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Fahad Sultan

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About Fahad Sultan

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  1. Hello dear , Yes you are right people ignores the post they just comment on them and do not give any rating to the post which is not good .
  2. Hi dear mate , Yes we should post qualitatively to take this platform to a next level . We can do this if we do research on what we are sharing and writing and make a perfect and confidential post .
  3. Hello my dear you are right we should first analyze the topic to comment on it and to answer it .
  4. Hello dear , I am new but I think that we should wait to withdraw our balance as it is expected that the price will go higher in the coming time .
  5. Hello dear , Its very true that success needs patience . Nothing is possible without patience and hard work in life .
  6. Hello to all , I think you are very right because we should never stuck ourselves at one place . To gain reputation we should also visit a work at other topics than the beginner section .
  7. Hello dear , Yobit is one of the greatest platform for trading crypto currencies . I had a great experience with it.
  8. Hello to all , I think that I can grow in this platform but everything takes time as every thing has a perfect time to happen .
  9. Yes it is really good and it improves your English vocabulary also our typing and writing skills .
  10. Yes I think that if you prepare a good topic other people comment on them and you get popular among the people and you get a great reputation .
  11. Hello it is a dream to me but one day I will earn bitcoin and will have my own business with these kind of trading.
  12. I am here because of its benefits which is the knowledge and to earn money from it which can help me in daily dues .
  13. That is the main thing that we should never have to be lose our passion in what we are doing . We should appreciate ourselves and have to work hard.
  14. Hello dear , you are perfectly right first learn and then earn . You will never fail in any thing if you first gain full information about that thing and your future will be bright.
  15. Hello dear , till know I have never seen such an opportunity . I think there is no other platform like it . I feel good to work with it and to gain knowledge.
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