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mudassar sandhu

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Everything posted by mudassar sandhu

  1. you know that there are a lot of scammers in every field of life. so, we should be careful for using any field of life. i think it is very common in these, it is not a big problem. in life or in any time every man was faced that problems. so, every man has small or a lot of ideas about this problem. i think at telegram is more safe and secure than other forum. due to these reason i prefer to work at crypto telegram.
  2. you are all know this fact well that life is not a bed of rose. it is full of thorns. I agree with your idea that we should never stop from learning because life never stop to teaching us. you also know this fact that '' knowledge is key of success''. we should learn more and more because no man is perfect in the world. so in order to become perfect we should gain our knowledge more and more. in this way you can pass your life easy
  3. i think cryptotalk website is the best and also famous all over the world. i like it very much and i recommend you to use it. in my opinion, there is no similar available on the world. if it is available than i am not using this cryptotalk website. mean in my idea it is most useful and easy to use for anybody. i am using this site and enjoy its benefits. this is the best website for earning, gaining knowledge and investment. it is safe and secure to use.
  4. surely i consider myself lucky in crypto world. i am proud full to becoming a member of this forum. i like it very much. i recommend you to use it. because through this forum i am earning my income as well as learn about crypto currencies. i also learnt a lot of skills from this forum. i am using this forum and feel comfortable. you should try it once in your life and enjoy your earnings.
  5. it is a good idea to help each others. we should always try to help each others by solving others problems. i think it is best for all beginners as well as other members. i show our carefully to each others. many new beginners have many problems to solve. but i have no problem to solve. i think it is very easy to use this site. i like it very much. i recommend you to use it. and i think it is very helpful for you.
  6. cryptotalk is the best platform for earning money as well as gaining knowledge about crypto currencies. it is the most famous and very useful platform all over the world. most of the people using this platform for earning money as well as gaining your knowledge about crypto currencies. cryptotalk is the biggest platform where a lot of people from different are connected to each other by this forum. i am also using this forum and like it very much.
  7. you are right my friend. in my opinion, it is the best platform for better your writing skill. in this platform we can also make better our reading skill. in beginning i also have low reading and writing skills but after joined this forum i have better my all these skills. it is very easy to use i like it very much and i recommend you to use it for better your writing skill. crypto forum also provide us a lot of chance to better our writing skill.
  8. i learn a lot of knowledge from crypto forum as well as earn income. i learnt a lot of knowledge about crypto currencies and also its prices in world using. i also leant that its prices decrease as well as increase day by day. i also learnt the reading and writing skills form this forum. i also learnt that we can also earn money as well as gain your knowledge at same time on crypto forum. i like it very much and i recommend you to use it.
  9. in order to get your followers on cryptotalk we should have to work hard and honest to our work. we should follow all its rules. we should never cross these rules. we should posts good and positive ideas. we should help others by posting. we should respect other all members. we should be friendly to ever member and help others. i hope we will become an active member and get our followers.
  10. in my opinion both are good. some people preferred androids for their work to their own capacity and comforts. in other way there are also many people using laptops for working to their own capacity. in my opinion there are no problems by using android but laptop is bigger than android. so its display is high than android. I am also using laptop for this purpose. because it is according to my comforts and use.
  11. it depend on your mind, if your are working for a long time you can earn a lot of money from this forum. you can also earn money by posts comments on this platform. i think this is best for students to earn his enough pocket money. because these days when corona spread everywhere and school are off. students are free these days so this is best platform for earning money as well as gaining their knowledge. i am also using this platform and earning good money.
  12. i am also thinking about this. in my opinion it is possible. i hope it will be the currency of future. because most of the countries of the world are using this currency and lie it. but there are also some countries in the world which is using it own currency and not preferred any currency. when these countries accept the crypto currency and use this then it will become the whole world currency.
  13. i am also agree with your idea that one day crypto currency will use in the whole world. i also hope it will use in whole world soon. due to its safe and secure use. its process is very easy. it is also providing a lot of profit and benefits to a lot of people which are using this forum and also enjoying its benefits. i like it very much. i recommend you to use this platform and enjoy with your earning as well as benefits.
  14. i agree with your idea. i am also using these skills and in trying to better these skills. reading is most important skill which is using in every field of life. it cover the whole world. it is also very amazing thing or habit. in this forum reading is most important skill. by using this skill we become able to posts good and new ideas. it will also be useful in creating good posts. understanding is also most important skill in this forum.
  15. as a beginners i recommend to read all rules of this forum. because this platform is very careful in obeying rules.. if anyone cannot follow its rules it will be banned soon. so be careful for following its rules. in beginning you should obey its rules and work hard. in this reward you will get good money and good reputation. this is the best platform for earning money as well as gaining knowledge about cryptocurrencies. i like it very much..
  16. i am also agree with your idea. in my opinion investment is best than trading. because in trading you can lost your money many times. but in investment you should not worry about lossing money than in trading. i think in both case knowledge is the key of success in any field of life. knowledge play an important rule in any field of life. i think cryptotalk is best platform for both purpose..
  17. There are a lot of advantages of cryptocurriences. the best ,important and useful advantage is its safe and secure use. it is also easy to use. i like it very much and i recommend you to use it and enjoy your advantages. it is also be very useful in profit ways you can safe some coins in your account and sales when its price go up. in this way you can earn a lot of money from this platform.
  18. you have good idea and i agree with your idea. The best investment in the world is done by yourselves and nobody can not match with your investment. all the successful traders in the world are investing by oneself and never disobey this rule. and the most important and useful thing is the knowledge about your investment. you know knowledge is the key of success in every field. i think cryptotalk is the best platform for investments,.
  19. this information is very useful for beginners which are new in this field. many beginners are those which give up their trying and hopeless. i agree with your idea. we should not give up trying .we should make good efforts and love our work. this will help us in getting a lot of many and getting good reputation. i like this platform due to its security and safety. it is easy to use and earning money. i recommend you to use it and enjoy your earning.
  20. in my opinion your personal information while using this site is safe and secure. so be not worry about this because this platform is safe and secure to use it it is very easy to use .i like this platform due its security and safety .But there are also a lot of scammers and hakers in every field of life. so we should be careful to using any site .so, i recommend to use trust wallet for saving money and invest your money .i like it very much. you should try it and enjoy your life.
  21. in my opinion, it is possible but it is very hard to earn 400% profit. because it is huge and very big profit form trading. for this purpose, we should invest a lot of money to cryptotalk platform,.Because it is very safe and secure platform for earning and invest a lot of money without any risk . it is very easy to use and invest money .i like this platform for investment and earning money.
  22. it is very common in these days. there are a lot of scammers in these days in every field So, be careful from this field there are also a lot of scammers which can scam and hake your account .you will losse your money in this case .firstly we should be careful and inform this case to telegram in my opioin telegram will solve your problems. this is the best platform where many peoples share its problems and they solve their problems. i like this platform.
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