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What can cause bitcoin or crypto currency to come to an end.

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On 26.09.2020 at 20:19, George10 said:

_20200926_185409.JPG.f5a48481ec7e9f2f87f1a9b9629645bc.JPGВи коли-небудь замислювались, що може призвести до того, що король криптовалюти біткойн або криптовалютний ринок зникнуть або, точніше, підійдуть до кінця, сьогодні я хотів би обговорити деякі моменти, які, на мою думку, можуть спричинити цю катастрофу, якою є кожен користувач крипто не бажаючи дивитись, включаючи себе, я не хочу, щоб ринок біткойнів або криптовалют все-таки закінчився, давайте розглянемо причини, які у мене є, і перша з них - глобальний збій в доступі до Інтернету, це означає відсутність підключення до Інтернету, що робить систему щодо криптовалюти, яку неможливо експлуатувати, оскільки продовження роботи залежить від Інтернету, а інша причина - глобальна заборона криптовалюти, хоча це може статися нелегко, але лише деякі країни можуть вибрати заборону криптовалют у своїх юрисдикціях.І це може спричинити кінець, якщо це відбудеться глобально, але моя точка зору з цього приводу полягає в тому, що уряди не наважуються заборонити криптовалюту, а скоріше знайдуть засоби збору податків, щоб вони могли отримати вигоду, отже, це, мабуть, має менше шансів вплив і, нарешті, але не в останню чергу інша причина, яка може призвести до зникнення ринку біткойнів або криптовалют, - це ми, криптокористувачі,_20200926_185325.JPG.8346ab380d5cad17ed3825b233fc38a1.JPG коли ми починаємо втрачати віру і сумніватися в крипторинку під час кризи або коли крипто не може надати якусь відчутну цінність у реальному світі, що призводить до того, що ми повністю втрачаємо віру і, врешті-решт, назавжди відмовляємося від крипто-криптовалюти, може спричинити великий великий вплив, коли це відбувається масово.

Тому давайте завжди вірити в біткойн або криптовалютний ринок, навіть під час кризи, бажаючи, щоб цієї катастрофи не сталося.

Це те, чого я не знав з вашого боку.


20 hours ago, Tranzc said:

Це є дуже важким для Bitcoin , щоб прийти до до кінця , тільки річ , що якщо правильно це , що , в на відсутність в ресурсах в багатьох країнах , інтернет доступ в дуже обмежений в них , навіть у НЕ є на стільниковий телефон , щоб мати можливість для доступу , це робить                                              Bitcoin  для  в  дуже невеликій популяції .   

У цьому Bitcoin ще залишався стабільним в своїй ціні і її ринок вже зріс в останні роки , в доповненні багатьох компаній вже бачили великий потенціал , і вже були впровадження його в їх бізнесі , це тримає це відбувається і його ціна стає для рости значно .                                          


Криптовалютний ринок ще досить молодий йому ще розиватись і розвиватись, тому вважаю що в нього успішне майбутнє в тому числі і у біткоїна.

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 I am think this is not happen and the markets of Bitcoin are still have many years to trade and give us profit

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Well, I think the only possible way is that if internet is going to cut off and all traders will lose their cryptos. However I’m sure that it is nearly impossible to come up to such conditions. 

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Bitcoin, son 24 saat içinde % 0.9 artarak 10.565 Dolar ile 10.663 Dolar arasında değişkenlik gösteriyor.

Bu, Bitcoin Fear and Greed Endeksinin 3 Eylül'de 50'nin altına düşmesinden bu yana kırmızı renkte 30 gün geçirdiği için geliyor. 40'dan 42'ye yükselen endeks şu anda Fear bölgesinde yer alıyor. Sonunda 30 Eylül'de 49'dan düştüğünden beri ilk olumlu hareketini yaptı.

Endeks, Bitcoin yatırım duyarlılığına genel bir bakış sağlamak için çeşitli kaynaklardan gelen verileri ölçüyor. Bitcoin'in 3 Eylül'de birdenbire % 10'luk bir düşüş kaydetmesinden bu sürece dek, 50'nin altında kaldı. 21 Eylül'de 52'ye ulaşarak kısa bir süre yeşil bölgede bulundu.

Fear and Greed Endeksi piyasanın hala temkinli olduğunu gösteriyor

Kripto endeksi, yatırımcıların Bitcoin satın almak isteyip istemediğine dair bir veri elde etmek için volatilite, sosyal medya, Google trendleri, pazar hakimiyeti ve pazar hacmi de dahil olmak üzere çeşitli değişkenleri ölçüyor. Eylül ayının başından önce, aşağıdaki grafikte gösterildiği gibi, endeksin ''Greed'' bölgesi ya da Bitcoin satın alma arzusu olarak gösterdiği alan 85'e kadar yeşil devam etti. 

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It will never come to ends. Internet and digital currencies will never be ends. This world wants to be digital but crypto is digital already. Then how can you think like that.

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I think that losing trust in cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency businesses will be fatal in the cryptocurrency world, which is why I despise these ICO gimmicks as they reinforce the fact that cryptocurrency is getting really terrible in the media. People lose confidence - stop investing - cryptocurrencies lose additional "money".

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I think there can be found something that will make restrict it in the whole world, or new best method of anonymous payment will be invented, for example, with less miners performance needed. Also internet issue is vary probable. No one bitcoin can be send with no internet.

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On 10/2/2020 at 3:09 PM, iloveyobit said:

Blockchain is a virtual reality and it cannot disappear unless the internet disappears, but it can become useless if new technology emerges that is more sophisticated than it and with better features.

I dont think it will be easy to have a new technology that is more sophisticated that crypto, and if that happens it will probably not give us the same anonymity that bitcoin and crypto give us.

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6 hours ago, duncun007 said:

I dont think it will be easy to have a new technology that is more sophisticated that crypto, and if that happens it will probably not give us the same anonymity that bitcoin and crypto give us.

Perhaps it is impossible to create a technology similar to or better than the blockchain, but at the same time nothing is impossible to bring to the level of the parent who is connected to the science at this time.

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Hi everyone.

I think the only way of cryptocurrencies to come to an end is an apocalypse causing a great technology loss. Or a quantum computer to process such extreme information in such short times that depletes mining. Other than that, I don't think bans and heavy regulations from governments can stop it's spread and advancement. And why would the governments do such an unnecessary move. Everyone can see that it is the future of the world's financial system, maybe the greatest invention in economical field after the invention of currency by Lydians.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day

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I disagree with you. You wrote nonsense. The Internet cannot be turned off. Too much of everything is tied to the Internet in this life. When the Internet is turned off, many people will lose their businesses and jobs and this will lead to a crisis.

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I think that if they could liquidate, delete, stop, remove bitcoin, 
they would do it by now. There is no way to stop the electricity in the 
whole world, nor to ban it.
Edited by Earbuzz
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On 10/8/2020 at 5:54 PM, Affect579 said:

I disagree with you. You wrote nonsense. The Internet cannot be turned off. Too much of everything is tied to the Internet in this life. When the Internet is turned off, many people will lose their businesses and jobs and this will lead to a crisis.

Mind your language mate and what was required of you is to voice out your own point of view on what can cause bitcoin or cryptocurrence market to come to an end since you see my points to be nonsense to you and one thing you should know,in this forum,we are here to learn and share knowledge with one another not to judge other people's contributions.

Edited by George10
adding infor.

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In fact, governments try to eliminate Bitcoin because they know that they cannot have control, the only control of Btc is we, the people, we are the ones who make it have a value and a functioning since Btc is considered as real money

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I think that there is another reason for the disappearance of Bitcoin that you did not mention, and that is if all miners in the world stop the mining process, although it is unlikely to happen, but if that happens, we will not be able to make any transfer via the Bitcoin blockchain network.

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On 9/26/2020 at 8:19 PM, George10 said:

and the first one is global internet access failure,this means no internet connection thus making the system on cryptocurrency unable to be operated, as it  depends sorely on Internet to keep running and the other reason is global ban on crypto currency though this might not easily happen but only few countries may choose to ban crypto in their jurisdictions.

The internet is also a decentralized network. There are efforts from some countries to reduce access to it and lately we have seen Belarus doing that and cutting access to their citizens, but backups went online and access through many ways was achieved.

A global ban on crypto is not possible either, but even if this happens which has a chance of one in a billion, then still it will not affect Bitcoin as the network will still be running as long as people will still be running nodes and mining.

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I think that what may cause cryptocurrencies to crash may be the governments or the algorithm itself crashing or going really low in price, which may cause the popularity in bitcoin to drop.

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On 9/27/2020 at 12:52 AM, Jaafar Fahad Hassan said:

It impossible for internet to just cut, many things will be down if the internet cut,infact the world will cut, and government to ban cryptocurrency is very rare ,though some countries can ban it because many countries are yet to even accept it today

In my opinion crypto currency have need to make some improvements at this time now. And the crypto talk and Bitcointalk will be never ended . Because now at the world there ate the most demanding and popular currencies and many investors and sponsors are supporting them to reach the highest level in the market.

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For me it is impossible that bitcoin or any crypto currency will come to an end because the demand in crypto is too high and many people are now depending on crypto. Maybe economy and internet will fail but I don't think that crypto currency also will fail.

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1 hour ago, Zafarwaheed said:

In my opinion crypto currency have need to make some improvements at this time now. And the crypto talk and Bitcointalk will be never ended . Because now at the world there ate the most demanding and popular currencies and many investors and sponsors are supporting them to reach the highest level in the market.

Your opinion is right mate, it needs to improve mostly in the under developed nation's , because many under developed nation don't even know anything about cryptocurrency,, so cypto reaching this areas Will be a massive development to the crypto world , and about the sponsorship, it a nice development and I hope many other advanced industry sponsor cryptotalk for it to improve massively

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My friend global internet connectivity will not be failed permanently. Even  internet is failed it won't be an end of Bitcoin. DATA from the blockchain will not be erased & it will be reaccessed after connectivity is regenerated.

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I don't think so the crypto currency would stop because the internet can be stopped the reason is that the world is depending on the internet for making knowledge and information about all over the country it is a system which helps to reduce the work.

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Bitcoin have made a very quick place for itself in today world's finance. The only danger to its survival is scamming. Scammers everyday try to hack exchanges or steal private keys of the crypto users and scam them. This can lead to its decreased demand which will affect its survival ability in a negative way.

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After carefully reading and considering these facts you said, I see absolutely no danger for bitcoin to come to an end. Cryptocurrencies can be separated to some that have a very safe blockchain that is secure and it will be very hard to 51% attack and to the rest that are the most and weak blockchains that are very cheap for an attacker to make a mess and profit from doing that. This is impossible to happen on Bitcoin because of the cost it will require. So as far as Bitcoin is concerned the future is secured and not coming to an end.

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