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Everything posted by Just_Lucky

  1. I fully agree if you wanna help people or just share your thoughts on something you would it without any payment. Satoshi is just a fine bonus that maybe gives a little motivation but nothing more.
  2. Yes, moderators doing a pretty good job in order to erase scammers from this forum. It really good for begginers who can believe something they say. Everyone should not forget to report to moderators if they saw them to make forum clean.
  3. There so many ways to earn money the only problem is to choose which way you gonna go and be very motivated to do what you need in order to make money. And also you should never stop learning and get more knowledge of the subject.
  4. There risk not just in Crypto trading and investments but in ordinary trading, investment and bussiness as well. If you chose to earn money that way you should be prepared that some day you can lose some money.
  5. Yobit is most of the most trustworthy exchangers in the world so you don't lose your money unless you got hacked but using 2fa authentification is making your account is very protected so it becomes almost impossible to hack it.
  6. Indeed faucets and other sites like it are just don't worth your time maybe it is a very simple strigaight forward job but it still burn your valuable free time which you can invest in more valuable projects or ideas.
  7. I find cryptocurrency is very perspective thing though I am not fully understand how everything works I really want to learn. I got into it when I heard how many profit you can make of it but it is not the only reason I got here. It is new and very interesting world and community.
  8. Fully agreed if you will find messages like these one don't just skip them. You should report to moderators because someone can fell into scammer's trap and lose their money. And this forum is to help people not to rob them.
  9. I don't think I am super lucky relative to others especially people who bought bitcoin 6-7 years ago. Those are the most luckiest or smart people in the whole of Crypto World community. If you not one of them don't think you are super lucky.
  10. Yobit is one of the best exchangers that you can find especially for begginers because you can make money without large investments and site's features and design is not very hard to understand even to a full newbie.
  11. Very helpful information scam and hack are everyone in the Internet right now. And personal wallets hack is really hard thing to do since you have a private key and 2f authentification on it. Maybe anyone can advise some more security measures ?
  12. No one can fully resolve this problem only if you manually monitor every message by every member which is a very hard thing to do. Even if yobit will make security measures more stirct spammers will find a way to get around them.
  13. Thank you for this knowledge it is helpfull for begginers. Though crypto world is growing and growing very fast so the number of crypto wallets are ridiculous and which one to choose is very hard. For example Coinbase is optimal for newbies as it very simple and handy.
  14. I personally can't find a reason why don't like this forum if you are ready to learn and help others. I just find a idea of helping others, finding many helpful information and earning a little money in process are great.
  15. Thanks for the information it is very helpfull to a begginer. No one want to lose their money jusy because they don't know a simple things that can save them. But what most profitable coin to exchange bitcoin in order to withdraw ?
  16. Coins withdrawl fees a changing through site to site but it is a common thing that more value of a coin more withdrawl fee. Though some of them can change from time to time but it happens not very often.
  17. Fully agreed with author thoughts everyone here have some goals that they can achieve thank to this forum but some forget about rules that they should follow. Just simple understanding of them can make this forum a much better place.
  18. I don't really know many everyday shops in which you can pay with a crypto for anything including ciggarets. Buy it will be a thing in near future for sure. For example Coca cola made some crypto with which you can buy it from application but it is working only in few countries.
  19. For many traders who doing with crypto it is a full job right now. Since they make money that you wouldn't be paid in average job. And some people don't have to work at all because of their investments earlier or just holding them. Also you can just mine it I don't think you can consider such passive income a job.
  20. Yeah there are a lot of users who saw topic name and start to spam comments to make there satoshi fast and without any thought. And really you can't help it because they will never read this topic to the end. 🀣
  21. Every prediction is a risk anyway. There are some good analytic sites that can predict more accurate than others but it is still a risk. No one can guarantee everything will be as they predict so you should compare prediction and also do your own analysis before buy or invest in something.
  22. Sorry for your lose but it's most common ways to scam people almost everysite notify there members never to give any their account information. Every site have that information encrypted and don't need that.
  23. If you think that negative points were put without any reason you can ask moderator to delete it. But it doesn't mean you can write to them in any case. Also there were bots that put dislikes to everyone but I've heard that Cryptotalk solved this problem.
  24. Yes, Cryptotalk is a great forum but don't think of it just as a place to earn some extra satoshi it also contains many valuable information from which you can learn to make even more and help others to do the same thing.
  25. I prefer ethirium and BNB the most maybe one day they make it up closer to price of bitcoin but it's only a dreams right now. But I see a good potential to go up in them so I hope I'm not a mistaken.
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