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Everything posted by lolo9992

  1. Yes, I agree with you, no one visits your profile unless he sees there are new things and rare and unique information. This is what attracts people the most and makes them interact with your publications and give a good reputation. Therefore, be sure to publish everything new, values and new information so that others follow you.
  2. Welcome, my friend. First of all, I am here very happy at work and very excited to gain knowledge and experience. There is no difficulty because the forum’s rules are clear and through your understanding of the basic laws, you will see that work is easy, simple and very interesting.
  3. It is a good idea to join this forum because it is the best forum ever that provides experience and knowledge about cryptocurrencies, trading, earning money, exchanging ideas and gaining experience about the world of cryptography.
  4. Yes, my friend, you are right. There are many methods of fraudsters exploiting people's emotions and luring them to deceive them or offer them cheap currencies in order to steal their money and there are many many tricks. Therefore, I advise users not to trust sites and fake currencies and ask before doing anything
  5. Thank you for this post Of course, my friend can visit any personal file you want and you can follow it daily and read the posts and learn from it that will not violate the rules of the forum and your account will not be banned
  6. Because life does not stop teaching, we must not stop learning because it is a necessary and important matter, and everything is related to learning.
  7. To gain knowledge and experience and learn how to publish publications that contain new information and useful things, we have to move between sections to know and learn about many things and not just publish our participation in one section.
  8. Welcome, my friend, explain to her about the forum in general and from the founder of Bitcoin and tell her about the rules and laws and adhere to them. Make her organize to the forum in order to get more knowledge.
  9. Yes, I agree with you, the price of Bitcoin is constantly changing, and we do not know in the future how it will be, but smart people are the ones who can earn money and increase their profits with the knowledge and experience they learned in the forum
  10. My friend advised you to start step by step and do not be hasty and slow before you have to do something to reach your goals you have to walk step by step and not jump in order to learn and gain experience and knowledge and fall into pitfalls and learn from them and avoid them in the future and not repeat that will teach you and give you a motivation forward
  11. Yes, you are right, my friend. This feature is very wonderful, as the posts are saved while something emergency happened such as power outages, so be assured that the posts remain as they are and this helps us a lot
  12. Welcome, my friend, there are basics that must be followed before publishing any publication, which is that it contains new and important information The post is written in a correct manner free of misspellings And follow an easy and simple method and move away from ambiguity
  13. Do not worry, my friend, you will get your profits and your money because it is a security forum and provides money, but I expect that the reason for the delay will be that there are a large number of users and the members seek to set an appropriate price that can be given to users
  14. Welcome, my friend, you can take a rest and not work on the forum for a period of time, but this will affect your profits and you will not be able to get money or pay you and when you return to work I advise you to compensate what you missed so that you are paid and compensate for everything
  15. Thank you, my friend, for your post. Hard work and smart work are both linked. Serious work needs to exert effort, planning and developing a plan to reach the goal. Smart work needs focus, creativity and innovation
  16. This forum is the best ever. Through my work here, I learn many things. My English has improved a lot and learned new vocabulary. Here I am gaining experience and knowledge. I am happy for that and I hope that I can learn more and gain enough experience.
  17. We all want to gain a good reputation for money only and we want members to give us positive reviews on our posts, but it may not contain new information and useful things, so we must pay close attention to obtain a positive reputation.
  18. To gain a good reputation, steps instead of wasting time waiting for members to give a reputation. Create topics that attract members to give you a positive reputation by choosing unique topics and following the basic rules on which the forum is based
  19. Yobit has fees like any stock exchange, but the different thing is that it is safer and preserves the privacy of the user, and from it you can transfer money to investment as it is considered the main wallet
  20. The forum is always keen to read the rules and laws and understand them well before work, consult members and benefit from their experiences during their work process here, so your understanding of the rules will prevent you from banning your account, and if your account is banned, you can create a new account, but you have to focus and be more careful.
  21. A very good wallet and the world of cryptocurrency and trading there are a lot of wallets and every user in the forum tends to the wallet that he thinks is good and suitable for those who use yobit because it is safer and working on it is easy and very simple and I trust it
  22. I secure my account by putting an encrypted password and some letters and symbols so that it is difficult to penetrate, and I copy it in the memo and lock it and change it every month to ensure that it is not hacked and personal information and money stolen
  23. Dear friend, it is normal for you to feel that there is nothing new in the topics in the forum or there is nothing worth reading because you work in one section and you have to move between the sections and find new topics use the search button and very useful posts will appear for you that do not remain in one section my friend
  24. There are no enemies of success in this forum because it provides us with all means of safety and comfort, so if someone directs any harsh word to you or copies and pastes your post or anything offensive to you, it will be banned immediately so all here abide by the rules of the forum and we are here to support each other and provide assistance and not to create Enemies or gang
  25. Dear friend, it is up to you. If you only survey, it is not considered a post at all. You have to leave a comment or response to a post. This will be better and should contain new information and useful things.
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