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About Ahmdoof

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  1. Due to the feature of the ledger and decentralized cryptocurrencies, the loss of the keys leads to the loss of your money, with the inability to access it again, so try to preserve the private keys for fear of loss and loss of everything.
  2. When the price of Bitcoin reaches a significant increase, the sale will be more than the purchase, and no one can buy it, only the big whales, where they collect the largest amount and monopolize it, which leads to another increase in the market, they sell at fantastic prices and make a good profit.
  3. Indeed, it is our duty to improve the forum’s performance in the best way and find solutions and discussions so that this forum remains a way to learn cryptocurrencies and a school that will bring out good experts in the world of cryptography.
  4. These points can manage our money in a correct and good way that is suitable for us and has a good evaluation. Thank you, my friend, for the good advice.
  5. Yes, in fact, I got some change in my life. I was able to use the Internet in a smart and profitable way in the world of coding. Everything is possible. You can make good money with little effort.
  6. The real opportunity that I got was to enter the world of encryption and gain knowledge, so that I searched for anything in cryptocurrencies to get it and build an investment project on the yobit platform
  7. In fact, I work in a forum and I'm satisfied with my work here, where knowledge, money, I got valuable information about cryptocurrencies and a little money, and this is good for me. Currently, I do not want to try something else
  8. Building a strong portfolio requires a deep investment strategy so that you have enough information about the currencies that you collect and invest in and the right time to buy and sell to collect good capital in this movement and include it in your investments. I hope you have more success, my friend.
  9. If the news is true, that is, Korea will adopt cryptocurrencies and their use will be widespread in this case, I expect that this will increase the price of cryptocurrencies in general and Bitcoin in particular, and this important thing in the matter is its increase in its price in the exchange market, which increases our profits here
  10. Indeed, my friend, the world of cryptography is full of valuable information, not only making money, it is the world of the stock exchange, money, science and learning. Let's not forget this thing. I have good concepts about digital life here and about the world of stock exchange and money that I did not know before entering the world of cryptography
  11. Currently, I am collecting bitcoins, I have confidence in this cryptocurrency with the current drop in the price, but it will return to the rise, and this is because Bitcoin is the basis of the crypto world, I will not give it up
  12. At first, my friend, we must be careful about what we do and the sites we enter, everything is possible, but if you are compromised, try quickly to change the password by using e-mail and then create a strong password. I hope that you do not fall into such problems.
  13. Thank you to all friends for this wonderful discussion. Indeed, I believe in the power of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, as it may save us from various things such as unemployment and inflation as well as it was reported by friends. So let us work hard publicly and be a reason to save our country from many things using cryptocurrencies
  14. I think that the main currencies will remain in the first ten currencies, and currently the race for the first place between Bitcoin and Ethereum has been on the rise and fall for a while.
  15. I think, my friend, that because of the disease, people are using remote payment, and this is what makes the demand for cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, increasing in its price.
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