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Have you ever thought ??

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On 10/5/2019 at 3:55 PM, hdbvtho said:

Have you ever thought ..! What will the world be like after you apply everything to blockchain technology?

This world would be like in a movie where lits of tchnology the world would be full of robots but alsobut i think the crypto currency would still in the market becouse the bitcoin or crypto is technology

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There will be no cash being spent at all, all transactions will be done via electronic mediums. A truly cashless world economy. I think the Crypto world can offer this. And there will be less trees being chopped down.

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On 10/5/2019 at 10:55 AM, hdbvtho said:

Have you ever thought ..! What will the world be like after you apply everything to blockchain technology?

One can not real know, it could be either a mess or a blessing to the world.

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I think the hold world becomes the decentralized world and all the peoples are independent. But it is very difficult to convert the whole world to a new blockchain technology and i think it is not possible. There is a very large population in the world

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In my thought the crypto currency give the new idea to the world that crypto world change the trading world and all the people accepted the crypto currency and accepted the crypto worth. The trader of crypto currency show the value of crypto.

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The world will change when Cryptocurrency used in worldwide.Cryptocurrency will used for alternate payment methods.Many company will start payment with crypto

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On 1/4/2020 at 8:07 AM, auiwrb4 said:

blockchain will change the world and it will stir everywhere, it will include all financial institutions but that will not happen to organizations and governments that are afraid of using blockchain.

a lot of government now are thinking of using blockchain but i think for now they are waiting for confirmation from others who have used it to store data to know its safe to use.

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2 minutes ago, Smiling_assasin said:

I think then it gets truely digital, even we are doing every transaction digitally as well as it will give more security to the money or amount you hold.

Yes. We are now in the technologic world where security is vast and we can earn anything especially the trend about cryptocuerencies.

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10 hours ago, Crypto Hunter BD said:

I have been thought already about this.Ibl think when Bitcoin or Cryptocurrency will used whole than blockchain technology also used more.

If they will used for all, I know it gonna be hard,but their Blockchain will be customised for usage

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On 10/5/2019 at 12:55 PM, hdbvtho said:

Have you ever thought ..! What will the world be like after you apply everything to blockchain technology?

China is going to set these type of examples, as they rejected the bitcoin but adopted the blockchain technology, and creating their own currency using blockchain technology, and i hope in future they will also use this revolutionary technology in many other projects.

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On 12/9/2019 at 4:11 PM, ashua1 said:

it's the future world but I still have a lot of concerns about it because we can't know its bad capabilities first.

Actually, if you already know this is a good future, then I suggest you can divert worries about the page so that in the future you can think better for your future, the problem of knowing your bad abilities can be anticipated at a later time.

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On 5/1/2020 at 17:17, guatazoo said:

Người ta không thể thực sự biết, nó có thể là một mớ hỗn độn hoặc một phước lành cho thế giới.

It is now 4.0, so anything can happen. I believe in the good that it will bring us.

1 hour ago, Lolo2 said:

Nếu điều đó xảy ra, giao dịch tiền mặt sẽ xảy ra không thể chấp nhận được như tiền điện tử nhưng tôi cho rằng thuộc tính này có khả năng giúp khách hàng dễ dàng hơn trong việc đánh cắp bản thân.

Of course, technology development is synonymous with other great risks, which are difficulties that we cannot avoid if we want to develop quickly.

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On 5/12/2019 at 09:12, Yanadia said:

Đây sẽ là giải pháp tốt nhất cho mọi người để kiểm soát tài chính của chính họ. Điều này cũng có thể làm giảm cơ hội ăn cắp tham nhũng từ người dân là một điều khó khăn về tiền bạc. Ita sẽ hữu ích cho thế giới xen kẽ cho ngầm 

Every industry depends heavily on contracts. Such as financial institutions, insurance, real estate, construction, entertainment and law, will all be able to leverage Blockchain technology for updating, managing, monitoring and security. contracts.

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it will be a faster world and people can live easier.when blockchain comes out probably we wont need banks anymore and international economy will grow.

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On 1/5/2020 at 5:44 PM, Shahadatbd said:

After applying all things in Blockchain all transection will be more faster and transection fees will be more cheaper. Also we can easily hold our money and send more securely.

Blockchain has the potential to create a major revolution in the system of payment processing companies. It may eliminate the need for a third party intermediary, which is common in the current payment process.

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1 hour ago, hdbvtho said:

Every industry depends heavily on contracts. Such as financial institutions, insurance, real estate, construction, entertainment and law, will all be able to leverage Blockchain technology for updating, managing, monitoring and security. contracts.

4.0 will affect all sectors, sectors and the entire economy of mankind. For the industry, the source of the network, Technology 4.0 is breaking the most traditional manufacturing platforms in all countries and making big non-linear changes at unprecedented speeds. .

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13 hours ago, hdbvtho said:

It is now 4.0, so anything can happen. I believe in the good that it will bring us.

Of course, technology development is synonymous with other great risks, which are difficulties that we cannot avoid if we want to develop quickly.

i understand you're one of those who use translate tools, but please make sure your quote is in english as well. it is hard t refer what is been discussed.

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It's the energy they will feel to rehearse straightforward. In the event that everything can actualized by blockchain, at that point there will be less wrongdoing in government framework. 

I think blockchain innovation can be executed in the democratic framework. This could be a helpful division for it.

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One this is for sure. Administrative services will definitely get better. Governance should get better, and elections that will the most benefitted. Since elections conducted on blockchain will be free, fair, secure, transparent and probably 1/100th of the cost right now.

I wouldnt opine it can be applied to everything, but it definitely has the features to make the life of citizens much better.

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Every merit has demerit and as soon as the humanity will accept blockchain technology, one thing you container speak is that every being be capable of restraint their money and numbers or you be capable of envision a planet without corruption and others

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On 05.10.2019 at 15:55, hdbvtho said:

Have you ever thought ..! What will the world be like after you apply everything to blockchain technology?

it will be different, everything will be faster and everything will be easier both technologically and financially, all old complicated methods will disappear.

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I think the world will be more of advanced technology wise, for people that will embrace the new ideology in Blockchain technology, because not everybody will actually apply all to Blockchain. 

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On 10/5/2019 at 3:55 PM, hdbvtho said:

Have you ever thought ..! What will the world be like after you apply everything to blockchain technology?

What do you mean by "after you apply everything"? 


On 10/5/2019 at 4:07 PM, hdbvtho said:

My personal opinion is as follows:
When the world will adopt blockchain technology, one thing you can say is that every individual can control their money and data or you can imagine a world without corruption.

It will be possible if the blockchain that our governments will adapt has a perfect transparency. But a government without corruption is quite impossible.


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Everything can not be in blockChain technology.Because in world there are  lot of things.Banks hospital  Schools all have to be carried out usual.So block chain wouldn't work everywhere.

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On 10/5/2019 at 1:25 PM, hdbvtho said:

Have you ever thought ..! What will the world be like after you apply everything to blockchain technology?

With blockchain, payment system would be more fast and cross-border payments would be easy. Cyber security would increase. More productivity, mangement improvements would be there.

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