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Addict to crypto world

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Addiction to crypto is like a drugs if you cant handle this carefully it can ruin your life. Be wise and always make a choice that you will benefits in long term.

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On 11/4/2019 at 12:02 AM, MyThoughts said:

Try to find some new hobbies.
If you can’t find something completely different, then try to look for a hobby that is close to cryptocurrency trading.
Anything related to computers and software...

I know but cryptocurrency trading is just so demanding, I don't have lots of free time again and I am starting to take cryptocurrency trading as my full time job, so there is no way to shake the addiction, I just have to manage it.

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I don't think at the beginning i will be addict to this world but YES now i am and for long time every day i week up i see my phone for new notification about crypto price read news search about it,my computer is full about information about crypto nothing else  

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I wasn't addicted to crypto currencies. But it seems since few days i am being addicted. And the reason behind it is CryptoTalk. I m not blaming them for their campaign rather i am learning more and can interact with others about crypto space. 

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₿: 3JjY452XaoVfR6wFeZEp3htuj6TE3wq47z

ETH: 0x479eAf3d641819670526A001Fe667000d2F1b293

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yeah i am addicted to the crypto world now i cannot leave without crypto trading it is a good business where we can make money online by doing trades and hold the coins and i am happy with trades

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Addict is like a disease, some of us see himself spending big time chasing bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, but there is some people maybe we can't imagine how many time they spend behind phones or desktop because of crypto coins, believe me it is not easy

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Getting addicted to something is really bad especially if it changes you and your daily life. Addiction especially when it involves money is really not good because it might damage your mental health once you loses a lot of your money. We should learn to control ourselves, and learn to balance things.

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Take a vacation from all activities related to crypto so that the mind is fresher. We cannot continue in the crypto world, we need to manage our time well so we don't get addicted.

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Well I'm not addicted to crypto. You know, we're all here need money to live another day lol. I'm addicted to money. And addicted to the things you do with money. This is a work, a lifestyle, I would not call this an addiction. Addiction is something that you do without control and knowing is harmful to you.

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5 minutes ago, herialb said:

Then unfortunately you are more of a leecher than adopter. Bitcoin was created to go against the financial world which slaves people and you are only on BTC to get more fiat, dollars and euros? 😕 thats sad.


Some research and you will see how banks make us slaves and BTC frees us. Be on BTC for the idea not the quick money.

An idea cannot feed you, you know? This is a business, not a charity. We're slaves of money, whatever form it has.

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On 10/21/2019 at 10:38 AM, Keith700 said:

Everyone may come to think that you are addicted to cryptocurrencies, nothing out of reality for many, this represents the life or learning system of thousands of people submerged here, we live in a world where 100% of people tie their self-esteem to Money that they possess imagine that so much has happened to me with bitcoin, thousands of enthusiastic millionaires and entrepreneurs take advantage of techniques to promote promises such as retiring young or becoming financially independent, very threshing issues every day that passes.
You can try to disconnect a little from cryptos, it is a matter of liberation and avoid being self-consumed by it, this should make us more happy not to immerse ourselves in sadness or compulsivity.

I don't think that all of our members of crypto world  is addicted To crypto world but some people who were involved in  Gambling or endless trading they are absolutely addicted. 

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4 minutes ago, herialb said:

You can get feed and at the same time fight for freedom, not stay a slave. If people stopped thinking like this we wouldnt work our ass for some rich bankers that just become more rich every day while we suffer for them. The world only changes when people stop being lazy and get out of the confort zone. Unfortunately some people are only here to make btc dump and lose trust by selling to stay a slave.

-random thought this guy looks like a bot but I'm gonna eat the bait-


You cannot pull apart fiat from crypto, even the exchanges offer the pair USD/coin. If you are on crypto, whatever the reason you have, you're implicitly fighting for freedom. But you're still a slave. Exchanges profit from you. You're their slave too.

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Outstanding help and advice, absolutely annoyed when someone requires to be undertaken. Advertising campaigns might be further fundamental as opposed to profit, which may be a family group not to mention well-being. And yet families overlay the thought of content not to mention family group with the help of profit. It happens to be miserable.

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We'll I think that happiness means independence in its different aspects. So disconnection from things you are addicted too is always a nice idea. But if it's your main business that you really enjoy I don't see sense in taking a break

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I am addicted to the crypto world, I don't make that much but I still spent a lot of time in the crypto world, from trading to reading articles, analyzing prices and researching new cryptocurrency projects, this take most of my day.

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On 11/26/2019 at 1:57 AM, bean said:

I am addicted to the crypto world, I don't make that much but I still spent a lot of time in the crypto world, from trading to reading articles, analyzing prices and researching new cryptocurrency projects, this take most of my day.

Don't worry if you don't have much of a vig portfolio but you spending more time here will help you grow your knowledge and your wallet as well with payments which you can then be wise with and Invest in a project that will give you good returns. 

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Cryptocurrency is part of my hobby, even my hobbies do not harm others. Addiction or whatever it is as long as it does not harm others is my right. I tend to ignore people and do things that I like.

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To much addiction for anything is harmful for us.We should not make the cryptotalk as addiction. Its just a source to earn money.We should not be addicted to this.

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I don't think this addiction is so bad. if someone get addicted to a bad thing like smoking, drinking alcohol or gambling, then that is very bad and dangerous.


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All depends from personal of how he set up the management of his finances or control his emotions. sometimes that makes people lose their assets because it is too greedy and random origin without learning how their knowledge.

Edited by Naylor89

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Compulsion is definitely terrible when we finally take a look at a Crypto foreign money for the reason that Crypto community is definitely damaging that will feed on your complete huge selection when you are never thorough.

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We can continue to get involved in cryptocurrency without being addicted to it. It is up to everyone to develop self-control. We should use everything in a way to gain benefit from it not in a way that we become a victim for it. The best thing to do to avoid addiction is to create balance between everything in your life. You have to divide your time and allocate a certain amount of time to any task everyday. If you set a time limit for your focus on cryptocurrency on a daily basis, you won't be ruined by it. Don't sit behind a table and see prices and charts 24 hours a day to earn a few dollars. Do other useful activities and some exercises. Short term and daily trading creates lots of stress and anxiety and will bring more addiction. That's why I prefer long term trading.

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Getting addicted to crypto when it comes to earning is good! We have the dedication and hard work we offer for us to have a good profit. But you must not let crypto overwhelm you. You should do rest also, you can also earn while holding.

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