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About smileclassique

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  1. I tried to create my Youtube channel a few times. If you will get much of subscribers, your earning could be good.
  2. Ofcourse. Many users of the internet feel their selves alone. Internet is not a real communication.
  3. I know a few thing as for saving battery. There are turn down brightness, intall less of apps, delete unnecessary apps. I always delete all google play apps and other apps connected with google. But if you are not a specialist, it can be dangerous for your device.
  4. I always have the problem with twitter. It always ban me. But I never cheat this. I don't like it. As for increasing the number of followers, maybe there are some sites where people who need followers meet another people who need followers and they follow each other.
  5. Exodus has too high comissions sometimes.
  6. Much of people in the world use Android. IOS is more expensive, more protected, more special. But, as for me, I don't want to have IOS.
  7. Going for walk, talking with pleasant people, communicating with animals.
  8. In general, people like to sing about feelings, professions, hobbies. So, they start to sing about cryptocurrency.
  9. I like Disco 80. Nice songs, nice music, nice temp. Not all, but much of that songs.
  10. I dont' like games. But I remember one game, I played this game nearly 15 years ago. It called Stronghold.
  11. I don't trust google, facebook. They track people and gather information about them. If you will use google authenticator - it's a chance for them.
  12. It is hard to do that today. But people who did that a few years ago, I think, some of them earned much of money.
  13. I have read the reviews of these sites in the internet. Much of them do not pay.
  14. Guys, I wrote the part of poem and I want you to read this. I am not a writer. What do you thing? It shine the glasses of your window, When all men meet you, start to cry. Because they start to dream about you And everybody dream to kiss your eyes.
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