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Everything posted by Joseunda

  1. I believe that the valute of the YO token is due to the support yobit has given it with all its events and its launched projects
  2. One has to arm oneself with strategies and know which curriencies are good for the future and which ones are operated in the short term
  3. I personally became interested in this world when i started to study so really for students entering this world is a great adventage and a good learning
  4. I see usually see daily prices because i practically live with this world every day, i imagine that if crypto is only part your investment you se the price less
  5. The only bad thing that happened with doge was his easy manipulation as happened with a tiktok challenge
  6. Litecoin is always very stable, when you buy it at the time you can get good profit when it jumps
  7. excellent have a good educational platform, have interest in this project, good idea
  8. i read the information i like what the project have many updates
  9. im interesting for the coin and no have information what the exchangue have this token for buy, pls share the information, thanks!
  10. i start of follow this proyect is very interesting prouf have grat future
  11. im very courius for this type of trade, is automatic a is legit with real profit?
  12. with the burned probably the coin is going to more of 0.10$ and maybe the next year listed in binance
  13. I love dogecoin and is stable currency, is easy to work and have in yobit
  14. I like TWT posiblity is go to the moon, this coin with the burned is a coin for buy 100%
  15. It may be possible to remember the investment in the ETN token, we will see how it comes in the future
  16. get info for coins like LINK, SOL, and defi's innovation of coins
  17. i like using brave for the adblock and the posibility of win money in this navegator
  18. this is the future great project i read this very much of this
  19. i like playing sports fantasy, very interesting this
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