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Report Plagiarism (Copy/Paste)

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An act of spamming is a subject to be banned on this forum!

I hope there will be no user like this one! And they are now upgraded as they already have a profile picture!

requesting for BAN HAMMER!!!!



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Thanks to everyone, we appreciate your work, violators were banned and their messages were deleted.
Send your reports, we actively process it.

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The topic 

 is a copy of the first half of a steemit article ( with no info about where it comes from, no link, nothing.

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Just now, lucky80 said:

Well. But if the thread is deleted, then your reply will also be deleted. You better report it right away, talking to the stone age user is useless.

Well I was too nice to them, I wanted them to get the taste of the civilized age but it's too hard to teach them LOL

They are okay with their spamming and thinking by doing this they will achieve something.  I really do not get their sense.

Are they brain dead?

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2 minutes ago, lucky80 said:

They want easy money.

Well that money, it's not coming obviously because the minutes they post it, when someone is spotting it in the next minutes it's getting reported and then obviously mods are deleting it. So they are not getting any money from it at all. Just wasting time.

3 minutes ago, lucky80 said:

The forum can temporarily be suspended if there is a copyright problem, and we all suffer losses. 

This problem is already in under control I think. I have not seen many lately.

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Guys I appreciate you talking and all, but plese if you have anything to report for copy/paste plagiarism
you can do it here. This topic is open for that purpose only.

I do get notifications as I created the topic... 


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10 hours ago, hexwin said:


Do you have to answer on every single question in every topic?  - NO

Do you have to use quote every single time?  -NO


@Rafbouk Fast option is to use REPORT POST.

If you want to post public record and proof like we have for some people here... then you can post it in this topic.

I usually do it when someone is doing multiple non-stop copy/paste or if moderators are not reacting.

Do not use this topic to talk to much.

Sorry I am referring about the question.

I think everyone can answer on  their own ways whether it is positive or negative, but not in a hijacking thread with multiple posts.

I think multiquote can be used as a single reply instead of more replies with single quote.

We see a lot of plagiarism content that newbies had posted in the past, but presently the forum is clean and moderated by Moderators.

Anyway I too can't further talk for these things.

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Again... I am reporting this users for fake conversation and spamming.
Looks like they are all multiple accounts talking nonsense.

Moderators please check them when you can

@epidemia @Desais @ayatoslaw ☝️

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Member reported for non-stop copy/paste plagiarism and posting nonsense posts
with no meaning at al

This man is subject also for ban!

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6 hours ago, Andrew12 said:

I rather report all useless post of topics that to reply to them. Such a waste of time commenting on a useless topics but there is a bunch of people still biting it. I cannot even see myself doing that stuffs.

It is waste of time, and not only that....
that topic will be deleted and you will not earn anything for your comment.
Total waste of time. Just report and do not reply.

Please keep this topic clean and only for reports.
Any spam comment will be reported.




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I Just spotted another member doing plagiarism in the community! this is a serious accusation with a strong evidence, i must say the BAN hammer will be use again to another member! goodbye @rinhill101 and this user has many account i think! image.png.e82761ea8d5d5072f6e76ad4777a2fef.png



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Reporting two more members for posting SPAM and talking offtopic nonsense stuff and making Fake conversation not related to topic. From now on I will report you directly to moderators and here

All of them posting in Topic Crypto vs Gold

How many hundreds of spam - so you can be banned?? 
All automated BOTS posting!!!


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There is a new user in the community which is not good to let him continue being here in the forum.

Plagiarism is not a good thing to do in any of the forum and he is abusing his account.

Fall of cryptocurrencies, rise of e-fiat currency?

Link source of original post:


Immediately banning this user! i really hope! @epidemia @Desais

Moderator @Desais

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