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About shadeu97

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  1. Yes, the digital currency can be converted into cash through buying and selling the currency, and it can be traded as it is without changing it, and there are many countries that recognize this electronic currency
  2. I don’t think so in the near term, because the Bitcoin currency is witnessing a great rise and may continue to rise, but in the long term it may cause a worrying decline in it and the electronic market movement will clarify that
  3. Create your own topic or comment on someone else’s topic. I think that it is the same thing, but it is better to create your own topics with care not to go outside the framework of the forum’s orientation
  4. Mastering the writing of topics and commenting on them, not violating the forum policy, and not suggesting topics outside the scope of the forum's direction
  5. Both of them depend on different methods and methods, but they participate in the movement of the currency market, so we cannot say one of them is better than the other, but I see that the future of electronic currency is promising
  6. No, you will not get a warning if you make a mistake in grammatical words, but the warning is if you violate the forum policy or publish topics that are not related to the forum’s direction or post offensive words
  7. I am a novice to this forum, but I think that its reputation is good due to the large number of its affiliates and it deserves to participate in it, as it adopts a good system, except for comments and publishing topics
  8. In order for others to learn to work on electronic currency, you must be aware of all aspects of the electronic currency and its trading markets so as not to issue misconceptions that may be the cause of the learner’s failure
  9. Yes, you must first learn what you should write as a topic or a comment, so they should not be contrary to the terms of the forum and remain at the core of the forum’s interests to avoid the ban and to do that, you must first learn well
  10. Yes, I share the same opinion with you, the beginners section gives you an opportunity to develop yourself and develop your ability to publish topics of interest and comments that are at the heart of the topic, which is electronic currency
  11. Because of several factors, some people cannot obtain a good reputation, including lack of credibility, fraud, fraud, deception and incompetence, all of which diminish a person's credibility, so they must be avoided if he wants to obtain a good reputation
  12. The best wallet for a newcomer in the world of electronic currencies is the one that gives you good security ability to preserve your earnings and a small fee margin for transfers, and there are a number of wallets that secure these two important features for you
  13. Taking a break from the forum will not affect your harvest, but the profit margin from it will stop by stopping you from publishing topics and commenting on them, and this is a positive relationship. The more you participate, the greater the profit you get.
  14. The matter that guarantees the stability of the price of the electronic currency is the volume of demand for it, its liquidity and the volume of trade exchange in it. The more the global market is directed towards it, the better its stability and strength will be
  15. Writing comments you need to be well informed about the presented topic, add points that were not mentioned in it, and express your opinion on the topic in general, and why not ask a question for a new topic
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