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Hazem Elmallah

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Everything posted by Hazem Elmallah

  1. I agree with you as good for new members, although I have sortned so much I did not get little, but this does not prevent us from the experience of lucky luck
  2. في هذا الوقت توقع الخسارة أكبر من المكاسب لأن السوق في حالة حركة مستثمرة ومتغيرة
  3. Now, in my view, is the best time to buy bitcoin, because its price is dropping and it will increase in a frenzy
  4. Cryptocurrency futures will be used in a number of ways, cryptocurrencies will begin to be used in central banks in all countries, and the price of Bitcoin may be more than 100,000.
  5. Crypto is good for the future as well as bad for the future, and it depends on you in the way you trade in the cryptocurrency, you have to trade with a calm mind and do not become greedy while trading, because greed will give you a loss.
  6. سمعت ذلك الآن. سمعت أن هناك العديد من عمليات التبادل غير الآمنة وفي بعض الأحيان فقد المستخدمون عملاتهم. هل هذا تبادل آمن؟ إذا أوصي باستبداله ، فلا بد لي من استخدامه
  7. I myself use currencies on investment sites and I do not use them otherwise for other things
  8. If this is true, then I think that the currency will become very competitive because it will be at the highest level because it is the production of a large and somewhat distinct company.
  9. Given the evolution of Bitcoin users increasing every year, is it possible that Bitcoin will not remain in the user properly?
  10. My main goal is to impart my knowledge to people who want this and need my presence, such as expressing opinions. There is a specific problem with this. I can help my fellow child gods all over the world.
  11. I really knew the difference between a cryptocurrency and a token
  12. في الواقع ، يجب ألا نحتفظ بعملاتنا المعدنية في مبادل المحفظة لأنه من الخطر على المبادل الذي نستخدمه أن يتم اختراقه من قبل شخص آخر. إذا كنت ترغب في التخطيط لحفظ العملات المعدنية على المدى الطويل
  13. Yes, I am looking for a new platform where I can find it ؟!
  14. Yes, I can, because working in Bitcoin is very profitable, and the difference in currency can secure a decent life for me
  15. المسألة بسيطة وتحتاج إلى مبلغ كبير من المال
  16. The issue is easy, but the market should be well reviewed
  17. No ..You need a lot of money to get started
  18. the investment in this period can be successful ...
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