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Sabbir Ahmed Abir

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Everything posted by Sabbir Ahmed Abir

  1. Yes of course I can share my experience with you as you will be able to learn a lot from it but I will do whatever you ask me good night thank you.
  2. Such a question has been wandering in my mind for a long time but I cannot say and I do not know about it, so I am hopeful that if anyone knows, I will answer it and I will comment on all of them so that I can find the answer.
  3. First of all, thank you so much for giving our valuable feedback that our forum has to be spread so that our children should actually teach it so that they can earn from it and learn some good lessons from it.
  4. I agree with your opinion that the reputation of the forum is being wasted and we do not want to do anything that will ruin the forum itself so I would like to say one thing as to how our auntie will maintain good reputation so that work is done.
  5. The important point of this forum is to learn how to trade in crypto income. Trading on the Yobit platform is really easy because you just go to the trade section and then select the currency you want to buy or sell and then you're done. A really simple medium
  6. This forum has many congregations and more Hawaii members are getting easier. I noticed newcomers and many more people commenting for this forum and they have enough information about this topic so you can be active with the idea of something else Thanks.
  7. Thank you for providing a nice post Yes of course this platform has a certain limitation and with you I also want people new commerce will only benefit you more than that option you can go do whatever you want.
  8. Frankly I agree with you because I do not know about this but I am interested to know that they can be identified, if anyone knows, please let me know
  9. Hello my friend I agree that we are not organizing today to win the prize for the rank, from this we are taking an education which is very necessary for everyday life.
  10. It is very easy. First you must register using the new mail. When the process is finished, go to the forum settings and change the old mail and put the mail used to create the platform on your account, this will solve the problem.
  11. I agree with your opinion that what you say is true because we are all here as a family so many people are making money and learning work.
  12. I often use XRP to migrate. Because if you use Well Coins to transfer your money to avoid Bitcoin transactions, you will save a lot of money.
  13. Frankly, as far as I know, the USDT trade option on yobitis is not available. But it has USD options. Which can make your cryptocurrency payer or trade for the perfect money balance
  14. I know it started two years ago. It's too short for me to make it. But I think it is necessary for us even though it is a waste of time.Thanks so much for expressing your opinion
  15. First of all, thank you for uploading a beautiful post because I have learned so much through this post I know well I want to work from this forum and make money from here.tnxx a lot bro...
  16. Thank you for your help. If you want to increase your reputation then my advice is to work for the site with honesty and good guidance then your reputation will grow.
  17. Thank you for bringing us such valuable information with us.The three facts you have presented in my view are all correct. So we really need to be careful about these things.
  18. Thanks for your valuable feedback. Truly you have said a beautiful word. I also want this forum to be a lot bigger. Because we can make money through this site.
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