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Everything posted by diegoalcalam

  1. The experience of its clients in this forum shows that YOBIT is safe, and transmitting that security is good for your peace of mind.
  2. YOBIT mining seems like a good investment, I think it is leaving a good profit margin, and the behavior of MINEx looks very good...
  3. Very good information, the experience in what you do in life will always be framed between the things that went well and those that did not, making a remembrance of the mistakes made and learning from them would be ideal not to commit them again, However, we must also control our emotions and thus avoid falling into the same mistakes made again, there is a famous saying that says that Man is the only being who stumbles several times over the same stone ...
  4. Cryptocurrency trading can be very profitable and you can achieve unparalleled riches, however it can also make you lose a lot of money, my recommendation is that you acquire enough knowledge to increase the investment and you can minimize the risk and increase the profit margin.
  5. Definitely YOBIT, because it has more functionality, is more secure and gives the opportunity to make investments to a greater range of currencies.
  6. Not at all, I think that on the contrary it is a very technological activity that covers many areas, where a person can learn and develop, and you can earn money, in short it is not a waste of time.
  7. It is always personal criteria is the use of stablecoins, USDT can be used in Cryptocurrency trading as a form of investment protection in extreme cases, either in times of high volatility or in times of high laterality, that is why It depends on the merchant's strategy, which if it is true is that they are currencies that in my opinion will be subject to institutional regulation very soon.
  8. As long as you have the knowledge of how to trade Cryptocurrencies to minimize the risks of loss, the trade will always be better than having some coins in hold, I respect the personal position that investors have, each one is forging is their own way of negotiating.
  9. It is recommended that you study the market well, an investment of 5K can generate good dividends, but you must be aware that you must diverge your investment, having a good portfolio is good to invest in Altlcoins but you should always take BTC into account.
  10. A currency that can represent a viable and feasible option for adoption in a Country can be Litecoin, the speed of transactions and the low cost of fees can make it a reference currency.
  11. It is evident that Cryptocurrencies are bringing a reform in the finances of the world, I believe that sooner rather than later a massive adoption will manifest not only in the field of finance but also the contribution that cryptography is giving to various fields of life everyday, I see a promising future as technology advances.
  12. With Cryptocurrencies, of course you can buy any good, furniture or real estate, it is enough that the parties agree and accept the transfer network, even more the Blochachain technology in the field of smart contracts is already entering the field of real estate, where a real estate contract can be registered.
  13. Well, the main fear that you have when you are going to invest in Cryptocurrencies is to lose money, that the things that you planned will not work out, for this you have to invest in knowledge and also know how much you can lose, that that investment does not compromise your capital.
  14. It is very good information, I will leave my criteria in total agreement with the writer, the experience is what will make you an expert, of course, in the experience it is directly influenced by time, the knowledge acquired to the intelligence that is no more to know how to apply the knowledge acquired in time, successes and failures and many other aspects such as chance, emotions and state of mind, practice, perseverance and constancy; All this will give you experience in a field of life, that is to say, they are an accumulation of aspects that you are adding every day to your expertise.
  15. I think that when we are beginners in the world of cryptocurrencies, we should all have the experience of working with the Bitcoin network, it is the mother currency and its fluctuation affects the behavior of Altcoins, and from there work with other cryptocurrency networks...
  16. Very good question, in my opinion I think that the best contribution we can give to Criptotalk is simply to comply with the rules and regulations of the Forum, so we are making this community a better way of exchanging information.
  17. Actually I have little time, but it gives me a lot of confidence, the transactions are fast, and without trauma it has a great variety of portfolios which expands the margin of options for trading.
  18. In my personal opinion, earning Bitcoin has to do with time, but a priority is learning how to earn Bitcoin, while increasing your knowledge about the network, and all its related activities to invest, you will have more and better opportunities to earn Bitcoin .
  19. It is a very interesting platform, very versatile and safe, with a very curious investment portfolio, I think it is the best both in exchanges and in commerce, and now with virtual mining, that is, everything in one place.
  20. It is very important, as you spend more time in the Criptotalk Forum, not only will you get more knowledge about Cryptocurrencies, but you will find many opportunities to stay updated about investments, technology and trade, here in a short time that I have, I have learned a number of things that have helped me.
  21. Totally grateful for giving us some valuable information about the various ways to earn money, now I am focusing on YObit and its opportunities to earn, it seems to me that virtual mining promises.
  22. Good morning, It is an interesting question, the first thing you should invest is in acquiring knowledge, this is a very wide field you can start in this same forum where there is valuable information where you can form a criterion, then know where you are going to place your money taking into account investment risks and profit margins, and learn as you gain experience.
  23. The answer to your question will always be influenced by personal sentiment, which becomes subjective, however Bitcoin is clearly the mother cryptocurrency, which still influences the rest.
  24. In YOBIT virtual mining, Minex is the utility token, the behavior it has had so far is a positive curve, as new miners are bought I think it will increase, for now it is good to buy and hold, always maintaining a eye on the market.
  25. The Tron Ecosystem has its wallet which is the Tronlink, for desktop it is very good, there are others for mobile such as the Klever which is an update of the TronWallet, Yobit also accepts the Tronix.
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