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About sp19a1ma035

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  1. I used to think that earning money is not a piece of Cake it is difficult but as i join cryptotalk i realized that it is one of the best platform for earning
  2. Yes ofcourse it is true that people can learn from his/her mistakes but it is not important that everyone learn from his/her mistakes while those learn who have ability to accept his/her mistakes
  3. Digital currency is a type of currency which is controlled and adjusted by a government or central bank but cryptocurrency.Digit currency is a visible currency. Cryptocurrency is also a digital currency but it is not controlled by anyone either government or Central bank.both have no physical existence.
  4. For searching any member or has posts you easily access but for it you have to follow some instructions. For searching any one you go to search box and write that name by which he add him
  5. You are absolutely right.We all should try to learn more knowledge and don't avoid to ask questions.Always try to get knowledge.A person who tend to get knowledge that person doesn't face lose and if he does a mistake he will get knowledge from that mistake and try to remove it
  6. I haven't known about investbox yet but I also want to try it to use it and increase my profit.If any one have knowledge about it should share as soon as possible.
  7. This site is the best sites for those how earn with joy and happiness.This platform is only platform to share any information about cryptocurrency and it is free of cost
  8. I always prefer to self research then ask others.Self research gives us various lessons.I would like to share with you some benefits of self research. 1.You can understand basic of a research 2.You can determine your research purposes 3.You can know enough about cryptocurrency. 4.You can understand its rules and regulations 5.You can know the ways of increasing profits 6.You can know about investment. 7.You can give advice to your juniors
  9. Frozen is a type of coin which value did not set yet its value would be installed in future.you should understand it as it has no substitute and when its market will open then there may adjust.
  10. We all sould pride to be part of this platform where seniors are cooperative and always try to solve the problems of junior how do not know the rules and regulations. One thing I want to say to those seniors who always busy to earn money plz carry on the help of new comers.Thank you
  11. I have joint this site to day ago for earning and learning about cryptocurrency and find answers those questions which i am go through when people talk about online learning.Once my friend was telling me that if you want to earn and get knowledge about cryptocurrency so you have to join "cryptotalk " then i decided to join this platform this platform became extremely fruitful for me
  12. I would like to share important rule that all beginners should understand that is copy paste of posts and add useless materials which become the reson of banned
  13. I agree with your statement but one more thing i want to say that is please copy of their post write your own post what would you want to ask and be stress less and do work and earn money and knowledge ok.
  14. I think following six coin have future one of them is 1.VITCHEN 2.BITCOIN 3.ATOM 4.ETHEREUM 5.CARDANO 6.XLM hope above coins have future than others
  15. I want to share me limited knowledge about you people that blog it is a best resource for earning because in this modern era every person has accessed internet and different sites but there is a problem that they don't know A,B,C about Blogs that's why they have to leave.One more thing games also profitable sites as well
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