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Everything posted by beydi2021

  1. The world of cryptocurrency is a new environment for everyone, if it opens people who have greater experience or knowledge in a market, in one or another cryptocurrency but nevertheless it does not exclude you from being scammed or losing your money in an investment that is It looked very good, that's why I think that if you want to work in this world of cryptocurrencies you have to be learning daily, not trust anything or anyone and if you are going to invest? Invest what you are willing to lose. Over time I think that this world of cryptocurrencies will stabilize much more.
  2. Really working with faucets is a waste of time, now answering your question if you can get $ 5 a week if you work in faucets I would say yes, you would have to work with 10 or more faucets a day, dedicate more 15 hours a day and achieve many referrals for each of them. I think you could achieve it but really the ratio of time invested for profit from my point of view is not good. I would not do it.
  3. In my case, my brother and a friend share the same apartment and use the same Wi-Fi, I was the one who originally started working with the forum and then my brother and finally my friend, only they two each at the time of enter the forum they switch to the data option of each of their cell phones and we have not had any problems.
  4. I think that any investment is always a risk, but if there is one thing I am sure of, it is that investing in gambling is the worst investment that a person can make, because if he were to win this he would create a vice that would take him sooner or later to end up losing everything.
  5. I think that at this time when bitcoin between its ups and downs is trending up, I would not invest in bitcoin because it is a more expensive investment and therefore riskier, my investment would go to currencies like Rippley, Monero and Litecoin that are going to rise just like bitcoin.
  6. This is really a big problem because many pages require your personal data, emails, etc ... But in this time when Airdrops have a great boom, they have used to offer cryptocurrency profits but instead they ask you to perform a series of activities, but the most dangerous thing is that many of these airdrops ask you to perform a KYC that is nothing more than sending photos of your personal documents according to them to verify your identity, but which is really extremely risky because many of these airdrops end up being false.
  7. The price of bitcoin can be said not to be controlled by anyone and at the same time many factors such as supply and demand, the economy of the great powers, the needs of the whales (which are nothing more than large holders of bitcoin) and some other factors are those that will influence the rise or fall of bitcoin.
  8. MY experience in the world of cryptocurrency has a short distance of more or less five years, of which the first two years were of a lot of learning, but of little work and already three years ago with a part-time dedication and the last year already dedicated full time, my biggest base is in the area of digital marketing which has given me very good results.
  9. I really like to answer the posts already published, when I enter the forum I take a look at the new posts and those that have already been published for a long time and I dedicate myself to answering the ones that I find interesting. When I have a good topic I also publish new posts.
  10. I have really been part of several forums in which the opinion of new people is not taken into account and where the topics to be discussed are not very specific, on the other hand Cryptotalk is a forum with a well-defined theme and with a policy and rules that the forum members respect unless they want to be penalized. The forum members are of great quality which allows me to learn from each of their posts.
  11. I also went to try 2captcha but really, as you say, making 1000 captchas (or sometimes many more I get to see 1300 captchas for one dollar) is difficult because it is not that one solves a captcha and already validates it, but sometimes you enter in ralys of three or four up to 6 and 7 captchas in a row to validate a single captcha, in addition to the time invested to achieve only 1 dollar. It doesn't really seem like an option to me.
  12. Really the proliferation of investment pages is incredible offering profits that don't support any analysis and that's why I think that still this world of crypto currencies lacks a regulation so that this type of companies have to present a valuation to be able to publish those offers. Among all this, you get serious pages that you can invest but nevertheless the advice is to invest what you are willing to lose.
  13. Very good commentary in general, but if we do not focus on the area of internet and cryptomonedas, there are other variables such as currency instability, market variability and the large number of people and companies that are looking to scam you, so when investing in this medium makes a good study and invest what you are willing to lose.
  14. Really win crypto coins playing games is something really difficult, because there are a lot of these games that promise you win and the final end up being scams and others that if you pay but to achieve something that you can serve cryptomedas would have to devote a lot of hours that really most of us do not have.
  15. In this internet world the word scam is the order of the day, really from misleading advertising that promises large profits without doing anything, to those companies that make you invest small or large amounts of money (usually in cryptomonies) and then disappear with the capital of their investors without giving any explanation, we could also include as a scam a lot of this new trend of so-called airdrops, which use misleading offers in how many currencies to distribute so that then this is very little or nothing at the time of delivery. It is necessary to be very well informed at the time of investing or falling into misleading offers.
  16. Intelligent contracts are a decentralized tool. Ethereum was the one who introduced the intelligent contracts. A good way to think about a smart contract is to imagine buying a house. Usually this process requires the intervention of a third party such as an attorney and a broker, with a smart contract, the ownership of the house is sent automatically once a condition is met.
  17. I can tell you from my experience that there are very good wallets like coinbase, for example, I use it, but because it is more versatile and simple to use, I prefer Uphold. It handles a large amount of cryptomonies, the commissions for making transactions are very low and it has its own exchange in which you do not pay any commission.
  18. If really one of the most interesting aspects of bitcoin is who was its true creator. No one knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is, many have been pointed out as Satoshi, others are self-proclaimed as Satoshi. The crypto community considers Satoshi as a saint and his white book is a kind of bible.
  19. It is true that the world of earning money on the Internet is very difficult and after falling into a thousand and one lies about earning hundreds or thousands of dollars without doing anything, you also go to sites such as PTC (Paid to Click) that pay you a pittance for your time invested, but little by little you will know the environment and will find sites like cryptotalk where you begin to see profits more in line with the work you do
  20. We must start by saying that if we know about the volatility of the already established crypto currencies such as bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, etc, imagine the certainty that we can have about an ICO, a basic ICO project will have a website and a whitepaper that will have the most information about the project and its objectives and the means to achieve them, but no matter what they say the vast majority of these projects will fail. It's about taking good advice about the project and TAKING RISK.
  21. Earning money online in this internet world is very varied, the affiliate marketing part I think is ahead of the game due to the great offer you can get from companies like Amazon, Hotmart or Clickbank to say some of the main ones, but there is also what is called CPA that has a great amount of companies paying for advertising.
  22. The investment market in cryptomoney is a highly changeable and risky market (from the point of currency volatility, such as the use of creating false fantasies and then falling into the scam). This type of market has to be played with an investment that one is willing to lose, because everything can go very well but in the blink of an eye everything changes.
  23. Personally I have had very bad experiences with investments to win bitcoins, but on the other hand the offer to win bitcoin for free is too low and of very little profit, so I think the best is still to invest but looking for advice on where and when to do it.
  24. Although the world of crypt coins is so changeable and bringing out ethereum and bitcoin whose handling costs for exchange or transfer are exaggerated, my coin box would be left with Litecoin , Ripple and Monero.
  25. If we are really lucky and although I would have liked to have known earlier how important bitcoin was going to be, I think that we are still only at the beginning of the era of cryptomonies and of a new financial revolution at a world level with the so predicted fall of the dollar and the emergence of new currencies and among them will be bitcoin.
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