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Everything posted by ProjectJourneyman

  1. Energi has a lot of potential because it has ETH-like capabilities and ALREADY has staking. I think it's a better coin. However, price is often based on investor sentiment, so the word needs to get out.
  2. Tournaments can be fun, but my rule is never with my own money 😂 I've actually done really well with a trading competition with a token that had an airdrop, I was ok trading away what they had given me (which was to their benefit with increased volume). I've also gotten rekt with a leveraged airdropped amount. I learned some lessons, just luckily not with my own money.
  3. these little airdrops aren't worth much, I gambled mine away with dice - double or nothing. I think what I had was below the threshold to invest or sell.
  4. Bitcoin Cash isn't as bad as Bitcoin SV, but it's still a weak attempt at a cash grab (it's made some people wealthy) with nothing real to add. Tweaking a few parameters isn't enough of a reason to make a whole new chain and pretend to be the "real" bitcoin. Other projects have done far better to add something of value.
  5. I did LPN a few months ago, and liked that I could buy by dex and stake by web3. The delegation mechanism is pretty smooth. The only problem is that it takes 7 days to unstake so you'll be left with neither stake rewards nor ability to take advantage of price swings during that time. (less of a problem if you're in it for the long term and bought cheap)
  6. Kucoin's soft staking is convenient, but it's always a better deal to stake it yourself if you hold a lot of a coin. Still, if you have coins you're not going to trade for a bit soft staking is a better-than-nothing option.
  7. To cover this again: There's no such thing as a verified bitcoin wallet. You can have a verified account with a service, but that's something different. If you don't have private keys (mnemonic words) then it's not a wallet, it's a service where someone else holds your money.
  8. I don't generally trust comparisons to big names. Nobody is the new X. If they're amazing they'll carve out their own niche. Likely it's all hype though. The magic is in the execution, so if the user experience is good then users will stay when drawn in.
  9. I wouldn't trust any telegram exchange bot, it's a very common scam. I suggest not testing with any large amounts, and if you can't exchange until your amount is higher then run quickly.
  10. It really sounds like Monero is the BTC of the privacy coin field: A decrepit dinosaur that has been exceeded in every way by other currencies with more modern features and better design, but still going strong because of the name recognition.
  11. I got the 7M dice, played a few times. Good way to double or nothing your dust. As Dice isn't on a market I'm not sure what good it is to hold it, but that doesn't mean I need to blow it all on dice games right away 😄
  12. Honestly, for as much as BTC miners get paid if they can't push out sufficient transaction speed it's because the limits of the BTC design (and PoW) have been hit. The amount of computational effort per transaction is crazy inefficient.
  13. It's nearly impossible for a single cryptocurrency to disappear, let alone all of them. Even after developers close shop and the website is down, people keep trading on various exchanges. The market is hungry for the speculation of alts, so I don't see any way for the entire market to die out.
  14. Scam or no, the FLX airdrop I paid about $0.15 for in gas is worth slightly less than that, but I think I could only use it for fees. Too much trouble for me, but it's probably more worthwhile if you live in that region.
  15. Even if you can't earn ad revenue, the fact that it blocks horrible annoying ads (without blocking content that detects ad blockers) is an amazing improvement.
  16. Lol, the post indicated that this is a scam coin capitalizing on the Samsung name, but you love it and are super excited for it?
  17. ETH is suffering from the same problem of high transaction fees as the network gets clogged. I see that as a sign that it's not the right technology. Although ETH is working on an upgrade, there are better options already. In the BTC world, people are just forking the code and creating competing clones. The best option is a more scalable coin that combines the best of the newer features of chains. I think NRG does this, but I'm not intending to shill it in this post. Just saying BTC isn't the best crypto anymore.
  18. Good advice. Looks like I set that up a long time ago and forgot about it, but good advice - everyone should set this up. Another piece of advice: Everyone that DMs you on Telegram is a scammer. Especially if they look like they're from a project for which you just asked a question or for help. Legitimate project members will NEVER DM you first. Never. If you get a DM it's always a scammer.
  19. Always? That sounds like a pretty hard bar to meet. I don't think IEOs have such a good track record, do the ones on Binance really have that good of success rate?
  20. How would these hackers know that you are legitimately the owner of the funds that they're "stealing back"? Sounds like a risky area to get into, but I understand the desperation after getting ripped off. Lesson: Don't invest large amounts in an ICO/IEO (or any at all unless you're a real expert)
  21. Most ICOs/IEOs are either scams or just not going to be successful. It's hard to tell the difference, particularly if you're new. Here's a pro tip: If you don't have a lot of experience, avoid these entirely. Don't buy into the hype, because your chance of finding the right one, even if you try to do your research, is low. So many projects have fake teams (stock photos or otherwise stolen identities) and fake whitepapers. It takes a lot of work to vet a project. So do yourself a favor and invest in real projects for a bit until you have a LOT of experience.
  22. What is this based on? It sounds like FUD, but if you have information to back that up we'd be interested to hear it. Have there been any security incidents specifically with Guarda?
  23. Guarda works well for me. I have the web wallet on desktop and the mobile wallet on my phone (same wallet). I like that I can use my fingerprint to open it on my phone. The UI is clean, and overall it's a good wallet.
  24. Update: the electroneum app ended the free mining. It's on phase 2 now, where you can spend electroneum to buy services. Pi is still good, but as others said you can't spend it yet.
  25. Nice work! I think I'll need to be a bit more bitcoin rich before I could spend money on crypto-related art (or display it in my home) but I like it.
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