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Everything posted by abohasnn9

  1. Yes, dear, we can, through the Yobit platform, enter it and earn free coins through simple tasks that can be performed by posting some tweets and articles on the platform on social networking sites, including Facebook, Twitter and others, and perhaps posting on YouTube and a YouTube channel. Some clips that benefit Manasir in general. How do you enter the free currencies that he will get? Yes, dear, there is an option called Free Coins at the top of the platform page. All you have to do is click on it and do the tasks, then take the free currencies well. Thank you very much.
  2. Yes, dear, I thank you for these valuable advice about some of the risks of trading cryptocurrencies, but in general, my dear ones, for every topic in which there is a profit, of course there are material losses and money in general, but these tips may reduce this loss and its rate significantly, so do not use feelings dear, especially in the field of currencies Do not be afraid of encrypted currencies and do not be or anything about trading cryptocurrencies, and most importantly, we must not buy zero-dead currencies from them, for sure, everyone will lose our money in the near future. Thank you very much.
  3. Yes, dear, the offers made by fraudsters are very attractive offers to lure us into entering them, and this is through spam in general, which he receives through social media platforms, including Telegram, including e-mail in general through this spam that is pleased for us. Strong and profit is inevitable, and the great thing that they publish to us of the links is that I enter it and on the date of who defrauded us in another way, so I advise everyone not to enter any spam, unreliable source, thank you very much
  4. Dear in general, the stock exchange is one of the fields of work on the Internet in general, and this work is in it in reality in general. I do not like working in this field in the field of the stock exchange, and I heard about it a lot, but in general it did not occur to me to enter my money and leave it to work in this field that I do not like Work in this field is not reliable source for me, I love working in the field of trade and the field of trading cryptocurrencies and investing them in the long term, it is the best thing that cannot be done in cryptocurrencies. As for the stock exchange, I do not trust it. Thank you very much.
  5. Yes, dear, I agree with you. This forum is a really wonderful forum. It is a fair consideration for us saying we work in a very large technology, which is the technology of cryptocurrencies. For me, I gained a lot from this forum in terms of knowledge about working in the fields of cryptocurrencies in general. This forum has a modern crypto forum as well. Great on the knowledge that I really gained in cryptocurrencies, and I told you to earn a lot of Bitcoin from this wonderful forum, and I advise everyone to enter this forum because it is really a good forum for earning and gaining knowledge in its correct form. Thank you very much.
  6. Dear in the long term, I think that this will be achieved on the ground because cryptocurrencies definitely take a wide spread around the world and wide credits from major companies in major countries by establishing special automatic teller machines to withdraw cryptocurrencies into national currencies mainly and also adopting them by PayPal. The global financial intermediary also has no storage of cryptocurrencies, major companies such as Tesla, Amazon, and fear of the annual inflation of the US dollar. This is all in the form of a large appropriation for national currencies and I think it will replace national currencies. Thank you very much.
  7. Dear this matter, I think that the frozen codes that you could not send a message from your wallet is definitely a general problem such as that you want to send your frozen currency that you think is frozen to an address that does not exist in the sending network, perhaps it is something that I think is a problem in the sending network in a way General The transmission network may be erc20, and you are sending to an address other than this address to another transmission network such as, for example, so I think that it is a technical problem through an error in the sending network. Symbols are not frozen. This matter did not happen in the history of cryptocurrencies. Please research this topic and contact technical support Thank you so much.
  8. Dear in general, you can learn everything related to cryptocurrencies mainly from this wonderful forum. Modern encryption forum is a wonderful forum to learn all about cryptocurrencies within a section that is published about cryptocurrencies, which is the world of cryptography, but if you want to work mainly in the field of Bitcoin, you can all Confirm entry to the Bitcoin section and understand Bitcoin through this section. This educational forum has several sections and each section has a specific field of learning in cryptocurrencies. Thank you very much.
  9. Yes, dear, of course, Dogecoin's work is extremely distinctive for a homeland. It is backed by someone who is the richest man in the world unnaturally, and he is Eleon Musk, who said in one of his tweets on Twitter that he will take his dog Queen with him on the moon. It is a clear and frank challenge and when he finds this person And he tweets about a certain work, this process takes a very tremendous upward turn before Eleon Musk published his tweet on Twitter, the Doug Queen rose about 200% mainly because it is his work really deserving of storage in the long run and you will definitely not lose thank you very much.
  10. Thank you, dear, for this very simple explanation about blockchain technology, my friend, I will explain to everyone who reads this wonderful post what blockchain technology is. Blockchain dear, it is a technology and record created by Satoshi Nakamoto is the person who created the same bitcoin business in 2009 when the currency needed to be Linking in a public record, which is the blockchain, and linking all currencies that may come in the future with a single work, which is the Bitcoin currency, the modern bitcoin, which is a forum similar to a modern crypto forum in general, and this forum has been used to popularize the Bitcoin business as a whole. The blockchain technology is the most important technology that exists here. Support Crypto currencies and great safety in them, thank you very much.
  11. My dear, thank you for this strong proposition in general, and from all the confirmation of these accounts in general on the topics raised that take the broad posts in general is a distinguished age through the people who do what you share posts and very wonderful topics takes many reactions and takes a lot of good reputation in all Confirming this people are really distinguished that they get 10,000 posts, for example, or posts. It is a very wonderful account for me, the posts and the topics presented, which are inside the partial value of the work.
  12. Thank you, dear, for these valuable advice about knowing if the currency is strong, hoping for sure the price of the currency in the markets and technical analysis is the most important thing we must look through in general to notice the difference is very strong in the currency, for example, xrp is a strong currency when this person published The information about this was pleasant 0.18 years of the dollar in general, but today its price exceeded the $ 1.8 and it is very high, so my advice to you every advice is to do a currency analysis, the art of doing a comprehensive search for work before buying or storing it in the long term Thank you very much
  13. Dear in general, the airdrop is one of the ways to earn free cryptocurrencies in general, but certainly not all airdrops are honest in general, so I advise everyone to choose the best airdrop, which is most definitely through it What does the airdrop mean? The airdrop is my dear when it is done The issuance of a new currency, approximately 20 percent of them are distributed free of charge, through the so-called airdrop through the publication site on Telegram. By carrying out a small task, we get a part of the Umrah and we can do it when the currency becomes in circulation Thank you very much.
  14. Dear, the difference between trading and investing is very clear, trading is buying currencies through marriage or appointed, and these pairs can be bought in the short term to profit in the very short term some money through the difference between buying and selling that you will get by buying in a decrease and selling at a profit on the mother of investment It is also trading through Al-Ruwaished and designated and storing a specific currency through buying or trading it and then storing it within a special portfolio over the long time in order to wait until this currency rises and thus we win many big money Thank you very much.
  15. Dear in general, that cryptocurrencies and work by trading cryptocurrencies by trading them in special files is really a wonderful work in the whole world because it provides many job opportunities around the world and was eliminating the problem of global unemployment mainly so dear I am the owner of the work in cryptocurrencies It is really a technological development, and most importantly, dear, cryptocurrencies definitely have a definite effect on monetary currencies in general, and that effect may eliminate cash and paper currencies in the distant future. This is much better because we will be the same with sure that everyone used the same cryptocurrencies at the same price and available. Thank you very much to everyone.
  16. Thank you, dear, for this very good proposal in general. In general, I have dealt with many educational platforms, cryptocurrency converter in general, but through my simple experience, I found that the best of them is a modern encryption forum that we are working on now and this forum is a very wonderful forum to gain the necessary knowledge Especially when we face problems that we will definitely face a problem in the history of work in cryptocurrencies. I found solutions to them through crypto talk mainly, and this is affected. It is really a good forum for long knowledge of cryptocurrencies. Thank you very much.
  17. Thank you dear for this wonderful article in general, I knew the difference between the cryptocurrency and the encrypted token, both of which are generally cryptocurrencies that are traded through marriage, which are traded through marriage. Blockchain financial system places, it needs a special transmission network such as blockchain or ERC20, people send through these currencies in its main work, which is the house, for example, thank you very much.
  18. Dear, it is very normal, you do not need to worry, as you may have the fifty reactions that allow you to give them daily. You must make sure that you did not give 50 reactions of people and their posts The topics were published after that you must give the right response and the appropriate participation and do not give it out of premeditation and determination One characteristic is that you can be a speed cheater on this topic. Thank you very much, my friend.
  19. Dear, in general, this problem occurs from time to time inside the platform, and this is the reason for the organizers of the forum. Payment has been stopped by them for reasons related to liquidating the forum from all violators, and the withdrawal will return through the platform when the load ends by the officials in the forum to liquidate all the violators who make mistakes in the rules The park does not abide by it, warn them, and make the forum a clean and safe environment, experience and information. Thank you very much.
  20. Thank you, dear, for this wonderful article. In general, these sites are very good. We must enter one of them and all of them also in order to know the prices of the main currencies in these sites contain mainly currency rates and important information on them in general, such as the currency of any network that belongs during sending and receiving or any Other information is useful in this matter. I mainly deal with Coin Market Cup. It is really cool and I recommend that you deal with it. Thank you very much.
  21. Thank you, dear, for this valuable advice. It is really a great experience to post in this forum. Absolutely beautiful. It will be very good. If you follow this advice in general, I hope everyone adheres to the rules of its general form in which it does not receive a warning point from the officials in this forum. Forum is a product Great for winning the battle in its general form and most importantly, we must publish the useful according to the useful topic Thank you very much
  22. Dear in general, we are here in the conversation of cryptography in order to gain knowledge in general in its correct form from this forum in general. This forum is a very good forum for gaining good knowledge of everything related to ways to earn from cryptocurrencies. We are here not to earn money mainly, but in order to gain knowledge through what We publish it from the posts and what we receive from the posts and topics about cryptocurrencies. Thank you very much.
  23. Dear in general, I agree with you to work in the field of coding in a very cool modern forum by gaining knowledge by reading topics and posts and spreading the knowledge that we have through effective publishing in this forum from posts in general and most importantly dear that we can only give reputation to those who really deserve it So if you are the one who deserves I don’t mind doing good thank you very much
  24. Dear cryptocurrencies, there are many advantages, of course, the most important of which is that they are decentralized currencies that are not subject to the control of countries in general, and this feature is definitely the strongest feature, and most importantly, dear that humans are equal in using the same currencies in general and all humans can use the same currencies Thank you very much
  25. Dear, you do not need to worry about this problem, it may be resolved within days, do not worry, dear, it is possible to solve your problem in a few days after the necessary confirmations are provided by the platform and others so there is no need to fear and I advise you to contact technical support Thank you very much
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