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About maleksayed2017

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  1. It allows you to get rid of spam, bots, etc ...
  2. We will create the topic and publish it in the right section so that our topic does not go in vain, the session moderator will monitor them all the time, and if the post or topic is wrong, they will delete it, so we must publish a topic in the right section We will create the topic and publish it in the right section so that our topic does not go in vain, the session moderator will monitor them all the time, and if the post or topic is wrong, they will delete it, so we must publish a topic in the right section
  3. يمكنني فقط الرد عليهم بأنهم يتصرفون ضد القواعد ، ولا داعي لزر النشر السيئ لذلك ، لقد فعلت ذلك عدة مرات. إذا لم يصلح الأشخاص منشوراتهم ، فسأبلغهم فقط. حاولت استخدام زر النشر السيئ منذ فترة طويلة مع التفسيرات ، لكن كل ما أعطاني هو عدم الإعجاب بالانتقام.
  4. It was a random message or plagiarism, or spoofing, or plagiarism.
  5. Dedicate a section to educate members about trading on Yobit? We put trading principles on the platform, etc. What do you think? If we have a mentoring program here to help other members improve their trading skills, we can also encourage more people to join here ....
  6. I advise all beginners to go through this content in order to be more enlightened. ..
  7. It shouldn't happen. In this case your friend has been reported wrongly, these reports must be confirmed before taking action ...
  8. You can post whatever you want, as long as you respect the rules and will not provide false information, so I think you are free to post
  9. المحتوى الخاص بك فريد وحقيقي وذو جودة عالية جدًا ، هذا ما أؤمن به ولا يؤثر على أي شيء في المجال ، النطاق الذي تحصل عليه مع عدد المشاركات التي تنشئها ، أي كلما زاد عدد المنشورات لديك ، أعلى ترتيبك. إذا قمت بعمل المنشورات بشكل جيد ، فإنها تتمتع بسمعة طيبة ، وكلما كانت أفضل ، زادت السمعة
  10. هناك العديد من الأشياء التي سيتم حظرك بسببها يجب علينا احترام القواعد
  11. If you click on history above each comment, you can see the link, then you can bookmark it in your browser and use it whenever you want.
  12. You should also suggest the following matching websites that also search for broken websites
  13. I heard two months ago. But I couldn't believe it really pays the customer. But when he saw the push prove then he started working here
  14. New payment update if 100 messages are posted to initiate payment receipt from post 101?
  15. I tried most of them because they pay only small sums, which are not worth the effort you are doing
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