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About Jorge95950

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  1. As a beginner in this field, my greatest difficulty has been with the trade, I have lost some money due to making bad decisions when buying and selling, but all this is part of this path, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, it is very important to learn from our mistakes to not fall into them again.
  2. Nowadays it is certainly very difficult to find an airdrop that is trustworthy and that really pays, however yobit has launched several airdrops with which they have not disappointed us, it is a very reliable and safe page, I hope they will launch many more airdrops.
  3. Lately there are more pages every day about bitcoin gifts, I still haven't checked if they pay or not because to be able to withdraw the coins they charge a very high commission, so they give away the coins but then when they try to withdraw them they get them back with the commission, so you would have to collect large amounts of bitcoin to make some profit.
  4. I think that having a limit as to the reactions of the posts allows greater control of the platform and prevents spamming in the forum, is a very useful tool they have implemented on the platform, that also allows greater control in the publications that are made
  5. The Brave Browser is one of the most used browsers today because they pay in BATs per ad that are displayed on the browser, is a fast browser and so far safe, lately the price of BATs has fallen dramatically due to the demand it presents, this has also led to many people have abandoned it, I hope it manages to keep in the market and its price rises because it is a very good browser simple, fast and effective.
  6. Nowadays the crypt coins are becoming more and more valuable, I consider that they are worth more than gold and that they will soon be replaced, although gold has been a form of trade for thousands of years nowadays its exploitation generates a lot of damage to the land and I consider that this is why crypt coins are a real solution to stop and prevent us from continuing to destroy water sources just for gold. Cryptomonies are the future.
  7. In my country the market related to cryptomodeas is little, the only thing similar to that form of payment is paypal, which in itself is not a crypto currency, it is only a virtual wallet, I do not know the company that accepts this type of transaction in Colombia, however I have to verify more thoroughly if it has not yet been approved in the country this type of economy.
  8. The bitcoin is the most expensive of the crypto currencies because it is considered the first currency to change the world economy, since its founding has had worldwide acceptance and its market has spread rapidly throughout the world, this has given the opportunity that its price has increased exponentially.
  9. I believe that the stability of crypto currencies is very important for the market and the users, this gives more confidence when investing in this field and minimizes the risks of losses, but it is known that crypto currencies can also vary constantly depending on how the situation is in the market, there are crypto currencies that have managed to be maintained for many years and give confidence for investment to their users.
  10. The DOGE coin is a recent currency, which has remained very well in the market, however it is difficult to consider it as the favorite currency in the world because I consider that its price is still low and has not managed to rise as expected, we hope that its boom will come soon and manage to keep a good price in the market.
  11. Today I consider that there are very good coins that follow the steps of the bitcoin, they have managed to stay in the market for several years now and their price has been increasing, among them are the LTC, ETH as the most prominent although behind them come some others taking more strength every day, we hope that the crypt coins continue on track as they are the revolution of the economy.
  12. I think that if one is willing to invest all the money in a single currency has to be very well informed of the market of that currency and its latest movements in the market, depending on the currency this can become very risky because if there is a fall in its price as it would lose a lot of money, and if there is a rise can happen the opposite, in my opinion I think it can be greater risk than the benefit so it is not very useful to invest everything in one currency.
  13. Currently I am not using any trading application on my cell phone because I do not have the basic knowledge on the subject yet. I hope to be able to acquire basic knowledge on this subject on this platform so that I can make adequate investments and not risk monetary losses. I would like you to recommend me which is the best application in this area for cell phones.
  14. As a beginner I think we all come to present various difficulties in this field, as for me mainly I have difficulties in making decisions about how to invest the money, I have to learn even more about where it is safe to invest in order to generate some extra income, there is much to learn but with patience and discipline we will achieve it.
  15. Thank you very much for your contribution, I am just beginning to learn about this community and how to make the most of it, I will try the pages you have recommended.
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