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Nadim Hasan

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Everything posted by Nadim Hasan

  1. its normal that if you respect to others..others will respect to you..The senior member are more expert than we should learn from them without any fear..If we cannt fraternize with serinor..normaly they cant help us..sometimes our topics will ignored..but We should take first step to overcome this..
  2. this topic is really helpful for all to be a good contributor in this forum..You have given some important advice to us to be experts in here..Those point are helpful what you have mentioned.but i also share my personal opinion about it..Making good is must needed to be successful here..So every one should try to make useful topics..then secondly you have to gain a lot of knowledge so that you can work here properly.
  3. Mainly it is a main problem for newcomers because they don't know properly about scammers...Your post is helpful for those people..Scammer are really very clever..they offer many attractive offers..but this not real..this is a fake offers..we should try be careful about scammers..
  4. My dear know at first you have to make 100 posts for free to get many knowledge about this forum..then You can get payment only for useful post..You need a yobit account..yobit give you talk token for your useful post..You will given 10 token for each post..You can make maximum 50 post but they give you token only for 20 useful post..
  5. As a new member everyday is important to learning many things about this forum..We can know many i have seen a different is about exchangeing i am new member i didn't knew this before sawing this post..that was realy informative post for me..
  6. i have also seen that there are some who are feel jealousy to see senior members post..but it should right..because all senior member who are successful here..they have to hard work to reach there...if we will also try to be like them we will be successful in here oneday..
  7. Realu its a good question.because i am new i didn't knew that how to exchange money in yobit..but now i can understand how to do it to see your post..Your post is realu heplful for many people..but i cant understand how to withdraw money..
  8. it very sad lost your passward..i know now you face a lot of problem..but personally i want to say to go to log in option and give your email in email option..then you can click to forgotten passward..i think it will help you to back your account...
  9. You can make strong passward by useing capital letter,small letter and some spacial character to keep safe your account..And yobit is a perfect wallet for storing money..there is no chance to lost money yobit if you don't lost you account..
  10. there is two option where people commenting more than others want to know how to make useful and unique i want to give you some advice about have gain more knowledge about this research here..then you can use more semilar word in your topics so that we can know many vocabulary..
  11. My dear brother i think you are so brilliant because you already completed first 100 post in only 3/4 days..its very hard work for begginer because they have no idea about it..but it is true that this system of completing 100 post is helpful to know basic information about this platform..
  12. Really you discuss about a good topic. your post is so much use ful for new comers..because you answer a lof of question about this forum of begunners question..Any one can get a fresh knowledge from your post..we all should mind this point that you have mentioned..
  13. dear mate both are need to get payment..cryptotalk new and cryptotalk campaign are both give you tolk coin and have put your email in both 1st enter your email in cryptotalk new..then you have to also add your email in cryptotalk campaign..
  14. its a technical make ensure that if you need a trust wallet i want to advise you to research about wallet..because if you don't know about your wallet then its not be safe...You can try to know about sevaral wallet....whice wallet is most popular i think this is a best wallet..
  15. Don't worry about this..because if you reply a topic more than once..then your coment will deleted and you cant get any payment for this..but crypto gives you a way to avoid this problem..when you click on a topic you have see that that post is black or white?? if its whit that's mean you don't reply this but uf its black..that's mean you reply this topic..
  16. its a nice way to withdraw token..there are some wallet where you have pay much fee for withdraw money..but it is easy to exchang your money by small give us a such a useful chance to withdraw money..
  17. It is important to knoe about withdraw fee..because there are many new people invest without knowing withdraw money..there are many exchange site or wallet where you can withdraw you bitcoin by small charge..We should know about this.
  18. i am also new here..i cant get any payment but i know about this helpful forum..i can know about this forum by my friend friend joined here 1 here ago..but now he has full changed by this forum..because now he bear his family cost and studies cost by earning i want to say you that work here regularly.. you can also make money.
  19. Challenge your self for making more useful will helps you to be a good writter because if your writing skill grow up you will be more experienced and you can make profit..we all should make minimum 1 or 2 new topic in a week..and no one should miss to complete 20 post every is our challange for working here..
  20. welcome to cryptotalk family..there are a lot of chance to earn money..but if don't know this you cant do work here i want say you that getting knowledge is important in here.. then you have to refresh your mind to work here.
  21. no my dear mate..there is no problem if you take a beak from cryptotalk...its very friendly forum..but i think you should be regular here because if you don't post for long time..probably some of post wiil be its a loss for you..but if you make minimum 1/2 can overcome to loss you post..
  22. I don't when the forum is started..because i am so beginner here..but i want to say this a amazing platform to earn money..they payment system also good..because i have know that cryptotalk don't any wrong for payment money..this platform give us a lot of advantage from its started..
  23. My dear mate your thinking is right...i agree with you..the content what you have mentioned is really truth..because the member who are experienced they can make very useful old cryptotalk and new cryptotalk are not same...the new post is better than old post.
  24. there are many way to earn money from cryptotalk..but without knowing morw information it is not possible to earn money..because if a man who don't know about this they cant at first our main target is getting more information about cryptotalk..
  25. it is a useful post for us...i agee with your opinion...there are many countries people who work here..but many people dosent know Russian language.they only depend on i hope if the modarator give us a chance to use sevaral languages..its will helpful for us..
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