MohamedElGhamrawy's Content - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content


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Everything posted by MohamedElGhamrawy

  1. I heard about CryptoTalk from many friends and on websites and that it works to make money for everyone who uses it, and it helps to increase your knowledge.
  2. I think I am a lot of followers who come in the beginners section, because of the ease of the topics presented in this section and its importance as well in raising some important topics that help in understanding a good cryptocurrency.
  3. I also think that because the world is witnessing a renaissance and development in the world of technology and computing. So before the year 3030 elapses, the whole world will use CryptoTalk.
  4. It cannot be said that I am lucky to have started in this field, but I hope that I will be lucky to make a lot of money while I am getting rich.
  5. Yes, a lot of people are interested in me Bitcoin because it was one of the first currencies that was created and it is also very expensive, one bitcoin can make you very rich
  6. Yes, of course, knowledge and experience is one of the most important reasons for success in order to succeed in your field that you love. You must know everything well about it through reading and asking people who have more experience than you.
  7. This is true because there is no gain and success except with work and pain and taking responsibility. Therefore, you have to work, diligence and exhaustion in order to succeed and make money.
  8. Yes, many times it will be difficult for one to understand the topic, but by researching, reading and exploring things will become better.
  9. I agree with that very much because the greater the percentage of money that you invest in the currency field, the greater the profit rate, so it is not correct that the more you earn money that you took and did not invest, this will never make you happy to be a rich person.
  10. I do not think I Crypto is a reason for wasting time, but rather it is a very important program and it can be said that it contributes greatly by being a source of income for many people as it increases your experience and raises it.
  11. In order to work efficiently, you must first understand well what you are doing, and this is done by reading a lot about the topics or by asking people who have experience in that area
  12. I think in order to get a lot of interactions, you have to post good positive related to the topic so that all your followers can benefit from them.
  13. I think everyone here feels happy, relaxed and satisfied because they gain a lot of experience and maybe a lot of money as well
  14. One of the successes is that you choose the area from which you want to make money, because this will help you quickly achieve your goal and your desire
  15. Beginners must be patient and diligent and study everything right before making any decision.
  16. Certainly yes, trading it in a cryptocurrency is one of the most important ways to help you become rich and have a lot of money. You just have to be patient and hopeful.
  17. In fact, you need a lot of dollars because Forex trading is a foreign currency, so you have to start with a minimum ruling amount 100$
  18. I am a beginner but hope to win a lot more dollars
  19. Be careful before you do something. You must first search carefully. I ask Google YouTube. I ask those who are more than you experience. When you start, you have to invest a small part first and then grow up alone.
  20. Right that many of investment sites are fake or scam then better is to earn frr bitcoins but if you want earn faster in bitcoin then you have to invest
  21. In general, in a field in order to achieve success, you must read a lot of information in order to gain a lot of experience, and I see that I have read the topics discussed by CryptoTalk increase your understanding and experience
  22. Thank you so much that you referred to this topic immediately. I am not sure. Thank you for your kindness and respect, and I will discuss this topic more.
  23. A safe wallet is a place to be saved Cryptocoin Like Bitcoin ether and any other currency, there are many secure wallets Trust wallet
  24. Copying and pasting is not very popular because it is Stealing other people's ideas is also not useful as CryptoTalk was created in order to share ideas and increase knowledge.
  25. You are correct, dear, Cryptotech helps all participants improve their English language because many topics are raised and discussed in English, which helps in improving the language for many.
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