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  1. Any field we find is fraught with negatives and positives, so I see that any currency, not just Litecoin, is subject to supply and demand The higher the demand for it, the higher its price, it will decrease greatly in a situation in which people do not have confidence or in the case of economic or health crises, as was the case during the emergence of Corona
  2. I agree with you, there are currencies at the time of the low price of Bitcoin, which are high in price and vice versa, and there are currencies that are affected by the price of Bitcoin
  3. I do not see that there is a suitable time to trade because currencies are rising and falling permanently, which means that the investor invests in currencies while they reach the bottom while selling currencies that may have reached the top
  4. You are evaluated according to the publication you publish or the answer you provide in terms of understandable language, in terms of clarification, and in terms of new and useful topics.
  5. If I see any platform that has a large number of investors or any currency that has a large number of traders, it will gain a great reputation and confidence, especially if the conversions are at a low price and the transfers are fast and we know speed plays a role in trading since the currency rises and falls within minutes
  6. I invested in the ubiquitous Bitcoin,ltc and Dgb. I use well-known and reputable currencies that I can transfer without high fees.
  7. I believe that Bitcoin will increase its price to 30,000 dollars. It is currently at 23,100 dollars, according to whales
  8. Yes, this is the digital currency that you gain in minutes and lose in minutes, so the investor is patient
  9. The decline could be due to the whales as it could be due to the heavy selling of their currency by investors
  10. I think that if you want to keep the money, you must keep it an electronic dollar. But if you want to win, you must invest in long-term currencies, meaning you buy and place an order to sell and wait for the time to sell your currency and sometimes open the platform on which you trade
  11. Since you are residing with your family, you have to invest an amount, for example, in any good currency, and they will be witnesses to that, and you also see them when you withdraw the dollar in order to be more confident and you must understand them that the trading field must be patient with it
  12. I agree with you, but if you want to earn more, you must invest a large amount, and you must be patient for the jinn. For example, I sold my Bitcoin at a price of 20000 dollars. Currently, the bitcoin is 22800. I see that I hastened. If I had patience, I would have made more. I wish you success.
  13. Bitcoin requires a large capital to be able to profit, and you must know the area of purchase and sale in order to be able to reap profits
  14. I think that short-term trading will gain time, and if you know a little bit on the charts, you can profit in it with gaining time. As for the long-term, you need a large capital, even if you waste time, you will earn big money
  15. You can watch videos on YouTube explaining the charts about how to trade and the bottoms, which are the buying and selling areas, in order to avoid losses. You must invest in a currency in which the volume of trading is large and its project is good. In order for the losses not to be large, invest in currencies that do not exceed $ 1
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