to that subject that is what I do.
  24. This information is useful because there are people like me who do not know how we should create to obtain capital and now thanks to you if we can know how to do it correctly so as not to make or have mistakes that harm us.
  25. This information that you are giving us is very good in addition to being also very useful because now people who just enter this site and do not know anything will be able to know how to operate and what errors they should avoid when operating here on this site.
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