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Everything posted by Guru2050

  1. Virtually Investbox feature added in cryptotalk forum remains the best means of replicating percentage of coins provided the task is fulfilled. Good example is talk coin the main currency for payment. The higher amount of talk you invest the higher percentage to receive as a profit.
  2. Nov 2nd was an exclusive and impressive day for hard working members. It's the date that will never be forgotten in the history of determine and responsible cryptotalk members that invested his or her time, efforts and other relevant things during the period trading was not activated. What transpired on that day in respect to my reaction when the market was finally opened was according to the plan we were enlighten members to adopt which is trade half percent and save the remaining percent in target of the future.
  3. Currently there is nothing like cryptotalk signature campaign taking place in the forum. Any development as such must be communicated to the entire forum family in an effective means for the benefits of others who willingly may participate. But with time signature campaign will be introduce pending on enabling time
  4. The fact is positive feelings, thoughts generate none but positive effects that's successful outcome. First and famous a member must have a direction, set agenda to achieve. Lack of goals causes the failures and disappointments stories so many members had falling victims of in this forum and other relevant sites
  5. Well Very kind of you @F Roberto I really appreciate your consideration. Quite alright some top members had been contributing immensely to the best of their capability they can in sharing informative posts, robust hints and piece of advises to keep the forum conducive and enabling for the newbies growing members. But that should not be seen as individual responsibility rather collective duties upon any cryptotalk member.
  6. No doubt about that @John Pernia capacious crypto holders termly known as whales plays significant role in altering the value of crypto coins at the market. Since the price of crypto is determined by demands and supplies, therefore big companies, teams or individual capable of purchasing large percent trigger the bull and vice versal
  7. Well base on my modest view to this issue @John Pernia The most effective and suitable methodology to adopt in convincing a very close or distance friends, families, relatives and the rest masses to join the world of crypto currency should be communication and explanation approach plus presents (gifts) if possible. Let your success be the main driving force in influencing others to crypto world.
  8. Warmest regards for that consideration @Josekean1 feel free to share your sincere feelings, perspectives as well experiences with fellow colleagues for betterment of the forum. Remain discipline and law abiding member to have a peaceful and stress free participation gaining hefty success
  9. Significance of cryptotalk forum in simple can best be portrayed as a higher institution set aside for learning and impacting the knowledge, experience, skills of Crypto currencies and as well strategies of handling, regulating and managing crypto currencies. Furthermore educate and enlighten the public on benefits of Crypto currencies and entire block chain industry
  10. With the adverse effects of covid-19 out break in 2020/2021 that halts so many opportunities down, stranding citizens at home, imposing lockdown on several working places. I think had explicitly clarify the misconceptions public hold before against the world of crypto currency. Which is why large turn up kept venturing in to crypto world till date
  11. I think it's the right time for everyone to know and understand that cryptotalk forum can only grow positively when members are feeding the forum with quality, constructive and valuable posts. The informative shared impact indubitably on the members, forum thereby raising the forum to a greater heights
  12. What an active, determine and passionate members take home daily from cryptotalk campaign forum is exclusive if compare to the rest accessible platforms. A member that is constant and regular working hard on daily basis gains good amount of crypto coins in both and immeauarable experience and understandings
  13. Cryptotalk is a global platforms aimed in educating and enlighten the public on crypto currencies, the significance and the entire block chain technology. So close and distance families, friends and relatives can participate to reap the benefits of smart modern way of making transactions as well learning and earnings
  14. Not at all but rather positive stories evolving from the turning of crypto market. BTC a coin of just a decade had occupied a strategic position regulating and stimulating the value of essential assets across the globe. In nearest future the whole world will be driven in the phase of crypto currencies
  15. This is not time to sit and mourn at the past events of crypto coins and other relevant system related to it rather an ample opportunity for privilege member to correct or change the story. Most of the members, top investors and traders in the world of crypto today failed to adopts the system at the right time when it was too cheap and affordable. Realizing their mistakes incite them to double more effort in learning tirelessly, make investment for future endeavors. Same logic should replicate my friend.
  16. When good, effective working idea evolve, must be confronted with several challenges pending on the time flows of understanding clear the routes. My perspective regarding the adoption approach and decisions taken by some underdeveloped, developing countries is time. With undiluted believe Crypto shall dominate the whole world
  17. No knowledge is waste, seek the knowledge of crypto currencies in several learning platforms to make you eligible, sound and competent member that can serve in any giving crypto opportunities world wide earning passively. This is technological driven era
  18. Self confidence is part of the basic elements for some one to actualize his/her set target. And this is achieve through sound experience and understanding regarding the yearnings and aspirations someone accomplishing. @John Pernia I think with this one will have less phobia and can be able to confront any illegal activities level against him or her.
  19. As matter of fact they remains inevitable benefits gained from participation in the forum @John Pernia what a responsible and active member gained from the campaign can not be over emphasize owing to the fact of the knowledge that it's been impacted to enable that particular member to harness future opportunities.
  20. Exactly @Gimini failure to do the right thing at the right time causes the confrontations, intersecting difficulties on both new and seniors members. Knowing exactly what to do, means one is 50 percent close to success.
  21. Well at this particular point of time, @F Robertoit is the best and most needed thing for any member in the forum considering the turn up of rewards in exchange for work. It's too minimal. So motivation is utmost to keep members together working tirelessly as usual to grow the forum. In addition I see it personally as a responsibility on me, so I most assist, guide and above all share the best of the best crypto information for benefits of all and the forum at large
  22. Too much fear of loosing has been the major factor reserving some in stagnant position failing to attempts gainful and profitable opportunities before them @John Pernia before I was one those categories of people. The difference begun when I give a trial failed, but refused to buy to my mindset idea, continuously this shape, changes and build solid confidence in me to risks arrestor in bid for exclusive and impressive success.
  23. Undeniably @SaancoAnalco tagging fellow members on a positive, constructive posts generate unalloyed attention to the post moreover enhance communication and understanding to enable effective learning.
  24. Of course there is not "success with out hardship" it's a popular saying. We all know before one should attain the state of equilibrium is life must have conquer and won several confrontations or threats. Same applies to the world of crypto currency. In simple mathematical illustration it's as work+commitment=success. That's it @John Pernia
  25. Genius submission @John Pernia the facts that a member is determine and passionate to see the cryptotalk raise to a greater heights then must support your assertion or resolution. It's imperative for everyone to know that it's our collective responsibility to fully cooperate and give optimal support to the management of the forum in curtailing the devastating acts of spammers, paraphrasers and other illicit Acts.
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