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Everything posted by jourdain

  1. Each platform has its own advantages, right for yobit, characterized by the diversity of business forms, not just trading for that, as everyone finds a profit method that suits him and can continue.
  2. Cryptocurrencies are not used to buy and sell in the virtual world only, such as litecoin and others. Rather, cryptocurrencies can be traded without buying or selling any real commodities.
  3. It is true that it is good to trade at the right times, although trading is open all the time, to take advantage of the available opportunities and follow the evolution of prices, supply and demand.
  4. Thanks for the information. Of course, investor and trader are the best way to earn digital currencies We must start from a sufficient capital, as for free methods, we cannot rely on the construction of a real project.
  5. Free ways to collect digital currencies for beginners only because most of them are scams and you can't rely on them to build a real project.
  6. Les robinets de crypto-monnaie sont possibles pour gagner des devises numériques supplémentaires, mais ils ne peuvent pas être entièrement fiables.
  7. Investing in digital currencies has risks to your capital because these currencies are unstable and can rise and fall strongly.
  8. According to my experience using digital currencies, I like to use LTC because I find it more smooth and more stable against other currencies.
  9. To invest on the yobit platform, open an investbox in which you will find all the information about investment conditions, required amounts, investment periods, profits, and required currencies.
  10. There are backward countries that do not have digital banks. In this case, global digital banks that accept dealing with all people can be used.
  11. Can comment for some old posts helps forum members participate in all topics and benefit from them and avoid opening new posts.
  12. Trade depends on the well-known banking system, but electronic commerce has not coped well with it, especially the costs of money transfers and the many documents and information required, so cryptocurrencies appeared to facilitate electronic commerce and abolished central management and monopoly.
  13. The best investment in secured currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, but it is expensive for the beginner to have to invest and trade in cheap currencies.
  14. All information is in the InvestBox table section in Yobit platform. It is important to choose profitable coins.
  15. Collect coins from Faucets, for beginners only, because the amount is very small, after which you can switch to investing and trading.
  16. Working in the field of cryptocurrencies to be more effective should be invested in it while reducing risk and managing capital well.
  17. Thanks to these important resources to learn about cryptocurrency techniques, although I do not dispense with the participation of members in the forum because they are real stories of experiences that are easy to understand.
  18. What I search most on the forum is information about trading cryptocurrencies and gathering information about tokens and airdrops scams and honest.
  19. I think the best Tron wallet is Tronlink, and a lot of users use it to facilitate transfers.
  20. Mostly, AirDrops are SCAM, although there are those who invest in them because it is difficult to discover them in the first place, as they appear attractive to professional scammers.
  21. The user must read books and participate in forums specialized in cryptocurrencies to learn more about this advanced technology and benefit from it.
  22. You can profit from Bitcoin by trading on cryptocurrency platforms or buying and selling it directly when its price increases
  23. It is one of the ways to profit from the old and widespread Internet, and often all sites allow the affiliate system, where they give you a link of your own that you promote for free or with money and you get profits from the site.
  24. These tokens are frozen because no one can buy them, or they are poison, and they remain in the box without interest, and they cannot be used because they are dead.
  25. There are many ways to profit from the Internet. For investing in some cryptocurrencies, you can get big profits.
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