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  1. Что ж, я думаю, что эти конфискованные валюты нужно сжечь и не передавать никому из обычных людей. Потому что, насколько я знаю, те валюты, которые были однажды конфискованы, не могут быть использованы снова. Вот почему я считаю их отречением.
  2. Я считаю, что риски при инвестировании в криптовалюту являются нестабильными. И любые ценности, которые не имеют фиксированных сущностей, могут быть неприятными для тех, кто очень заботится о своих деньгах. Люди, слепо доверявшие этим валютам, либо получают выгоду, либо теряют. У того, кто проиграл, не осталось веры в них.
  3. It's pretty hard to say bcoz China is playing an important role for modification of bitcoin's worth. If China will consider it ban then we can just imagine that it's the world's most populated country and it surely will affect the whole price of bitcoin.
  4. I think the same way as @Whited35 because only one btc miner can't just affect the whole bubble. Yes if there were more then enough miners then surely there rate could collapse but I don't think that it's gonna happen ever.
  5. That's very superstitious hype for all the crypto users. Because we can now see that everytime Elion Musk makes a statement it hugely affiliate the price of bitcoin. And the recent crash have this most outcome reason. The thing which disturbs me is when btc us gonna rise again.
  6. My friend that's good that you are participating in making this forum better . Now the biggners arriving at your topic will be guided in a very good way. This kind of topics should be appreciated and should get likes to motivate the members likes you. Because you are making this for a better place.
  7. Dear friend being panic in any situation is not good. And especially in trading if we will be panic and sell or buy more in that state then there is no doubt that loss is coming for you. A good trader is that which always stays calm in each and every situation. This helps that particular trader to get control over it's senses.
  8. Dear @BrolySSJ you are right. I think that the same way. YoBit investbox us really good which can be used for increasing our balance without any efforts. As we discussed about this amazing investbox there are few members which don't know about it and they Ask eagerly about it.
  9. Dear friend it's not possible to ban some members on your own. This is responsibility of moderators and you can't just do it. Although you can easily report the post you're facing again and again then moderators will notice and do the steps with that particular member. If they see necessary to ban that member then they will. Otherwise they'll provide it a warning ⚠ point.
  10. Yes my friend that's correct. And thus us dye to the high rate of bitcoin. Bitcoin have approximately doubled it's worth that us why the payment rules is changed . But if we see that total 4000 satoshi we earn now is equal to the worth of 10000 with previous rate . So that isn't a difference.
  11. That depends on the persons lifestyle. And on regular routine also. If there is already a working man then it could be some sort of difficulty for that person. But if a person is absolutely free and have no job then it's possible for it to pay full attention to this forum and make good money.
  12. Yeah that's for sure. If we will read all the posts then we'll easily know what kind if posts are already posted and to prevent reposting we will make different posts from them and in this way the forum will increase it's quality. As now we all know that we're limited to our houses that is why we can easily learn and earn by working here ambitiously.
  13. My friend there are likes on here but if you look carefully then you can easily see that the posts which are good and full of information are liked. Reputation is only possible in that way. We have to work hard and make people like it by our words making attractive. Reputation isn't granted easily to any one.
  14. Experience. It's the only way to get overcome it. We have to think beyond and loss our balance then we will become aware and learn from mistakes and then we can overcome these riddles. They are found in every member but there are few who are succeded in getting rid of it.
  15. Well thanks very much friend for sharing this. I wanna add something that besides these points we should find a very very legit and real good wallet which takes the responsibility of securing our digital currencies. In my opinion Yobit is the best one. It's multi featured and easily accessible for each and every user of digital currencies.
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