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Everything posted by Haley

  1. I have also noticed the same thing. In the hurry to complete daily posts everyone just comment on other's posts rather then posting new topics. We should contribute our part to this platform and post latest information about cryptocurrency to increase the number of useful topics on this forum.
  2. According to my knowledge, Yobit and Cryptotalk are tied together. If you want to get your earning by posting on this platform then you have to sign up at Yobit. I don't think that there are other ways to get your earning of Cryptotalk.
  3. Yes, it is important to secure our account ourself. Password is the key to access our account and it should always be strong enough to not guessed by our near ones. By following these mentioned tips we can create a strong password.
  4. These points are very beneficial in creating good post and getting positive reputation. All the members should read them and kept them in mind while creating posts and should follow them to increase positive reputation.
  5. You shared good tips here which will help others to be a good trader. Investing all we have at a single place is not the right way to invest money. Using emotions while investing in any business is also not good. First research properly about the site and then invest the amount which you are ready to lose.
  6. Payment method become much difficult now. Only posting is not enough now to get payment. If we want to get paid for our posts then we should produce quality content to receive positive reputation. Cheating reputations is not the solution of this problem. It will lead us to be banned by moderators.
  7. I prefer both buying and selling of crypto coins. I prefer to buy coins when their price is low then kept them save for a long period of time observing market ups and downs and when i observe that selling my coins will give me maximum benefit then I sell them.
  8. Thanks for sharing this information with us. As a newbie, not just at this platform but also in whole crypto world I don't know this fact before. It will help many newbies like me to reduce fees.
  9. Cryptotalk is developing writing skills in its members. By searching on different topics about cryptocurrencies our knowledge increases and by writing posts at this platform our writing skills are also improving. And all this is because of this great platform.
  10. The basis of the cryptocurrencies is the up and down of their value. Butcoin price undergoes increments due to which many people get benifited. There may be any other reason behind its increment but I think its increasing demand is the reason.
  11. It is important to focus on our goal to become successful in our life. Same is the case in crypto field, we should set our goals and work hard to achieve them. We are not here to just earn money if we set our goal to gain knowledge along with earning money then we will succeed in this field.
  12. To avoide traping in scam we should enter the websites or platforms which are trustable. Entering websites without researching about them will lead us to trap in games played by scammers. My advice is to just enter websites which we trust to avoid scammers.
  13. Trading is buying currency or any other financial assets when its price is low and keeping it for a long period of time until its price reaches the top. Then selling that currency at high price and earning benefit. For all this process trader have to connect to the market all the time to reduce the chances of lose.
  14. Gambling is a good method of earning money with having fun. But control is compulsory for investing money in gambling to avoid the addiction of gambling. Investing is also good but if someone want fun along with benefit than gambling is perfect for him.
  15. For me, it is good to comment on useful posts. I try to comment on the topic about which I have knowledge. If I find some unique topic about which I don't know, than first I research about that topic and than post comment.
  16. Thanks for such an informative post. The success stories of these whales will become the motivation for many people to work hard to achieve their goals. It also increases the interest of members in cryptocurrencies.
  17. As a beginner, the first benefit you will get here is to learn about crypto world. After knowing basics of crypto your interest in this field increases. Second benefit is the money which you can earn after posting quality posts at this platform.
  18. Actually, both are different things. Trading is a short time process which lead to quick results. It may lead you to a big profit or may be to a big lose. While, in investment the chances of lose are very less and it is a long time process. If someone is ready to wait for a long time to get benefit than he should do investment but if some is ready to take risk than trading suits him more.
  19. It is expected that cryptocurrency will be the currency of future. As, the world of cryptocurrency is changing continuously. Many new currencies are introduced and many famous cryptocurrencies of past are vanished now. Many countries adapted this change and accept cryptocurrencies. If cryptocurrencies become the future currency it will benefit all of us due to its less fee charges, no boundaries of transaction and secure to use.
  20. I'm a student and yes I found this platform beneficial. It helps many of students to fulfil their daily expenses. Besides earning the knowledge we gain from this platform also help us in future.
  21. Of course, your post will help many newbies. Many new members when join this platform start posting without reading rules of this platform. You have explained all these rules well. Now it will be easy for many new members to understand these rules easily.
  22. I'm new in crypto world and don't know much about the rules of Yobit. In my opinion if you want to invest on Yobit platform than first thing that you should do is to visit investbox. It will give you a lot of information about investment at that platform.
  23. All members don't have same point of view but without reading and understanding the posts deeply many members just post agreeing comment to complete their daily posts. This platform is about sharing our point of views about the same topic not about agreeing all the topics. We should give sincere comments on all topics.
  24. Yes it is very important to find legit site before investing because if got trapped in some scam site than you will lose all you have. I prefer to use coinbase for trading cryptocurrencies but I advice to do your own research.
  25. It is violation of rules of this platform to post a content twice. It will become a big problem for you. I think you should report to admins of this forum to delete that duplicate post.
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