Does the number of online computers on the blockchain network affect bitcoin transaction speed? - Page 3 - Bitcoin - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content

Does the number of online computers on the blockchain network affect bitcoin transaction speed?

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Of course, no, how quickly the transaction is processed is only affected by the amount of Commission you choose when sending cryptocurrency. 

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53 minutes ago, Trofimova said:

Of course, no, how quickly the transaction is processed is only affected by the amount of Commission you choose when sending cryptocurrency. 

But no matter the highest fee you use for a transaction, it will take 10 minutes before the transactions can be completed. Though the answer is still No. 

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I don't think Bitcoin transactions are affected in terms of their confirmation of the number of devices available around the world and they operate on devices with the same speed of confirmation


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The online user's computers they are not related or form part of effect about the Blockchain Network transaction process, the unique who control the process of the transaction is Blockchain technology, some times delay the confirmation because of many transaction at same time.

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I do not know if this will affect the speed of transactions, but I think that if the number of computers increases, this will increase the speed of transactions because they will be able to solve transactions more quickly.

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Whenever a transaction or withdrawal takes place then it need confirmation from the several selected networks. And i think it effects to the speed of the transactions. Because all of them are online and approves then it happens quickly. But sometimes it takes time because the purchases are not online. So i think that the blockchain network should ease the system. 

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Certainly, the increase in the number of computers leads to a significant increase in the speed of transactions. The more computers, the faster the execution of transactions will increase. I am sure that this will happen in the future and all the achievements of the transactions will be very fast.

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The transaction speed at some moments depends on the network congestion and the number of transactions waiting to be approved. I do experience this especially on Fridays and prices are so much volatile then.

My Altcointalks username —° Raqeebzy


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No friend, computers are not affecting the speed of transaction for bitcoin in the blockchain network. Many bitcoin transactions at one time will affect the speed of them to be confirmed and that means transactions will also be slower. 

Time is the ultimate weapon!

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I think it does not affect if they are not involved into the mining actions and used just for tracking transactions and wallet balance but if number of computers connected to blockchain network to make the so many cryptocurrency transactions, it may affect the transactions speed. 



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Yes, the number of computers affects the speed of the blockchain transactions and confirms them quickly if there are many computers, but if there are few computers, it will take longer


Life is great and enjoy it

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On 12/25/2019 at 3:47 AM, lucky80 said:

It depends on the transaction amount. When the limit is reached then we will need more hash power to get faster confirmation.

If you want to deposit some bitcoins then in order to get instant confirmation, you can raise the fee by using the preferred transaction so that its speed will increase. We can transfer to each other through extraction and thus depend entirely on the speed of the computer online. It is said that blockchain flows on computer online

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On 12/23/2019 at 1:30 AM, Beromnia said:

Greetings, my friend
I don't think blockchain transactions are affected by the number of computers on the network
For information, the number of computers is decreasing dramatically on the net, because most people today use smart phones
Phones do not have the capabilities of computers

If you want to deposit some bitcoins then in order to get instant confirmation, you can raise the fee by using the preferred transaction so that its speed will increase. expecting a lot of transactions to be blocked then that is not possible or there may be something wrong with what I understand about your meaning.

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I think that responsible for the speed of transactions for Bitcoin is the blockchain technology and not the number of computers connected to the blockchain network, but of course the more computers the more Bitcoin mining speed increases

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On 4/15/2020 at 11:29 AM, BitcryptoHan said:

The number of computers? You can not use it like that. You should say the number of nodes. The more the nodes the less the reward but can not affect the transactions fee unless people that are using the cryptocurrency is increasing. As for the speed, it can mot be affected, it is always 10 minutes for the fastest speed. 

The more the nodes the lesser the transaction time, but this is often corrected in every two weeks to make sure the average transaction time is set to 2 minutes. Though it will be affected but corrected. 

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On 7/10/2020 at 5:12 PM, JohanDonne said:

Any normal computer doesn't make any difference in bitcoin transection speed, it is miners or mining computer that does so, ans thus the number of miners online make difference in bitcoin confirmations. And speed also.

You are right but try to get the question right two, the computer referred to are miners, but not well asked, because computers in the network means nodes in the network, and if they increase the transaction speed will increase too but will later be adjusted.

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6 hours ago, Yomose said:

You are right but try to get the question right two, the computer referred to are miners, but not well asked, because computers in the network means nodes in the network, and if they increase the transaction speed will increase too but will later be adjusted.

Instead, nodes would have been used instead of computers, mineral run nodes to nodes for securing the blockchain network and in the process, they also do the work of transacting the coins sent by coin users. 

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LOL, have you considered provider failer at all ? There are many reasons why the page could have gone blank (it is working for me now btw). But yes they only one you see is conspiracy theory. I know what is my power, I know how much I should mine and more or less it is OK. Of course miners are bugged, there were problems with wallet itself, but if you look around everyone had it. So stop being an ass and if you like to criticize at least give some constructive points otherwise go the hell out.

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I believe that the pace at which transactions are confirmed on the Bitcoin network is linked to the network's busyness; the more the network is occupied with more transfers, the longer it takes for new transfer orders to be processed, which naturally slows down the network; however, I believe that Bitcoin will be built to speed up transactions, and I have heard that Lightning will be added.

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I assume it has no effect if they are not involved in mining activities and are only used to track transactions and wallet balances, but if there are a large number of computers connected to the blockchain network to process a large number of cryptocurrency transactions, it may have an impact on transaction pace.

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No, dear, I don't think the number of computers will affect the speed at which transactions are done in Bitcoin, they are basically and since they were created so slow and nothing has ever affected them. 

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There is two different things that happen, and I have not read a clear case on what is the most important.

The network has the miners that mine the blocks, but after that it is the full nodes that validate them. 


The hash rate is important because the block needs to be mined first. The validating nodes check if it is correctly written under the software rules. 

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