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Everything posted by Kimi_kun29

  1. Yes it does. If you're not in the mood, it is very hard to think of an answer even though the topic is very easy, while on the other hand you can answer easily even though the topic seems new to you. I suggest that before starting in everything, remind yourself why you started. In that way, it might motivate yourself to finish it in time ;)
  2. Thank you for the reminder sir! Will always do this, so that my account will not be ban. I suggest my co-newbies also follow and read this thread so that we can prevent the banning of our accounts.
  3. if you really want to earn 100$ a month, I suggest about trading. But in will never be so easy, especially for beginners. You will need to educate yourself on every way possible. But the assurance of earning 100$ in trading is very possible
  4. At first, I just know the coins, but then I got hooked into it. Then I tried some forums, trading sites that accepts cryptocurrency as tokens/payments, then I encounter crypto trading. I got really into it. Did some research and stuff. Read some articles that involves the movement of crypto market, even watch YouTube tutorials in analyzing and tips on trading
  5. There is always hope if you try to find it ;) it is never too late to take a leap of faith. I too experience some investment scams, the good thing was it taught me to research more on about cryptocurrency and taught me more about. Now, I'm continuing what I started last year, and still continuing it. Just keep the firing burning my friend ;)
  6. Thank you for this reminder. Yes, I would suggest that too to some newbies like me. Make it a habit that every time you visit a thread or section, do read their guidelines. It will help you to understand that section and will help you to prevent your post to be deleted.
  7. For some beginners, they only want to earn. Then eventually, upon days and months on commenting and reading threads and post they are having a change of hearts. There will be days that they might try something new other than forums. Like crypto trading, crypto bet and many more. This forum helps everyone of its member to gain knowledge and gain more hunger on achieving their goals.
  8. This is very true. If you keep posting with your unfit answers on the thread, you will be eventually be ban. I suggest that before posting, read some comments first and then if you are satisfied with their answers, do your part and search about that certain topic. You earn your coin at the same time you earn some knowledge that you can use in the near future.
  9. I was first into in bitcoin forum, then it got very strict there. I already lose hope in having to earn more there because I was only a Jr Member, then got demoted to newbie because of their new set of rules. But then, I have a classmate that suggested me to join cryptotalk, at first I was very hesitant because I assume that when I join, they may change again the rules leaving me again to newbie. The good thing was, they only change the required post before earning. Thank you moderators and admin! ;)
  10. Thank you for this. This is also may question, if ever that I commented on some old topics will I get ban? But thank you for answering it, I am now relieve that I will not get ban if I comment/reply on old topics. Thank you for this! This is very helpful to some new members, like me ;)
  11. Thank you for the encouragement! This would really help me, I will always read this whenever I feel like getting tired of this, especially that I am a beginner in this field. This will surely boost my spirit to continue in this forum
  12. My brother likes to play Nba 2k20 on steam and Call of Duty. I like watching him play those game and cheering for him. He really doesn't like to lose or get laggy in game, he cries a lot. By the way my brother is only 13 years old
  13. This absolutely correct. If you want to earn more, you should equip more knowledge and skills in trading. If you already know to read trends and candles, that's good. You may earn, but only a little. Reading trends and candle sticks doesn't only consist of being a trader, it's consist of different technical analyzing skill and technical method. Thank you for this though, I am learning more about trading because of this
  14. This would really help the beginners in trading. But it shouldn't stop here, there are also technics that some professionals know that you do not. If you have the budget to be coached, I would recommend it but if not, well you can always find it in the internet. However, they are some cases that in the internet, the way they explain is very confusing. But thank you so much for this sir ;)
  15. As a beginner myself, I would prefer XRP coins. It can be easily traded to other coins and it doesn't have a blockchain. It has its own systematic way of mining. Some countries already accept Ripple as their payment, and even they banks accept it. so basically, no one own ripple coins by only itself. Here's the link for further knowledge, happy reading everyone ;)
  16. This is 100% accurate. Before joining in, you should have research everything about that certain project, ask some of your colleagues or online friend if they have learned about it, and lastly comprehend everything you've learned so that in the end you wouldn't be scammed. Given that not everything on the internet is accurate, but with the collection of resource, you can equip yourself with knowledge on that certain thing ;)
  17. I am also a beginner in trading, it was 4 months ago as far as I can remember. I bought 100 XRP and immediately try to exchange it to BTC. At first, it was going well, I was earning even though it's very little. But eventually I got bored in spot trading, so I leveled up my stakes I plan on researching and learning about futures trading. When the time comes when I already learned the basics, I have it a try in the trading app. Eventually, I almost lost all my XRP, but it didn't stop me there. I promise myself to learn more and study more about the basics of trading. You too can do it! :D
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