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New feature in Binance to transfer balance

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simply in yobit they have been out there for a long time so I wouldn't be bizarre to binance out it presently. it's valuable and I back it.

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This is a great feature that was added by binance. In this feature,a binance user can easily transfer his money to other binance users without any delay. This will attract more and more users towards the exchange. 

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I have already used this feature , exchange Binance well done that finally added it, no wonder this exchange is called the best many people.

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The Binance platform started from scratch and its founder is one person, unlike the rest of the platforms that are mostly a company or a group of people. You can buy digital currencies and deposit via the Binance platform using Visa and Mastercard.

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This is good feature i used this feature working perfectly balance transfer within a second without any fees binace one of the best exchange giving good features to users safe and secured exchange.

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Wow i like this feature of the binance exchange because before i never find this of features between the users of exchanges transfer is free. Now it is much benefits for brokers of btc. 

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now a time binance is leading exchange in crypto market and gives the opportunity  this exchange help so many new members learn about trading, if the news is real then its help so many users to pay fees is less one account to another account, so many user earn passive income through binance exchange.



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It’s a really good feature! And I like idea pays without fees, I can save my extra money. I think, I will use this in future

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Yes, the balance can be transferred from BINANCE accounts without fees immediately and this is a very useful addition and this feature was also available on the YOBIT platform


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Great that's the good feature added in the best wallet of the Crypto coins binance has been succeeded very much and the users are very much trustable considering to binance also this new feature will enhance more users to get connected with it.

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It's a good news for big binance user. binance blockchain transfer fee free. Binance provides many good features day by day and grow binance ecosystem fastly rather than any exchange. Many peer to peer flat currency available in binance exchange that any other good feature. 

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This is also great, the Binance platform is considered the first platform in terms of liquidity, and this feature enables you to trade with ease such as entering and exiting deals without worrying about the liquidity position, and also you can take your money at any moment you wish.

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This is good, I didn't know anything about this before but if this feature is new, then I think they are late, because they should added it before now, for example in yobit they already have this option where they allow to their users to transfer all the coins between them for free without any fees, anyway it is good for binance users

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Yes, this has already been done and I have been using it for a while. This is called internal conversion, meaning you can transfer bitcoin to the platform without any fees. This feature is available even on the Yobit platform.

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Wow, I Didn't really know of such feature which the binance also has, as this is almost like that if the feature of the yobitcodes on yobit, which no fee charge is compensate on it.

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Very good news for Binance users. Binance exchange never fails to introduce new features to its users that why it's popularity is increasing day by day.

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Wow did not know this information thanks, the interests also apply?  Well I will go to review, thank you very much for letting us know, since binance is constantly updating and adding new functions, improving even more is very excellent.

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Zero transfer was enough to love it I always use usdt so zero fees will be great all the time, Also for who will see the comment , using Trc20 for Tron wallet to transfer usdt has zero fees.

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Thanks for you that you make us always updated for the new news with this great platform you know i am using it  and i don't know about that at all so thanks and good luck.

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And this offers easy way for shifting money among accounts on the trade and withdrawals to some other account are carried out via the withdraw tab commonly.

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1 hour ago, Kgn78690 said:

I want to know that is there any more exchange which provides this types of services like we can transfer our money from one account to another without large fee or no fee 

Many exchanges provide this feature. For example yobit. You can use yobit codes. Create your yobit codes and give them to your friends. The internal transfer method is nothing new.

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3 minutes ago, Nakamoto said:

Many exchanges provide this feature. For example yobit. You can use yobit codes. Create your yobit codes and give them to your friends. The internal transfer method is nothing new.

Actually this is a common thing, but it seems there is another uniqueness in binance I continue to look for advantages between binance and yobit in order to distinguish the advantages of the two.

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This is a great feature , Binance is one of the best platform for trading , and this feature is really good give opportunity to change from 2 account Binance with 0 fee , this really good , i wish yobit to do this feature because some time we need it.

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Yes, this is a really good feature that transfers balance between binance accounts quickly and without fees and this will make you deal with friends and people who have accounts in binance and pay them quickly and without fees


Life is great and enjoy it

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On 12/20/2019 at 7:14 PM, Peter Urban said:

Where can I do that. Can you send me url of that? I like Binance and this is great feature. I think that all Binance users will love it.

you don't need any link to use this service just download or update app from play store or app store and go to transfer option of the app where you will see that arrow of transfer use that one 

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