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Everything posted by adidas21rus

  1. Every trader should have a trading system. Sometimes beginners think that they will be able to trade solely on intuition, especially if this misconception is confirmed by a couple of successful trades. In addition, there are cases when experienced traders opened deals on intuition or contrary to the rules of the system and earned a lot of money. However, the key factor in this exception is experience. A professional trader is able to understand when to turn on intuition, and when to work clearly on the system. As a rule, intuition is used very rarely, and rather to avoid entering the market on a signal, rather than to open a deal not according to the rules and get a loss. In any case, only professionals with years or even decades of experience can afford such actions without serious risk to capital. For beginners who are determined to learn how to earn money, there is only one right way – the way of system trading.
  2. There is a law in the market: no one owes anyone anything. Yes, in principle, it is effective not only in the market, but in our real life. Therefore, it is superfluous to say something about whether the broker should share. Why doesn't the trader share, eh?
  3. Unfortunately, like any variant of graphical analysis, support and resistance levels are subject to a subjective factor. Therefore, the quality of determining levels on the chart depends on the trader's experience and skills. If we are building levels for the first time, of course, we can not always understand where is a good area to open a position, and which area should be skipped. For example, there used to be quite an interesting lesson when a beginner was given a printout of charts and asked to draw support and resistance levels on it. After a few such training sessions, the beginner will be able to easily determine the levels on real charts. Therefore, the best option here is a permanent practice.
  4. The secret to the correct extraction of virtual tokens is the presence of 3 components: an affordable price for a graphics adapter, low electricity costs and a constant increase in the digital currency exchange rate. When these conditions are combined, the miner is guaranteed success.
  5. It is impossible to answer this question directly, because the effectiveness of mining will depend on a very large number of factors. So, if the cryptocurrency is extracted through a mining farm, the time to reach payback and further profit will directly depend on how powerful the equipment is available to the miner. In addition, when evaluating the effectiveness of mining a particular cryptocurrency, it is very important to monitor the dynamics of its value. In particular, if the value of the cryptocurrency is significantly reduced, mining will be less efficient, which means that it will take more time for the user to recoup the initial cost of creating a mining farm. An important factor is also the hashrate of the network, or in other words, the complexity of mining. Here everything is just like on the market – a lot will depend on the number of competitors. The more competitors a miner has, the less likely it is to receive a reward in the form of the extracted cryptocurrency. If the total power of the equipment is in the power of the miner, and he can always increase it by purchasing more powerful video cards for the farm, then factors such as the price of the cryptocurrency and the network hashrate are beyond his control. He should evaluate them before starting cryptocurrency mining. Perhaps the cost of cryptocurrency is so low that it will not make any sense to extract it. Do not forget that many cryptocurrencies have a so-called mechanism for reducing the amount of remuneration after a certain period of time. In particular, every 4 years, the reward for mining bitcoins is reduced by half. So, from 2012 to 2016, the miner received 25 BTC for the found block. In 2016, the amount of remuneration was halved to 12.5 bitcoins. There is no doubt that a similar process will occur in 2020, even if it is now relatively far away. That's just the average payback period of a mining farm is about one year. A year later, mining may not be so profitable, at least for those crypto miners who bet on Bitcoin.
  6. При торговле CFD через брокера вы должны учитывать комиссионные и спреды. Криптовалюта MetaTrader"держит"часть прибыли в виде спредов. У каждого брокера есть свои индикаторы. Прежде чем вы откроете торговлю криптовалютами, вам нужно немедленно поставить спред на свои сделки. Пройдет некоторое время, прежде чем позиция станет нулевой, и контракт будет разорван еще больше. Ситуация такова, что спред криптовалют действительно больше, чем спред валют на рынке Форекс. Это может быть сюрпризом для новичков.
  7. Even the best Forex trading method won’t produce positive results if you don’t know how to cut losses and let winners run. That’s why risk and money management, as part of a complete trading plan, are so important to a trader’s performance. The most successful Forex trading strategy needs to take into account your personality traits and trading style, and be combined with strict risk management rules.
  8. Payeer нормальный кошелек. Есть куча минусов и плюсов.Лично я не часто использую этот кошелек. Так как не имеется операторы других стран. И это БОЛЬШОЙ минус. А так, в принципе нормальный кошелек. Выплаты мгновенные,есть партнерская программа. Комиссия за перевод на Qiwi составляет 2.9%, за Payeer 0.70%. Удобно вывести или пополнить баланс, легкий вывод на карту (Visa, Maestro, MasterCard). Ну вообщем, рекомендую данный кошелек. Payeer заслуживает твердую четвертку.
  9. Первая задача любого Форекс трейдера — научиться торговать на валютном рынке без потерь. Для этого нужно воспользоваться предложением брокера открыть демо-счет и попробовать открывать сделки, не рискуя реальными деньгами. Переходить на реальный счет можно после того, как результаты на демо-версии будут стабильными. Как минимум, вы должны научиться не терять деньги. Сразу не пополняйте счет на большую сумму. Торгуйте с небольшим капиталом, пока не приобретете достаточно опыта, чтобы управляться с большими деньгами.
  10. Trying to connect to time capsule When you try to connect, you are prompted for a username and password. I enter the specified password on time capsule – but I get the following error: the operation could not be completed. This operation is not supported
  11. Интересная биржа с нормальными условиями для работы. Можно купить крипту, которая на других биржах еще не торгуется. Но держать на ней большие суммы пока страшно.
  12. Slide Joy In this service, the client can earn money by viewing news and ads from a mobile phone. Moreover, the cell phone screen saver is replaced with messages with ads. And every time you unlock the screen, the client is credited with finances. But you need to move your finger to the right or left side, get paid for it. Interestingly, the user does not need to view commercials, so even lazy customers can earn money this way. Moreover, the accumulated finances can be exchanged for cash or gift certificates. Points can be transferred to a cell phone. This is done via Paypal. You can also transfer them to a Bank card. Points are credited to the user once a month. This is a service where a person earns money directly from their mobile phone. In this system, the user performs tasks. Tasks can be:standard,field. Remember: the cost and number of tasks depends on the rating that the performer has earned. The higher it is, the more approved applications it has. Most orders here are based on the fact that the performer goes to the city, photographs the specified building, and sends it to the customer for verification. In addition, the user can perform various tasks here. For example, it can: analyze texts and images,check whether the materials displayed on the site correspond to user requests,fix errors that occur while working with the algorithm. There are also tasks in this service that require the performer to have special skills. Before performing them, the user must study the instructions and pass the test. Based on the completed test, they will be given a qualification, and tasks corresponding to their level will be offered. Remember: the more correct answers the performer gives, the higher their qualifications will be, and the more money they will earn. For example, experienced professionals here earn $ 10 a day. They are displayed on a cell phone, Yandex. wallet, via PayPal, Skril. apps for earning money on the Internet are not an interesting way to spend your free time. Such earnings cannot replace work. And the user will not get much money from such applications. It is better to engage in self-development and move up the career ladder.
  13. A good exchanger, not always the most favorable rates, but nevertheless I often change the cue balls to Payeer, because I haven't found a better place yet - the money falls quickly enough, there were no problems as a result (they didn't discount less than they wrote). Thanks!
  14. Не всегда нужно использовать сложные многоходы, разрабатывать хитроумные схемы и комбинации для достижения результата. Иногда бывает так, что самое простое решение оказывается одновременно и самым оптимальным. Предлагаю вашему вниманию действительно очень простую стратегию заработка, которую можно использовать на любом финансовом рынке (биржа, Форекс, криптовалюты и т.д.). Единственным условием возможности использования данной стратегии является достаточная ликвидность финансового инструмента, который вы выбрали для торговли. Теперь перейдем непосредственно к торговой стратегии. Как я уже сказал, Она чрезвычайно проста и состоит в покупке на восходящем тренде и продаже на нисходящем. Вы должны покупать на локальных минимумах и продавать на локальных максимумах. Как гласит американская народная мудрость: тренд-мой друг. Особое внимание следует уделить управлению размером своей позиции (в трейдинге это называется мани-менеджментом): Сделки должны быть открыты на сумму, не превышающую 2-5% от стоимости торгового депозита. То есть, например, если ваш депозит составляет 10 000 рублей, то сумма сделки не должна превышать 200-500 рублей; Размер ордеров на фиксацию прибыли (Take Profit) должен быть не менее чем в два раза больше размера ордеров на ограничение убытков (Stop Loss). Соблюдая эти два простых правила, вы убережете свой депозит от истощения и у вас есть все шансы увеличить его.
  15. Trading in financial instruments and / or cryptocurrencies involves high risks, including the risk of losing part or all of the investment amount, so it is not suitable for all investors. Cryptocurrency prices are extremely volatile and can change due to external factors such as financial news, legislative decisions, or political events. Margin trading leads to increased financial risks. Before making a decision to make a transaction with a financial instrument or cryptocurrencies, you should get full information about the risks and costs associated with trading in the financial markets, correctly assess the investment goals, your experience and the acceptable level of risk, and a demo account is the best means to gain experience.
  16. Correct goal setting is half the battle and the basis for successful achievement. It is logical that you are more likely to achieve a clear goal. And it's more about the overall organization of the process and an accurate understanding of what you need it for and where to go. It's simple: by defining a goal, you stop dreaming abstractly, evaluate resources and limitations, formulate tasks, set deadlines, and think through the desired result. Go from dream to action.
  17. Лично я участвую периодически, но никакими особыми успехами похвастаться не могу. Я впервые начал играть в лотерею еще ребенком, в советское время. Не помню, почему в тот день я оказался на почте. К стенду была приклеена газетная страница с таблицей результатов очередного розыгрыша лотереи. Тетя подошла к стойке и стала проверять свой билет, мне больше нечего было делать, встала рядом с ней и тоже стала просматривать номера выигрышных номеров. Наконец тетушка добралась до своей комнаты, и вестибюль почты наполнился радостными криками. Я присмотрелся и обнаружил, что прямо на моих глазах какой-то мужчина завладел новеньким холодильником (кажется, "Донбасс"). Это произвело на меня впечатление, и я начал использовать свои карманные деньги, чтобы купить лотерейные билеты. Но особого успеха я не добился. Это все.
  18. The MyEtherWallet team has done a lot of work on creating their mobile app. It offers quick and easy installation, as well as an incredibly user-friendly and intuitive interface. Connecting the app to your laptop also doesn't require much effort. This is one of the most well-known ERC-20 wallets, designed to provide access to cryptocurrencies to more users in a safe and convenient way without the need to use burdensome and complex software.
  19. A good wallet for beginners. Convenient interface. Average protection. Acceptable to the Commission. Pretty easy to handle. You can exchange crypt directly in your wallet. And it is possible to add funds via the player. Cryptonator has proven to be a reliable and working tool. I will add to this that the wallet has a mobile app. Which also gives it a plus sign)
  20. I have heard that you need to invest in cryptocurrency a little over time to reduce the risk of volatility. How does this work and what other technologies are available for saving your deposits?
  21. Пусть со второй попытки и не без собственных огрехов, пусть немного на нервах и не без доли везения, но «Краснодар» Мурада Мусаева вписывает новую страницу в историю российского футбола — в сезоне 2020/21 в главном европейском клубном турнире, Лиге Чемпионов УЕФА, на групповой стадии будет представлено сразу три российских клуба: «Зенит» из Санкт-Петербурга, московский «Локомотив» и «Краснодар», представляющий южную часть футбольной России.
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