Moshi khan 459 - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content

Moshi khan 459

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About Moshi khan 459

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  1. Every one has equal opportunity in this forum and this is due to the expension of the scope of the work in this field day after day and this field only time and afferot۔۔۔
  2. It will be solve by updating the page and you can see any topic you want it to get it i have you must make sure that you are connected to the internet because sometimes the page doesn't load۔۔۔۔
  3. We should always give good ratings on those Post who deserves this other wise tell the post members that that's why you give the bad rating۔i want to tell you that at this there are no additional income for the rating۔۔۔
  4. The great importance bitcoin will gain in such a short time they thought that it is a just new technology that will fade away soon but bit coin strong against all the badexpectation and continue to spread and raise value۔۔۔۔
  5. As a beginner i must be patient and calm while writing own my post that patience and calm will help create more topic and you will sacrifice more reputiton we have to research before publishing any topic۔۔۔۔
  6. No matter how many many followers you have because you will get the payment for the same post that you do and get positive reputation point۔۔۔
  7. If we want deposit or withdrawal our BTC so we need to BTC address much because I don't take withdrawal in BTC it's with draw fee is much higher so we should go for other options۔۔
  8. It is really great to be here people of this forum are wise and supportive they share lot's of potential information we can learn many things from them you can gather good experience from here۔۔۔
  9. I also use this wonderful features that enable us to save blog and other things without an internet connection this is nice things to have such features
  10. All these post including special point about the forum some point are the rules and some how to work in the forum a begginers must read this post so that he should know about the platform۔۔۔
  11. I have also noticed a decline in the members activity in recent days the topic have become old and duplicate there are no new topic i support your purposl greatly we must always strive for every thing
  12. If you can't handle your fair then you should invest your money in bank no risk means no gain most people fair and deposit in cryptotalk
  13. According to my opinion many people don't know about cryptotalk they joined this forum at the influence of the friends so they start work in begginrs section to know about cryptotalk
  14. Buying is important and good so as the way selling of crypto coins to earn money can not be done if one has not buy coins to invest so I think both selling and buying is necessary in cryptotalk field to gain money۔you can not make trade only one of them you have to buy and sell in order to successful trade۔۔۔۔
  15. You must be careful with the source of information consulted because it not all reliable today you get alot of information about cryptocurrency on the internet but you have to take on the account the source the use of cryptocurrency is on the rise۔۔۔
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