I'm scared of trading, Should i be? - Page 11 - Trading - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content

I'm scared of trading, Should i be?

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3 hours ago, caklonte said:

I think in my opinion it is true that trading cryptocurrency digital assets is a very high-risk action. Need more detailed guidance and learning to trade cryptocurrency digital assets. If not, we can make a mistake and lose our assets.

It is very natural that the influence of the psychological factor on the trader be clear and measurable. Because the trader will be very careful to get the most profit possible and avoid loss. For this reason, we will find the trader constantly monitoring the screens as he tracks price movements, to monitor the deals he has executed.

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Trading is not that easy even me.when I'm a newbie im also scared Everytime I'm making a trade.im afraid that on wrong trade I will lost a huge amount of my hard earned money.but since I been practicing trading consistently. I am now effecient and always gain profit from my trades.my suggestion is learn some techniques ask some experts for some advice.and soon I'm sure you'll be successful.

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On 10/7/2019 at 5:11 PM, teminalibug said:

I hear stories some of them right here on cryptotalk, its like Trading is to risky

I remember back when I was living with my parents, I used to tell them that i was trading but i was actually gambling on dice sites.. LMAO. I tried to trade sometimes without knowing what i was doing, did few orders and I was like damn! this thing is scarier and complicated than gambling pss! so i kept gambling and everyone believed that i was trading, was good at it though, Gambling i mean until i quit

Now every time i have enough money to start Trading i get scared!

How do you guys do it, and how do i get started? like you i mean from a total NOOB that i am + is it really scary like i think?

This is right that trading is risky but you also know that people are doing profit daily from trading. you can make huge profit if you take a big risk and if you can be patient when trading then trading is not risky.

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2 hours ago, aclime said:

When you know the way the market it works and moves, enter, inside the interim do not input, due to the fact you may lose, that is some thing stable, manner higher contemplate.

The market may go high or down any time but the investor should be patience when doing trading. the price may go down any time and then the investor should hold the coin.

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9 hours ago, Sagor said:

This is right that trading is risky but you also know that people are doing profit daily from trading. you can make huge profit if you take a big risk and if you can be patient when trading then trading is not risky.

You cant always rely ion risk, because it will eventually catch up with you, you must learn to minimize risk.

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14 hours ago, Crypto Bull said:

Trading is not difficult you can start with minimum amount.Just think it is a new thing and you want to win.So for winning study it and read news about it.Make your own analysis and apply it.You will not succeed in start but don't be depressed.Find more information about trading and apply new strategy.

I think i lacked the ability to dare, from now on i will start slow and in time i hope i will learn more and become experienced trader.

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On 1/20/2020 at 8:25 PM, yoasswbi21 said:

You don't have to be afraid, by the time you get to know it, and here you have lost the fear of creating this post. It's a bit of a difficult trade but if you're patient, it will be profitable.

What do you mean by as here you have lost the fear of creating the post, I believe you have just fitted any word to make a less sensible post.

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We can't prevent being scared because that's human nature. The emotional barriers is our difficult battle, and with trading's learning process should be develop eventually.

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On 1/22/2020 at 10:21 AM, Lunaa said:

We can't prevent being scared because that's human nature. The emotional barriers is our difficult battle, and with trading's learning process should be develop eventually.

I have a solution to overcome fear in trading. Before I start any trade, I think about the worst thing that can happen to me. What is the worst thing in trading? It is losing all your money in a way that nothing is left for you (not even a penny!). So, I only invest the money that is not important for me so that if I lose it, I don't regret it. For example, if you have ever won some money somewhere, it is the best kind of money to invest in cryptocurrency if you are really scared of losing.

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Hello friend. Fear at first is normal.

But you have to control that fear and adjust to decision-making.This fear can cause you a lot of damage.

And the best way to end your fear.

It's a lot of experimentation and trying.

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On 1/25/2020 at 8:45 PM, Jackmil said:

So you are not afraid of trading. You must forget the money you have deposited. And use free funds. That is my opinion.

But where do i get those free money? well if there was no cryptotalk of course.

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Fear is the worst advisor of the mind they say. It's indeed better to do some research but if you are afraid of losing money you should not involve yourself in trading. Some trades give high profits but others losses.

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Yes its right that trading is very much risky as traders play with recent changes in rates but if you want to trade you should not be scared of bevause if you will be scare of trading then you will not be able to make profit through it and will not be able to concentrate in it.

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Welcome, my friend.It's normal.Fear is fun at first.But one of the biggest mistakes is to make fear go on with you. Or control your decisions.So you have to practice and practice to alleviate that fear.And good luck.

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On 10/7/2019 at 4:11 AM, teminalibug said:

I hear stories some of them right here on cryptotalk, its like Trading is to risky

I remember back when I was living with my parents, I used to tell them that i was trading but i was actually gambling on dice sites.. LMAO. I tried to trade sometimes without knowing what i was doing, did few orders and I was like damn! this thing is scarier and complicated than gambling pss! so i kept gambling and everyone believed that i was trading, was good at it though, Gambling i mean until i quit

Now every time i have enough money to start Trading i get scared!

How do you guys do it, and how do i get started? like you i mean from a total NOOB that i am + is it really scary like i think?

Trading is not scary, gambling is real scary because there is no chance of being sure that you can win in trading there are strategy that you can used.

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This are the principal of newbies when they don't have moneys for trading they'd be likely much to trade but when they having money for trading they start to fearing about trading 

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2 hours ago, Xsimple said:

Trading is not scary, gambling is real scary because there is no chance of being sure that you can win in trading there are strategy that you can used.

To be honest i have win big in gambling more than i lose and more than i win on trading.

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Now, if you must engage in trading, you need to do away with fear of missing out and panic trading, one of the things that makes most traders fail is because they are not certain of what they are doing, so what they should do is do away with my above mentioned points.

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I think it's okay to be scared but we should let fear overwhelm us while we go into trading when you develop the feeling you will lose your self confidence and control

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On 1/2/2020 at 8:11 PM, FrenchFry said:

If you are afraid, start with a small amount, allocate part of the funds that you have, then see what your results are and how much you can double your capital. This is a step that you need to get used to, if you feel that you are confident in what you are doing, then add the amount that you will use to trade.

If one is afraid of trading, it is a signal/warning that the person is not yet equipped with the knowledge and skills for trading, so the result can be imagined. It is like opening the door of a car and hitting the road without first learning to drive or obtain a driver's license.



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Ready to have many risks means ready to be success soon. Don't be afraid friend, there are many people who have the more terrible problem more than you did. Keep being careful in every step and don't lie to your parents anymore, because they are the path to your success.

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You need to overcome your fear, anything trading is all about taking risk. Is either you win or you lose ,but never believe that you gonna lose in trading if you do, retry it again till you win

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5 minutes ago, hmind said:

I guess your fear because trauma must be resisted by starting trading by not caring about the results first. To avoid big losses starting from cheap coin trading and playing on a small scale until you get used to it and eventually your fears fade away. And convince yourself that losing is normal in life, because life is full of struggle. If not fighting means you're the same as a dead person. That's all my advice, friend. Hope this helps you.

i think a lot of people in crypto have this fear because they got into crypto very late in 2018 and they were losing money in every trade, but i think the altseason will fix this

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Learning from a Demo Account allows beginners to practice trading in real market conditions, but without the need for real money capital. This is the best choice for traders who are new to forex trading and want to test the trading system, because no money is risked. Demo accounts can also be used as long as you want, so you can be sure and steady on certain trading systems.

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This is normal, everyone is afraid of trading, even the ancient and experienced Trading is full of risks and also full of profit, so move away from your affection and use your mind and everything will be fine.



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