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About rajonmia

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  1. Best earning sector is buying and selling sector. When coin price going to be low then we have to buy when price going to be up then we have to sell. This is the most easier way for earning in the crypto world. Also have trading,,, free coin etc.
  2. She coin really a good coin. This Doge coin future definitely bright. But we compare one coin two reason number one is popularity and second one is price. Doge coin have popularity but price low. We wish Doge price last of the year time will be increase.
  3. Those are absolutely good. But I always prefer to mobile mining option. Because mobile mining is a secure system this sector we do not do hard work. No scammers problem. That's why I love so much mining. As is this profit not too much.
  4. In this moment many people really disagree for digital currency. Not only peoples also have many countries. But this matter will be solving day by day. Many countries now accept this currency and launch their own digital currency.
  5. What do you mean brother? What type of safe idea you have to need? Because if you do not understand then we can help you or we can told you how can you attach a strong security on your account. That's it.
  6. My simple opinion is that new project give us always lot of facility. That's why I support this. But one condition if it will hold their position a long time. Then they can be success.
  7. First you have to go investment box. Then you can invest. But first time you have to know which coin you have to invest. Because many coins have which never give you profit.so be careful for investment.
  8. I do not remember when I join here. But not less then five years I think. First time I do not understand very well that's why crypto make me boring. But now I just love crypto.
  9. I think that this absolutely depend on you. Which way you use. You can use good way also you can use bad way. Bitcoin give you fully freedom. That's it.
  10. Actually I do not think so. Because that is not easy to do. Also like impossible. Because Bitcoin use digital blockchain technology which is too much secure. That's it.
  11. You can see your yobit account. How much you earn. Also I know that you can be earn by post one day maximum 30000 Satoshi. Which is really good amount.
  12. As like as part time work crypto is the best site. Because student work home as their free time. Also there have no rules just like freedom work. As a student I also work here.
  13. If government take a decision for learning this digital currency then it will be more profitable. Like cryptocurrency related institute and so on. Another is newbie people one word say our future generation. So we have to do all things which way new people add here
  14. Price ups and down is natural.. it will be happen in 2020 also it will be happen after 2020 year. Because this coin can not control any single person. Sometimes it will be rise and sometimes it will be fall down that's it.
  15. New project always give us lot of new members which is really good for us. But this new project also broke our confident. Reason is fake project. So we have to alert this type of project.
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