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Sofy kosy

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About Sofy kosy

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  1. Your comment is correct, my friend, and I think the reason is that there are answers to the beginners' questions and ample information about the forum rules and regulations.
  2. In any currency you invest in, there is a potential for profit or loss such as ltc, btc, eth, but from my point of view, Bitcoin is the most profitable cryptocurrency because its value is constantly increasing.
  3. Thank you, my friend, for sharing this information with us, as it is a very important information, especially for beginners who still do not know how to spend their profit from the Yobit.
  4. I think most of the faucets are legal, but their profit is very little compared to the normal investment and it will take a long time to receive your first profit.
  5. It is a good decision to join this forum to share your experience in cryptocurrencies and learn more about this field and invest your time in something useful that will earn you experience and money.
  6. Thank you, my friend, for sharing these golden tips with us, especially for beginners. I completely agree with you that we have to divide the capital and not invest it all in one deal.
  7. Your question is good my friend, especially for beginners. This forum provides us with additional income because our work here is in free time in addition to our basic work, thus we gain additional income that suffices us for our daily expenses.
  8. Of course, you can work on crypto from App anywhere and from any Wi-Fi network, whether it is mobile data, a public Wi-Fi network, or a home Wi-Fi network, but the important thing is that you are the only one working on this network because one of the rules of the forum is that no two accounts work on the same IP address.
  9. My friend, in the beginning, you have to believe that patience is the key to success in anything, not just in this forum. But patience here is very important because you can feel bored at the beginning because you comment for free and read a lot of information, so you have to be patient, because with time you will gain experience and money and you will get the result of your fatigue and patience.
  10. This is an important question, my friend, and in my opinion, a good reputation will be obtained according to your topics. If your topic is important and useful, then you will have a good reputation and take positive comments on your post.
  11. Of course, this forum will improve your English greatly, as you write in English on our behalf and read comments in English. This will develop your language and make you master it in a short time, and this is an additional benefit for this forum because the English language is a leading language in the whole world.
  12. Yobit is a very good and reliable wallet, and you can keep your money here while you are reassuring. You have to create an account here in the Ubuntu, link it with the cryptoTalk, and send your money to your account.
  13. I always prefer Bitcoin to invest because its value is constantly increasing, so you will always profit if you invest in it, but it has become extremely expensive and it is difficult to buy it.
  14. I think the tag is a good idea to gain likes for the post, but in my opinion, the important and useful topic is the one that will get many likes. The content is important and not any other factor.
  15. There are several ways to invest, but the way I prefer is to sell the cryptocurrency when its value increases and buy when its value decreases, and with this I can profit the difference between buying and selling.
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