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Everything posted by Waltee

  1. I think I would just be happy that I was already super rich. Anyone with 10700 Eth must be insanely rich and could probably live with it a lot easier than most of us.
  2. The only way I can see btc going to 100k is if the value of the dollar crashes. The only way it could hit that price would be due to hyperinflation of the dollar. In this case the actual value of btc wouldn’t change anyway. It would still be worth the same, (buy the same amount of products) but the dollar would be worth less. Like when Germans were taking wheel barrels full of money To buy a loaf of bread after the war because they printed money to pay there debts and rebuild there country.
  3. It really depends on what you consider a scam. There are lots of scams in the cryptoworld but there are also a lot of good opportunities for making a profit. There are a lot of what people call “scam currencies” although I’ve made plenty of money trading these currencies. Like anything else if you buy it low and sell it high you’ll make a profit who cares if the currency has no substance.
  4. It’s a bit like gambling. You need to stake a lot to make a lot or get extremely lucky. The best way is to have a lot of capital but not use it until you know the game. Start off small and when you start to make money then increase your exposure.
  5. It is definitely hard to “get rich quick”. It’s a lot of time and work to make real money, but it gets easier the longer you do it. You learn how and where to make money and what to avoid.
  6. It is absolutely not safe. It’s safe to receive payments but not to send them. If you want to buy something from me and I tell you I’ll send it as soon as I receive your btc payment then why would I send it, I’ve got your money and I can just do the same to the next guy that comes along. It’s so dodgy it’s not funny. It is not good for buying things. Not yet.
  7. There are varying levels of risk as a result of fluctuations. The size of your stake, the % of your stake to your whole portfolio are big factors that expose you to risk. Whales with diverse portfolios for example have a lot less exposure to risk due to fluctuation than a part time trader putting all their eggs in one volatile basket would.
  8. I couldn’t agree more. If they want to reap the benefits of having an exchange then they need to be responsible for its security and liable for any losses as a result of theft.
  9. I live in Australia and lots of people here already seem to have embraced this. I don’t know how I feel about it. I don’t think I would want to wave my phone around to pay for everyday items. I hate using cash though, I barely ever use it but what’s wrong with debit cards.
  10. Surely it has to be trading. You can’t make any real money writing can you? I would love to write about crypto and get paid enough to live on but I don’t think it’s possible. Mining is easily the most profitable if you can’t trade very well.
  11. Can you please send 100 btc to this address? LOL.
  12. The obvious answer is buy low but for me the best time to buy is when your certain the price will go up. I have talked a bit of smack about chart analysis in the past, even on this forum but it can be useful for this. The alternative is a lot of study or keeping track of prices regularly over a long period of time.
  13. Generally bars have far more male patrons than female which means a lot more people using the male facilities. Male patrons also stand up to piss and get a fair bit drunker so aim becomes an issue not just with relieving yourself but with washing hands etc but I have a question, what the hell does this have to do with crypto?
  14. I love Yobit although it could do with more users. Especially users who are real traders and not trying to get something for nothing. The order book can look a bit silly at times. I have seen coins that can only be sold for 10% of what they cost to buy, crycoin comes to mind. People can create orders at ridiculous prices that have no chance of being filled.
  15. I doubt the NSA could mine 15 btc a day. LOL
  16. Thanks for the heads up, I was considering checking this out.
  17. Even with an ASIC machine it’s not very profitable these days, people need to factor in power consumption. Due to btc having, the returns aren’t that great.
  18. It can but there’s a lot of time and effort that needs to go into it, you can get lucky but it’s mostly a lot of work and learning. It gets easier though.
  19. I wouldn’t invest in a single coin. If you had invested in Yobit VMining a month ago, you would already have Recovered your capital and be earning a daily income. Theyre triple the price now and still worth investing in.
  20. Chart analysis indicators are only really effective for trading stocks and good ones at that like Mining companies. I would never rely on them for predictions, maybe for assuming that if I buy x amount Good shares I can expect x amount of return in x amount of time but that’s it. I’ve seen so many really bad predictions by people using chart analysis.
  21. That’s pretty much the truth of it, you need to be at it every day. A lot can change if your not keeping your eye on things for even a week or two.
  22. That is true and it can be hard as there is often not enough market liquidity if you invest a lot in smaller price coins. I find the best plans are in the most expensive currencies you find on there and there are a few. Water is one that springs to mind, it’s not super expensive but it’s not a super cheap coin either and it returns 3% a day. Usually the best plans get taken up quickly and can be traded as everyone is in on them. Mask was good for a while but is nearly dead, I have about 1.5bil which is worth what it was when I had 10mil. I started with 130k of them which cost me very little so who cares.
  23. Waltee

    Risk and Reward

    That is the golden rule although when you’ve built something substantial using what you can afford to lose and start trading at a higher level it would be devastating to lose it. It’s not easy to do, unless your really lucky.
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