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Reason to report:-I am just wondering to see the tricks from scammers 😜! This user first searches specific topic (created on this forum) relevant posts by using search engine and copy some portion of the texts to process by using paraphrasing tool and he supplies output texts on this forum. Wait he is not alone, I have signs for others too 😂🤣!!









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Dear moderators,




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Reason to report:- All copied and intentionally modified contents to create the new topics !




1.Copied Post:-





2.Copied Post:-





3.Copied Post:-




 Thank You 🙏!

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Offender: riadhbit

Profile Link:

Comment: This guy might be a hard nut to crack. The following evidence is picked up from a cached webpage, which in turn might be plagiarized from a book called "The Bitcoin Guidebook: How to Obtain, Invest, and Spend the World's First Decentralized Cryptocurrency" which I have no access to unfortunately.

Virtually all the topics he made are suspicious. If that isn't enough, he also made some topics with the same title all over a section.


Offending post:


When you hear bitcoin mining, you probably imagine Bitcoin mining in a mine like gold. But Bitcoin isn't physical, so why do we call it mining?

Because it's similar to gold mining in that bitcoins exist in the design of the protocol (just like gold exists underground), but they haven't come to light yet (just like gold has not yet been unearthed). The bitcoin protocol states that 21 million bitcoins will exist at any given time. What the "miners" do is bring them to light, a few at a time.

They get to do this as a reward for creating blocks of validated transactions and their inclusion in the blockchain.


The Knots

A node is a powerful computer that runs Bitcoin software and helps Bitcoin run by participating in information relay. Anyone can run a node, just download the bitcoin software (free) and leave a port open (the downside is that it consumes power and storage space - the network at the time of writing takes about 145GB). The nodes propagate bitcoin transactions around the network. A node will send information to a few nodes that it knows, which will relay the information to the nodes that it knows, etc. That way, it will end up bypassing the entire network pretty quickly.

Some nodes are data mining nodes (generally referred to as "miners"). These group the ongoing transactions into blocks and add them to the blockchain. How do they do that? By solving a complex mathematical puzzle that is part of the bitcoin program, and including the answer in the block. The puzzle that needs to be solved is to find a number which, when combined with the data in the block and passed through a hash function, produces a result that is within a certain range. It's a lot harder than it sounds.


How to solve this mathematical puzzle? By guessing at random. The hash function makes it impossible to predict the output. So the miners guess the mystery number and apply the hash function to the combination of that guessed number and the data in the block. The resulting hash must start with a preset number of zeros. There is no way to know which number will work, as two consecutive integers will give extremely variable results. Additionally, there may be multiple nonces that produce the desired result, or there may not be (in this case, miners keep trying, but with a different block configuration).

The first miner to obtain a hash resulting in the desired range announces his victory to the rest of the network. All other miners immediately stop working on that block and start trying to find the mystery number for the next one. As a reward for their work, the winning miner gets a new bitcoin.

the cost of a mining node is considerable, not only because of the powerful hardware it needs (if you have a faster processor than your competition, you are more likely to find the right number before the others), but also the large amounts of electricity consumed by these processors.


And, the number of bitcoins awarded as a reward for solving the puzzle will decrease. It's 12.5 now, but it's halving every four years (the next one is scheduled for 2020-21). The value of bitcoin relative to the cost of electricity and hardware could rise over the next few years to partially offset this reduction, but that is not certain.

The difficulty of the computation (the required number of zeros at the start of the hash chain) is frequently adjusted, so it takes an average of 10 minutes to process a block.

Why 10 minutes? This is the amount of time bitcoin developers believe it takes for a constant and decreasing flow of new coins until the maximum number of 21 million is reached (expected sometime in 2140).

Before being in possession of a bitcoin, you need a place to store it. This place is called a wallet which means wallet. Rather than keeping your bitcoin physically, it contains the private key that allows you to access your bitcoin address (which is also your public key). A wallet typically holds multiple private keys, and many Bitcoin investors have multiple wallets.

Wallets can be installed on your computer and / or mobile device, on a physical storage gadget, or even on a sheet of paper.

Original website:


NOTE: This is just a part of the text taken from there.


The Bitcoin Guidebook How to Obtain, Invest, and Spend the Worlds First Decentralized Cryptocurrency


Two-factor authentication (2fa) is a way to add additional security to your wallet. The second 'factor' is a verification code retrieved via text message or from an app on a mobile device. 2fa is conceptually similar to a security token device that banks in some countries require for online banking. A node is a powerful computer that runs bitcoin software and helps keep bitcoin running by participating in the transmission of information. Anybody can run a bitcoin node, easily download the bitcoin software (free) and leave a certain port open (the drawback is that it consumes energy and storage space; the network at the time of writing . Bitcoin idiot guide abstract: discover how to obtain visitors’ have confidence in by finding out how on the web casinowebsites have defeat tremendous hurdles to building believe in between sitesite visitors. The currency, which was created by charles lee in 2011, is the second largest digital currency next to bitcoin. Find out how to obtain the coins, which hardware and software suit this purpose better, and where to store the ‘dogmoney. There’s a myriad of new cryptocurrencies that can be obtained through mining, and one of the easiest catches is doge. This revised edition of the bitcoin guidebook has the most up-to-date info and recommended approaches for anyone who doesn't want to be left behind in the next technological revolution. It is an easy-to-read, easy-to-understand guide that explains everything the reader needs to know about how bitcoin and other digital currencies work, what they . Mining is the skeleton framework that enables blockchain's coveted bitcoin cryptocurrency application to run properly. This open source process is how new bitcoin is added to the money supply and also verifies all transactions done using the peer to peer bitcoin network. In my earlier guide on bitcoin wallets, i have used two terms extensively- private address (or key) and public address (or key). These keys are what makes bitcoin the safest and most widely used cryptocurrency. To understand private keys and public keys, let us look at an example. Localbitcoins is a p2p bitcoin marketplace that provides a decentralized way to obtain and trade bitcoin. Started in helsinki in 2020, the marketplace aims to connect those willing to sell and buy bitcoins in a peer-to-peer way – that is, via direct user interaction without third party intermediation. Before you start using bitcoin, there are a few things that you need to know in order to use it securely and avoid common pitfalls. When you mine bitcoin, you actually verify bitcoin transactions in the public, decentralized ledger of bitcoin transactions (called the blockchain). Every time you find a new block to add to the chain, the system gives you some bitcoin as a reward. Back in the early days of bitcoin, it was easy to mine bitcoin using your own computer. There is a limited amount of bitcoins in circulation and a limited number in total, 21 million to be exact. Bitcoin are released into circulation by running certain software on powerful computers, this is a thing called mining, in which computers complete mathematical equations in search for rewards called “blocks”. Bitcoin beginner's guide: some people think it’s the greatest invention since the printing press. Our guide will teach you how to obtain free hyperbits for bitcoin billionaire without using hacks or cheats. Stop wasting your time on hacks and cheats that do not work and learn our strategies of obtaining hyperbits for free. How to obtain bitcoin if you have a user-controlled wallet, you could buy some bitcoin through services like coinbase, circle, itbit, gemini and other exchanges, which enable you to link your bank. A good guide should start with teaching you the general rules of trading: as a crypto trading beginner you should start with understanding the underlying mechanics of financial markets in general and the rules of profitable trading, before you are ready to understand the driving forces of crypto markets and before you are ready to get into the . The bitcoin guidebook: how to obtain, invest, and spend the world's first decentralized cryptocurrency [demartino, ian] on amazon. The bitcoin guidebook: how to obtain, invest, and spend the world's first decentralized cryptocurrency. With the hardware of an everyday person, it would take years to get earn acutal bitcoins. Expending monetary or mental resources to get bitcoins is a necessity. But some methods of buying and earning bitcoins are more effective than others. Read on to learn the best ways to buy bitcoins and the best ways to earn them for free through bitcoin faucets. This guide will include methods of how to turn bitcoin into cash such as bank transfer, paypal and even through cash deposit! i will show you how to withdraw bitcoins to cash using a broker and through a peer-to-peer exchange. As bitcoin is becoming more universal, having a good understanding of this digital currency is extremely beneficial. Before you can start buying bitcoins, you need to get a bitcoin wallet. Bitcoin has made early investors like the winkelvoss twins millions in a matter of minutes in the past year and has the potential to transform the financial landscape. Like the internet, bitcoin is a technology that runs through a distributed network. For that one simply has to go to the bitcoin atm and them against cash. In fact, this is easier because one just needs to log in and buy bitcoins from the bitcoin exchange. To make a profit from bitcoin mining, you need to have a lot of very powerful hardware. Otherwise you’ll end up spending more on power than you earn from bitcoin. This is probably the easiest way to get free bitcoin that’s actually worthwhile. The official bitcoin-abc guide to keeping @ deadalnix happy while backporting code from bitcoin core. Check out a copy of a satoshi bitcoin client somewhere on your machine. Compare bitcoin mining with the mining of other precious metals that require you to destroy the environment constantly in order to obtain the material. Contrast this with what upsteam data and steve barbour is doing to capture methane and use it for mining. Bitcoin can be sent quickly and securely from any point in the world to another; the only need is an internet connection. Due to being a decentralized coin, the bitcoin price is determined in the free market, subject to supply and demand. If you are new to bitcoin and feeling a little overwhelmed then i have produced a step by step guide to get your started. Another way that you can obtain bitcoin is through bitcoin atms. They work like regular atms, and there are more than 4,000 bitcoin atms across 76 countries. You can also buy bitcoins directly from bitcoin owners through peer-to-peer transfers. If this is bitcoin, then the borrower needs to repay the bitcoin loan amount plus interest. If us dollar or euro is the base currency, the loan repayments are calculated in dollars or euros. But the amount of bitcoins that are repaid each month fluctuate with the bitcoin price. The bitcoin guidebook (paperback) how to obtain, invest, and spend the world's first decentralized cryptocurrency. Buy bitcoin, xrp and more with mobile credit: full guide (2020) coingate in this guide, we will show how to purchase cryptocurrencies right here on coingate using mobile balance, as well as answer the most common questions regarding this payment method. Bitcoin has progressed enough as an industry that in a matter of minutes, you can own bitcoins that can be used as currency or an investment. If you want to receive bitcoin, you'll have to supply the sender of that bitcoin with your bitcoin address. Anyone can send you bitcoin using the address, but they can't take any bitcoin from your wallet (or even see how much you have). Fair enough; i'll tell you what you need to know to get started. By the way, i am neither a bitcoin cheerleader nor a naysayer. 3 aug 2020 margin funding allows you to earn returns on your funds without the risk associated with trading. How does bitcoin work? there are other ways in which a person can buy a unit of the currency. In order to purchase a certain number of bitcoins, you need to first set up a wallet. If you’re a beginner, and would prefer an easier way to buy bitcoin, you could install the bitcoin. Follow the setup instructions, including making a copy of the 12-word wallet recovery phrase that’s shown on-screen. When you get the bill at a local coffee shop that accepts bitcoins, you can point the camera at the qr code displayed, hit the scan button, and the software will turn it into a bitcoin address. Then all you have to do is click the send button to pay the coffee shop. 1 aug 2019 ideally the bots actually generate a profit and ideally that profit is greater in risk- adjusted terms than had you have just bought the same coins and . As more people join the bitcoin network and try to mine bitcoins, the puzzles become harder, and more computing power and electricity are used for each bitcoin produced. Calculating the cost to understand how to calculate the electrical energy used to power the bitcoin network, you'll need to understand how bitcoin creation works. We believe that bitcoin and blockchain technology is a breakthrough of a modern life. Com we publish news about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencyies. If you want to join our team and publish your own articles just contact us by email. In order to make the best returns on bitcoin investments you need to understand what it really is and how it works. Many people think that bitcoin is a scam, but it certainly isn’t. However there have been some scams in the cryptocurrency world. You just need to know the best way to obtain bitcoins and the most trusted investment strategies. The bitcoin guidebook is for anyone who doesn’t want to be left behind in the next technological revolution. It is an easy-to-read, easy-to-understand guide that explains everything the reader needs to know about how bitcoin and other digital currencies work, what they can be used for, and how they will shape our society in the future. Miners have specialized in digging the bitoment, who combine in the so-called mines, or cooperatives, where they combine their computing power and share profits. One of the most common ways to obtain bitcoin is to buy shares in such a mine. It is not just a wallet to choose from but also a major bitcoin client and has huge prominence in the industry. Bitcoin core is a desktop app on the official bitcoin website, bitcoin. The sole purpose is to send and receive money in the wallet and does not offer buying and selling. Bitcoin is as virtual as the credit cards and online banking networks people use everyday. Bitcoin can be used to pay online and in physical stores just like any other form of money. Bitcoins can also be exchanged in physical form such as the denarium coins, but paying with a mobile phone usually remains more convenient. As shown in the schema 1 above, your address bitcoin is obtained by applying a double hashing (sha256 and ripemd160) to the public key to obtain what is called the “public key hash” (20bytes/160bit). The latter is then encrypted using a base58check system to obtain a bitcoin address. The bitcoin guidebook how to obtain, invest, and spend the world’s first decentralized cryptocurrency. Create your purchasing account in minutes by adding your details and verifying your identity. Another way to purchase bitcoin with cash is by using bitcoin atms. Although not everyone has an atm next to them, this is one of the best ways to buy bitcoin anonymously. Bitcoin atms don’t require identification but they will ask for your bitcoin address.


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Dear Moderators,

Greetings 🙏!

Here are two users:-


  • borhan2019
  • yr_sat

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Read me first ! 

Reason to Report:-Users are creating the copied posts ! User-1  is appeared to be participating in "Сontest for 10 BTC! Yobit Virtual Mining!" So I expect you just to remove his plagiarized topic.

In case of User-2 , I suspect him because he has supplied 100% copied contents without mentioning his authorship. 




1.Copied Post:-






1.Copied Post:-




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User:. edwards12



reason for report: I caught this user copying 100% same Contents of other users to create his own posts without changing any of the word. 


 screenshot of original content:





screenshot of copied contents:




Link to topic:.


Thank you for considering my report🙏



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Dear Moderators,

Greetings 🙏!

Back to back scammers detected ! 

Here are two users !


  • sharaijoy
  • Bit4.Sale

Profile Links:-

Reason to report:- User-1 is looking a serious cheater as he is copying others' older replies to create the new post. Another user has copied text by slightly modifying in the texts. 







Copied post:-







Copied Post:-1986240540_Screenshot(68).png.ca4f2eb3be4bb41c065a6b7c4613504b.png




Copied Post:-




Thank You 🙏!

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User:. Sajawal khan


User Profile:.



This user seems to be smart by copying exactly same Contents without changing any word completely. Same comments from the original source. All user posts are same copying and pasting.


That is a proof of original content:



Proof of copied Content:


an compare comments and check profiles. Thank you for considering my report 🙏.



Edited by Babubu609

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This two user copy and paste from me and @Honny143 content. 

First spammer profile link:


Second spammer profile link ::


Here is the original content link ::   



Here is the copy and paste proof link for first spammer ::



Here is the second spammer copy and paste proof link ::      


We are waiting for your action @epidemia 

Edited by Dorjoy12
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This member copied another member content and here is the spammer profile link


This is the real   content



Here is the spammer content  

 reason for report : copy and paste from another member content.. Waiting for your action @epidemia  

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This is the last report i do for a while. I thought i had more energy to continue this hunt again but this is just too nerve breaking and time consuming as they just keep coming like there wouldn't be ip block at all. I'll think i focus on long in depth articles instead; those takes less time and are more rewarding in every way.



A copy paste bot that Combines from different posts,

2 examples again:











































Funny enough is it's followed by another kind of word mangling bot,  i'll just give one more example then i stop.







That's it, hats off you you guys who keep doing this.


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user:. shourav001


user profile:.


reason for report: This guy seems to be using multiple accounts because I have submitted a lot of same complain copy and pasting exactly same Contents of other users. In general internal plagiarism. Proof this guy copied my posts exactly without adding a word to it which shows he is not smart. All the way we shall keep hunting them because we have no seat for them.


original source:






Proof to Copied Contents:




Link to posts: 



Moderator should check this profiles I am sure all posts are created using same styles. Thanks for considering my report 🙏

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I want to report about spammer,this member doesn't know about any crypto or topic related stuff .he is just posting ambiguous words in posts also created thread which doesn't related to cryptocurrency.You can look into his posts. I think this has to be reported. 


Profile :

Sir, need tour attention @epidemia

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While it seems futile at this point to focus on copy paste bots when we have ton of these $dlrs spammers making this forum almost impossible to use, i am using other ways to report them and copy pasting bots keep making money in background undisturbed. 


I tried to report copy paste bots and this low quality spam that has been happening lately via report button but bots aren't getting banned, so i try once again in here and hope that @epidemia takes care of these


But here we go:


This one might not be bot but he steals content:

2 examples from :





















Here's a bot:

Every post from it either don't make any sense in the context or is is build from sentences from other posts and changes them a bit so they are kind of hard to find.


Example 1












(edit: apparently i can't post any more pictures to this. Trust me, i was coming to posts where she stole from me and mangled the words..



I'll just paste the links... Copy : 


Stolen from these:


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Dear @epidemia and @Desais ,

During this pressure situations, I have collected so many cheaters here. 


All are the serious cheaters with an endless copied and cryptic  posts !


Profile Links:-


Reasons to report:- Excessive copied useless contents ! 







I suspect these can be post generating bots(Low quality posters):-


P.S. More than 40k useless posts will go along with them if these pollution creators(of useless posts) banned in a single batch. 

Thank You🙏 !


Edited by Whited35
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Op starts a topic that's probably copy paste from somewhere but i'll get him later, now i'll focus to the bots that replied to this.






Bunch of bots replying:




The fact that these were bots is so obvious when you look at the answers that i don't feel i need to even find more examples.


Here are bot accounts for an easy access in case if this thread gets deleted before admin sees this post:


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I want to report this member who is using specific phrase in comment to creat illogical posts.Kindly look in to its posts.


Profile :



Post 1 :



Post 2:



Sir,need your attention @epidemia

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Грубый машинный перевод одной и той же статьи, написанной явно не самим автором, причём с разных аккаунтов.

Его аккаунт в принципе можно проверить, у них разница в регистрации 3 часа. Один - master, другой - slave.

Edited by dickpicsforfree

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@Bigpat @Desais

I send report for both posts, but my reports was deleted and I decide to write here.

- This is first copy/paste:


This first sentence I can not find but I'm sure that is copy/paste, but second part is copy/paste of this my comment:

- Second copy/paste same member:

And this is my comment:

 He just mix up sentence and published posts.


Like I say above I send report for both posts with link to posts which is copied but my reports are deleted and that copy/paste posts are still there.

And to all this I saw this (his) comment:

But I dont see that he is banned, he write posts before 1minute.

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35 minutes ago, Iferedavid said:

I just wonder why people are so lazy to type good and useful content and post. I will start reporting those that are using copy and paste from now onwards. 

Everyone wants to make easy money and because of that they try copying other posts and then posting. As you said they are so lazy to make new topics and try making some good topics which are useful for other members. If l realize any user who try copying and pasting l would share here. 

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    • Новый проект на CoinList — Nillion            CoinList объявили о новом токенсейле на своей площадке для проекта Nillion, — «слепой компьютер» или вычислительная сеть, которая децентрализует данные так же, как блокчейн транзакции.Детали:- дата проведения: до 26 июня 20:00;- цена за токен: $0,4;- тикер: NIL: - FDV: $400 млн;- выделено токенов: 35 млн NIL; - аллокация: от $100 до $5000;- разлоки: 5% на TGE, затем следует 6-месячный линейный вестинг.Листинг на биржах ожидается во второй половине августа 2024 года.Также есть возможность инвестировать более $5000, но с другими условиями. Все подробности и регистрация по ссылке.
    • У Биткойна есть около 10 дней, пока макроэкономические условия в США не поддержат возврат к росту цены BTC. Так считает финансовый обозреватель Tedtalksmacro, который отслеживает корреляцию между ценовым действием BTC и ликвидностью Федеральной резервной системы США. Ценовое действие BTC строго коррелирует с ликвидностью ФРС Биткойн может упасть примерно на 3,2% в июне, но ситуация может измениться до конца месяца. Анализируя, как условия ликвидности ФРС влияют на BTC/USD, Tedtalksmacro выявил тесную корреляцию, которая сохранялась в течение нескольких месяцев. «Корреляция между биткойнами и ликвидностью ФРС никогда не перестает меня удивлять», — написал он в сопроводительном комментарии к X. BTC/USD против ликвидности ФРС. Источник: Talking Macro График из его собственного ресурса макроданных Talking Macro показал максимумы и минимумы цен BTC, синхронизируемые с локальными пиками и минимумами ликвидности ФРС. Даже последний исторический максимум Биткойна в 73 800 долларов в середине марта сопровождался скачком ликвидности.   Уточняя, как рассчитывается ликвидность, Tedtalksmacro подтвердил, что эта цифра основана на «сочетании активов ФРС, рынков репо и данных казначейства». Источник:Talking Macro Биткойн-ETF ждут притока банковских активов в США Talking Macro упомянул о проблемных краткосрочных препятствиях для биткойнов, отметив новое снижение притоков в спотовые биржевые фонды биткойнов (ETF) в США.   После того, как в начале июня они увидели второй по величине дневной приток за всю историю наблюдений, тенденция изменилась: за последние четыре торговых дня на Уолл-стрит, наоборот, наблюдался чистый отток. По данным мониторинговых ресурсов, в том числе британской инвестиционной компании Farside Investors, четырехдневный отток составил чуть более 700 миллионов долларов, что все еще меньше, чем приток 4 июня в 886 миллионов долларов. Потоки биткойн-ETF (скриншот). Источник: Farside Investors. Ожидания продолжают расти в третьем квартале и далее, когда речь идет о новой волне институционального интереса к Биткойну, поскольку, по прогнозам, американские интернет-провайдеры получат доступ к спотовым продуктам ETF. Как сообщают СМИ, это событие является ключевым моментом в поле зрения тех, кто следит за продолжающейся трансформацией Биткойна в институциональный инвестиционный класс-тяжеловес. Среди них Кэти Вуд, генеральный директор управляющей компании ARK Invest, одного из поставщиков спотовых ETF. «Ни одна платформа еще не одобрила Биткойн, поэтому все эти ценовые изменения произошли до того, как они его одобрили, и поэтому мы даже не начали», — сказала она в мартовском интервью об американских телеграфных агентствах.
    • Здравствуйте, уважаемые друзья! Рады представить вам сервис обмена криптовалют   Мы ежедневно работаем над улучшением нашего сервиса, и уже сейчас вы можете обменивать криптовалюту по самым популярным направлениям. В будущем мы планируем расширить количество направлений и добавить новые монеты. Для вашего удобства мы создали раздел где вы можете найти ответы на самые частые вопросы.   В настоящее время мы работаем с понедельника по пятницу с 10:00 до 18:00 по московскому времени.   Связаться с нами можно через Telegram: Или по электронной почте:
    • Information from twitter    Official statement from Webster, in response to the cyber attack. Comunicado oficial de Webster, en respuesta al ciberataque.   More information at  
    • Токенсейл BridgeM на Dappad          Ранее проводили конкурс с WhiteList Zone на доступ в сейл для проектов ZKX и BridgeM. Детали: - тикер: BDGM; - алокация: до 250 USDT; - разлок: 15% на TGE, далее вестинг 6 месяцев; - пройдет сейл 26 июня 2024 года; - платформа: Dappad; - нужно проходить KYC. Как происходит участие после покупки WL? В личном кабинет необходимо перейти во вкладку Purchases, где на купленном вайтлисте нажимаем на Detail. Далее в блоке 2FA копируем приватный ключ от кошелька, который уже в вайтлисте. Этот ключ необходимо импортировать, например, в Metamask. Пополняем кошелек суммой, на которую планируете выкупить аллокацию. Переходим на сайт и участвуем в сейле с этого же адреса.
    • Сколько теорию ни учи, сколько ни исследуй рынки, все равно все приходит с практикой. Это же касается торговли криптой. Даже с демо-счета когда-то придется переходить на реальный.
    • 20.06.2024 Тарифы Kingex 👑   Покупка криптовалюты / Buying cryptocurrency:   BTC/ETH  +1.5% (Мы доплачиваем) USDT  +1.5% (Мы доплачиваем)   ^^SALE^^ от 50k    + 1.7%    Продажа криптовалюты / Selling cryptocurrency:   BTC/ETH  +3.5%  USDT   +3.5%    Оператор: @Kingex Сайт: Курс на протяжении дня может меняться! ------------------------ Будьте ОСТОРОЖНЫ, появились фейки! Наш телеграм: @Kingex
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