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What are investments?

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Investment is something what gives you profit for holding or possessing it. There are many types of investments like property, stocks, coins, factories and others 




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Investment means you go seek for a progress. It is a start where you can have a good profit soon. Like businesses, you can't have a business without investing or providing anything first to it. Just like here in cryptos, there are many ways of investment, you need a real money and turn it into cryptocurrency to transact with fhe cryptoworld. 

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On 11/10/2019 at 10:36 PM, Rashel said:

Investments are something you buy or put your money in to get a profitable return. There are four types of investments known as "asset classes". 

_shares. Cash. Proberty. Fixed interest securities. 

I understand the investment on yobit investbox are those so called "Fixed interest securities"  So what about the investment on holding on he coin and wait for it to pump what are they called.

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On 11/11/2019 at 2:36 PM, Rashel said:

Investments are something you buy or put your money in to get a profitable return. There are four types of investments known as "asset classes". 

_shares. Cash. Proberty. Fixed interest securities. 

You are right in terms of investment I prefer the fixed interest like on yobit exchange because they give you a fixed interest no matter what the situation of the market.


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Hello everyone.

In my opinion an investment is anything that requires effort or energy to perform with the hope that you will get something worth that effort in return. From loving a child to cultivating vegetables or buying a stock

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The activity which we done for earning profit by taking risk is investment.There are many types of investment.Before investment we should see the project perfectly it is very important as our money can be lose.

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Investing in cryptocurrencies is primarily a profit, the investor’s income depends on it. A trader receives income from trading, an investor from cryptocurrency investments. 

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in my opinion investing is giving your money to do an activity whether it's making your own coins or supporting a coin-making program. and of course we expect a more profit to return our money and there is a remnant that we can make as a result of this investment.

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On 11/11/2019 at 12:06 PM, Rashel said:

Investments are something you buy or put your money in to get a profitable return. There are four types of investments known as "asset classes". 

_shares. Cash. Proberty. Fixed interest securities. 

investment is something which is going to give something over the period of time or maturity.savings are not investment. investment in shares,propert,gold are actually investment. hardcash is not investment.

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On 11/11/2019 at 1:36 PM, Rashel said:

Investments are something you buy or put your money in to get a profitable return. There are four types of investments known as "asset classes". 

_shares. Cash. Proberty. Fixed interest securities. 

In essence, investing is a long-term plan and we have no plans to sell it in the near future even if prices go up. because selling for every day is called trading.

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On 11/11/2019 at 1:36 PM, Rashel said:

Investments are something you buy or put your money in to get a profitable return. There are four types of investments known as "asset classes". 

_shares. Cash. Proberty. Fixed interest securities. 

What type of investment do you think is most profitable at the moment?
I want to make an investment but still confused to choose it, I want to choose the biggest investment to get profit even though it has a high risk.

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Investment is an asset or an item that is acquired to generate your income. It is when you store or invest your money you might need it for future purposes that you can use in case you might need it. 

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investment is not good for new person, invest money in crypto is very difficult and it has very high risk. If you love taking risk, you can start investment. But be careful with your investment. there are so many scammer around us.

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On 11/11/2019 at 8:36 AM, Rashel said:

Investments are something you buy or put your money in to get a profitable return. There are four types of investments known as "asset classes". 

_shares. Cash. Proberty. Fixed interest securities. 

Investors in the early stages of Bitcoin and Ethereum currencies have been able to make net profits of millions of dollars, but at the same time you can be exposed to losing a lot of your wealth in case of wrong investment.

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I am afraid to invest in projects that freeze the amount for the payback period and during this time a lot can happen. Another thing kryptonite which can always be sold.

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That's good enough to share. but these 4 points should be further elaborated to be understand them in a wise way to get complete knowledge about investment.  

I am sick of LOVE and want your click on ❤️.

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On 11/11/2019 at 6:58 AM, Yawar said:

Well in share investment, If you plan on using your money in less than 5 years, for say, a down payment on a house or car, then park it in a savings account.

Then it wouldn't be a 'share investment'.  OP didn't elaborate on anything he wrote, which is annoying.  When he wrote 'shares' he means shares of stock. 


The general definition of an investment is pretty simple.  It's something you buy in hopes of selling it for more money than you bought it for, and there's obviously a time element to doing so.  Bitcoin is obviously an investment, though it's a currency as well.  It's a neat hybrid of the two things, but I tend to think of it more as the former, something to make a profit with.

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Yep there are many types of investments, but I prefer to invest in crypto because of fast  movement of the price, we really can make profit of it.



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I think every individual on this site is well aware of investment try to share more interesting topics still thanks for sharing your views and i add more you invest more profit you will get

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On 11/11/2019 at 9:36 AM, Rashel said:

Investments are something you buy or put your money in to get a profitable return. There are four types of investments known as "asset classes". 

_shares. Cash. Proberty. Fixed interest securities. 

Can you explain ti me what the meaning of the two Cash and Property investment.

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Investments is to put your money on a specific crypto coin in the market to increase and get profit 

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In my opinion investment is the process to growing our money with autopilot mode.

Let's say i buy land with price $10,000 then after 1 year the price growing to $11,000. That is i think investment. In cryptocurrency also same you can holding some coin where you think useful in the future. And after a year you can get profit from different prices. But in cryptocurrency i think more hard than land because that is digital not like land where have physical. So i just recommended if you want do investment, invest only on what you know, if you don't really thing cryptocurrency is profitable in the future, why you still invest here.

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This is good time if you have the money then you invest in crypto currency because the price of crypto goes high in up coming years and more crypto currency trader trade in crypto currency and hold the crypto coins for long term benefits.

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Investment means to buy something with your money like if you buy some coins with your money in the crypto market then its mean you are going to invest in the crypto market. SO in crypto market investment is the major thing and we do make good profit when the coin is going to up.


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