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Josephine Benson

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About Josephine Benson

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  1. You can get referrals for sharing your link frequently on social media. Don't give up on this. Just keep posting 2 to 3 days intervals and you will by all means get some clicking on it.
  2. Very true. Price may either increase or decrease based on demand and supply. Thanks so much friend for the last point. Never knew about closing of investment at any time.
  3. That's a very good work done. Thanks so much for the input. Very valuable informal you've given up there. I urge everyone to read through, it will go a long way to guide and help in the crypto world.
  4. True it's very hard to find the true ones. Of late lots of people are creating scam sites claiming to be giving out free tokens but end up scamming users. There are real airdrop coins so also there are scam airdrops Be vigilant.
  5. How exactly coins are created depends on what is defined by a given cryptocurrency’s code. For example, a cryptocurrency may create some tokens upon launch as developer rewards or a cryptocurrency may pay out tokens as dividends on a monthly basis. Cryptocurrency is software. Every function from how transactions are recorded, to how data is stored, is dictated by code.Especially for cryptocurrencies whose main function is to act as a money, cryptocurrency transactions are typically stored in a type of database known as a blockchain, other cryptos use unique technology, but the gist is the same. What we think of as cryptocurrency, for example 1 Bitcoin, is just numbers recorded on a cryptocurrency’s blockchain. Another word for that stand-in for value is “token” often also called a “coin”.
  6. Changing networks won't be a problem. All you need is to remember your account details to enable you log in successfully.
  7. To make your introduction and their acceptance prompt, wait and have some concrete proof of your payment first. That way you don't need to talk much. The payment evidence will talk for itself. I advise that in your waiting period before going to them, do all the learning you need to do in order to be able to help them achieve more when they finally agree to join you here. All the best friend.
  8. Tether is a controversial cryptocurrency with tokens issued by Tether Limited. It formerly claimed that each token was backed by one United States dollar, but on 14 March 2019 changed the backing to include loans to affiliate companies. Tether is called a stablecoin because it was originally designed to always be worth $1.00, maintaining $1.00 in reserves for each tether issued.
  9. Wow, this is great news. This actually means increase in demand for bitcoin which also means rise in bitcoin price. Bitcoin just keeps rising. I'm happy for those that have some coins in their accounts. Now is the time to study the price trend to know exactly when to trade it well. All the best to you all.
  10. I perfectly well agree with you. If not for the help of others I would have left this forum shortly after I got here. But they kept helping me out with the knowledge I needed. It's good for those who have gone ahead to not hesitate to answer questions beginners ask in the forum. We all start from somewhere.
  11. You have done well with this post outlining quite a number of ways to earn money. Online shopping I have tried and it's good. It really helps when you know your way in and out of it. Looking at trading here to see how it will go.
  12. You see the fake and fraudulent sites has made it seem as though there are no genuine sites to invest in to get better returns. This is so much of a disadvantage to many people who could have invested to reap a lot of profit. All you need do is to do a thorough check before investing and if need be involve a trusted expert to help you out. Earning free bitcoin is good but cannot be compared to those that are investing.
  13. Thanks so much. If investing what earned can speed up the process then I think it's a good idea to invest as well as work at it together to achieve it faster.
  14. Thanks so much for sharing your success. I actually came onto this platform due to an airdrop task I need to complete but I have found out I can make some coins even after completing my task. I am taking this forum serious now. When I joined initially, I was finding it difficult posting and commenting correctly and that got most of my comments deleted. It really got me so discouraged and tired but through the encouragement of a friend I came back to finish up and I'm glad I did. I'm in.
  15. Oh fine this is great to know and thanks so much. I'm on my way to my 200 posts. Knowing the rules is the key to success on this forum.
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