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Hating cryptocurrencies for your own mistakes!

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6 hours ago, PumpkinHead said:

There are a lot of people hating the use of the cryptocurrency and one of the reason is the mistakes some of them already fall out with the market changes its better to have a good knowledge.

Cryptocurrency brought me both profit and loss. At the initial stage, there were certainly more losses. But in case of unsuccessful transactions, I first of all scolded myself because my experience was small.

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في 25/8/2020 الساعة 12:04 ، قال كالفينبريفا:

يتذمر الكثير من الناس ويقولون إن العملات المشفرة ، ويمكن أن تسبب مشكلة الفقر. هذا صحيح ولن أنكره! لكنهم حصلوا على هذا العرض من أخطأ ؛


المشكلة هي أن بعض الناس يعتبرون العملات المشفرة أمرًا محظوظًا لمنحهم المال ، وهذا هو أكبر خطأ يرتكبونه! تشبه العملات المشفرة ، وهي نفسها في الأعمال التجارية العادية.


حاول تحديد أخطائك أولاً. إذا كنت لا ترغب في التشفير ، فإن هذا لم يكن عندك حتى التقاط الصورة.



يمكن أن تجعلك العملات المشفرة فقيرًا حقًا إذا أساءت استخدامها ، لكنها يمكن أن تجعلك غنيًا بنسبة 50 ٪ أو أكثر إذا كنت تستخدمها بشكل صحيح. لذلك ، بدلاً من كره العملة المشفرة بسبب أخطائك ، قرر أن تجد المسار الصحيح الذي سيجعلك تدرك قيمتها وأهميتها في حياتك.

Yes, because when a person loses in a field that pours, he hates that field even though it has many advantages, so we have to learn well and patience so that we do not suffer loss in the field of digital currencies because it is an interesting and wonderful field

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On 25/8/2020 at 7:04, Calvinpriva said:

Mucha gente se ha estado quejando y diciendo que las criptomonedas son malas y pueden generar pobreza. ¡Es cierto y no lo negaré! Pero obtienen esa perspectiva de sus propios errores porque yo personalmente y algunas otras personas vemos que las criptomonedas son buenas y pueden darnos riqueza.


El problema es que algunas personas consideran que las criptomonedas son una suerte para darles dinero, ¡y ese es el mayor error que cometen! Las criptomonedas son como cualquier otro negocio cuando decides usarlas para invertir, tienen ganancias y, a veces, pérdidas, y es lo mismo en los negocios normales.


Entonces, antes de odiar las criptomonedas, primero intente identificar sus errores. No puede amar el mundo de las criptomonedas si no tiene educación sobre criptografía, si no tiene paciencia, si no tiene disciplina financiera y si continúa siendo una persona quejica sin identificar sus errores.



Las criptomonedas realmente pueden hacerte pobre si las usas mal, pero pueden hacerte rico en un 50% o más si las usas correctamente. Entonces, en lugar de odiar las criptomonedas por sus propios errores, decida encontrar el camino correcto que le hará darse cuenta de su valor y su importancia en su vida.

All those who invest in the world of cryptocurrencies without advanced knowledge will always make mistakes and that is not why they should hate cryptocurrencies since it is the fault of the same person, this must happen many times daily and this issue is very important because you make the point very clear. because these things happen.

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On 8/25/2020 at 4:49 PM, Calvinpriva said:

Many people have been complaining and saying cryptocurrencies are bad and can give you poverty. It is true, and I will not deny it! But they get that perspective from their own mistakes because I personally and some other people see cryptocurrencies good and can give us wealth.


The problem is, some people consider cryptocurrencies as a lucky thing to give them money, and that is the biggest mistake they make! Cryptocurrencies are like any other business when you decide to use them for investment, they have profits and sometimes losses, and it's the same in normal businesses.


So before hating cryptocurrencies, try to identify your mistakes first. You can’t love the crypto world if you don’t have crypto education, if you don’t have patience, if you don’t have financial discipline and if you continue to be a complaining person without identifying your mistakes.



Cryptocurrencies can really make you poor if you misuse them, but they can make you rich in 50% or more if you use them properly. So, instead of hating crypto for your own mistakes, decide to find the right path that will make you realize its value and its importance in your life.

For me, cryptotalk has been great platform till now where I am able to grab opportunity of earning money with my good work. Till now I have gained a lot of information about cryptocurrencies. And I believe everyone must follow crypto world news and step on to this world. Here, we work and we are paid. I don't think one should blame cryptocurrencies. It's us who runs such currencies. They exists because of our demand and supply of it. They give us good opportunity to run all over the world through currencies. We must learn to operate, invest such cryptocurrencies and with our dedication and hardwork , we will definitely make good profit. 


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Thank you for your content my friend. This is really a eyeopener for a lot of people blaming the platform for thier mistakes. I think it's a big deal as most people don't follow the rules and regulations and then end up in trouble.

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A lot of people lose money in crypto during the initial stages of their investment, this may be because a lot of people getting into the crypto trading ecosystem are non-professional traders and are common people who suddenly had access to invest and trade in these digital currencies and platforms which ends up making common mistakes that professional trader will normally know to avoid.

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The problem is not the cryptocurrencies, the problem is the decisions we make. I spent a long time gambling and when I lost I always blamed everyone, I always looked for an excuse not to accept that the one who was doing everything wrong was me! When you cannot control your mind it is better to stop for a while to reflect and stop losing money!

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On 8/25/2020 at 7:33 PM, malik6314193 said:

I don't think why people hate with crypto currencies. But there are more people who loves crypto currencies. In near future crypto currencies will be dominant on forex trading. 

because of the money they lost in the field , there is people who already sold their hoses in the interest of buying crypto and bitcoin but months later bitcoin dump and they lost their money , their hoses and even their lives .

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The most important element in this field is patience to not despair, you may lose, but you must win, and then you will learn from your experience. There is no currency in circulation in abundance, but its fall will decrease and return to rise

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On 8/25/2020 at 6:04 AM, Calvinpriva said:


Cryptocurrencies can really make you poor if you misuse them, but they can make you rich in 50% or more if you use them properly. So, instead of hating crypto for your own mistakes, decide to find the right path that will make you realize its value and its importance in your life.

It is something normal, usually people assign their mistakes and blame the rest of them, they do not reconsider their actions and draw early conclusions, also it is as you say, cryptocurrencies can generate a lot of money, bitcoin as the most reliable test, its price compared to January has increased by 140% something extraordinary.

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On 8/25/2020 at 4:04 PM, Calvinpriva said:

Many people have been complaining and saying cryptocurrencies are bad and can give you poverty. It is true, and I will not deny it! But they get that perspective from their own mistakes because I personally and some other people see cryptocurrencies good and can give us wealth.


The problem is, some people consider cryptocurrencies as a lucky thing to give them money, and that is the biggest mistake they make! Cryptocurrencies are like any other business when you decide to use them for investment, they have profits and sometimes losses, and it's the same in normal businesses.


So before hating cryptocurrencies, try to identify your mistakes first. You can’t love the crypto world if you don’t have crypto education, if you don’t have patience, if you don’t have financial discipline and if you continue to be a complaining person without identifying your mistakes.



Cryptocurrencies can really make you poor if you misuse them, but they can make you rich in 50% or more if you use them properly. So, instead of hating crypto for your own mistakes, decide to find the right path that will make you realize its value and its importance in your life.

Those peoples which make loss in this business they hate from this business and they never blame themselves because in the crypto market there are so many fake projects and if you invest in it you loss your money that time.

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On 8/26/2020 at 9:49 AM, Swapzone said:

Exactly! People think that they are going to get a lot profit from there and therefore without understanding how volatile the market is, they start investing.

No one can get a lot of profit from jut investment and doing noting as in any business if you invest then you will contribute some time to take a look into details.

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I agree but there are a few coins that did go a long way down for years. I don't hate these cryptocurrencies of course and while I lost trades with some of these, I always knew the risks and was informed. It is very high risk and as you said we can make money with a lot of research.

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Just because I did a mistake while operating with crypto currencies shouldn't be the reason why I should give it a bad reputation rather I should blame myself for not handling it well in the first place. Bad days are meant to happen just take heart.

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Hello everyone,  for someone to hate cryptocurrency  because not his own mistake maybe he has encounter a lot of challenges and try didn't types of crypto currency trading but failed at the end and I think maybe he didn't have the knowledge on the trading that's why he keeps failing.

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Exactly some people always blame others for their own mistake and its happens in crypto too when someone buys a coin in wrong time and price decrease they say crypto is scam and they never accept that it was their own mistake and they start telling others crypto is scam which is really bad and they should stop it.

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On 25.08.2020 at 14:04, Calvinpriva said:

Many people have been complaining and saying cryptocurrencies are bad and can give you poverty. It is true, and I will not deny it! But they get that perspective from their own mistakes because I personally and some other people see cryptocurrencies good and can give us wealth.


The problem is, some people consider cryptocurrencies as a lucky thing to give them money, and that is the biggest mistake they make! Cryptocurrencies are like any other business when you decide to use them for investment, they have profits and sometimes losses, and it's the same in normal businesses.


So before hating cryptocurrencies, try to identify your mistakes first. You can’t love the crypto world if you don’t have crypto education, if you don’t have patience, if you don’t have financial discipline and if you continue to be a complaining person without identifying your mistakes.



Cryptocurrencies can really make you poor if you misuse them, but they can make you rich in 50% or more if you use them properly. So, instead of hating crypto for your own mistakes, decide to find the right path that will make you realize its value and its importance in your life.

Your idea is correct, and when i was reading your post, i was thinking of people, who lose money at betting. After their bet loses, they start hating everrything about the player they bet on. Same story here.

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On 11/21/2020 at 9:43 PM, Bpman1321G said:

I not hating cryptocurrency for my own mistakes, because I'm sometimes hating my luck, it is very often, and in another ways I'm trying to return back my money, which I lost by another investments, and it is sometimes working and sometimes not

I understand this and it is for all the same. We sometimes take risks while we shouldn't and we see opportunities and don't and think that we lost something. But we lose only when we make mistakes. For example when we buy an altcoin just because too many people were discussing it with enthusiasm. This is big mistake and the risk is that we will buy after a rise and these people will be selling.

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This happens a lot for me, and the reason is gambling, gambling is taking over my life and since i gamble with crypto i always end up blaming crypto.

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Agreed. That's why we should not be careless and too confident here in cryptoworld because unexpected mistakes might happen even if you say that you're already a senior member and have acquired enough knowledge about trading and investments. We should still always be careful with every of our actions. 

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On 8/25/2020 at 2:04 PM, Calvinpriva said:

So, instead of hating crypto for your own mistakes, decide to find the right path that will make you realize its value and its importance in your life.

You are so right my dear. We are here to make a good trade with crypto and when we are making mistakes it is us to blame. I am not going to say this crypto is bad or that XRP is bad when the price goes from 0.30 to 0.80 in two days and I am buy the top. Of course the risk is 1000% at this point. So this is a big mistake for the trader and not of the XRP. It was an example I was thought after read your post.

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On 8/25/2020 at 12:04 PM, Calvinpriva said:

Many people have been complaining and saying cryptocurrencies are bad and can give you poverty. It is true, and I will not deny it! But they get that perspective from their own mistakes because I personally and some other people see cryptocurrencies good and can give us wealth.


The problem is, some people consider cryptocurrencies as a lucky thing to give them money, and that is the biggest mistake they make! Cryptocurrencies are like any other business when you decide to use them for investment, they have profits and sometimes losses, and it's the same in normal businesses.


So before hating cryptocurrencies, try to identify your mistakes first. You can’t love the crypto world if you don’t have crypto education, if you don’t have patience, if you don’t have financial discipline and if you continue to be a complaining person without identifying your mistakes.



Cryptocurrencies can really make you poor if you misuse them, but they can make you rich in 50% or more if you use them properly. So, instead of hating crypto for your own mistakes, decide to find the right path that will make you realize its value and its importance in your life.

Definitely right mate. Hating cryptocurrency for our own mistake.  Many people including me made this same mistake due to my ignorance in cryptocurrency. Though many people are Still living  in the life of mistake on cryptocurrency. 

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I learned to be patient from the forum and I will keep being patient no matter what. I don't trade at all but invest in Bitcoin and I learn about altcoins like Ethereum, XRP and many more. I find some of them really fascinating and I won't blame them for their price action even if they are manipulated or not, but I try to learn how they work and if I find them equally fascinating I will invest in them too.

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On 8/27/2020 at 4:26 PM, magd said:

For me, my personal experience was wonderful with cryptocurrencies because it helped me enter this field and my financial situation became better than before. Your words regarding bad use are correct, so bad use causes loss

Crypto is a great market and in this market peoples will make money not lose the money because in the crypto market so many peoples make good money and they loss also to invest in the fake project and fake projects will give you always the loss.

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Investing in anything can give you poverty if you don't manage the risk involved. Cryptocurrencies are just more volatile and the higher the risk it can pay higher rewards too. What we expect is something better from what we have seen the previous days with sudden rise of prices and then big dump. Most traders that tried to profit from this they lost money.

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