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Everything posted by emely.w

  1. In fact, I completed the first 100 posts recently, and I am counting on the beginners section to understand the forum, basic rules and duties that must be adhered to, in addition to learning a lot about cryptocurrencies, trading and investing.
  2. I agree with you in this field and I have been working in this field recently and I am still new here. I hope to get a good investment and gain a lot of information that will help me develop, progress and succeed in CryptoTalk and trading platforms.
  3. My friend, a successful investment is based on a correct study of the reality of work and daily changes in the field of cryptocurrencies, and I cannot say that investing in one currency will be successful and in another currency will be a loser. A good investment is one that is carefully and quietly planned after carefully studying the daily trading market.
  4. Thanks for the information that you provided through your participation. I have no idea about this subject and I only have one account and I work in CryptoTalk through a fixed IP that I never change. I will benefit from the answers of friends on this new topic.
  5. Cryptocurrencies are developing rapidly, and today we can buy a lot of widgets using Bitcoin, such as a car, real estate, or software, and this is wonderful. I expect that the future brings us many surprises in this field and perhaps we will work from our homes full time in exchange for cryptocurrencies.
  6. You can gain followers and good reputation points by sharing important topics related to cryptocurrencies, trading and investment methods, provided that they are important and scientifically useful topics for others. By doing this, you will gain money, reputation, and a lot of followers so that you can finally achieve success.
  7. My friend, I do not have much experience yet, but through my personal experience, I respond to topics that have positive reputation points and topics that are new and important in the field of cryptocurrencies and trading platforms.
  8. Luck in the field of cryptocurrencies and trading requires accuracy in understanding the financial market and knowing how to trade, and then it can be said that luck helps you to achieve success. I honestly didn’t have luck because I don’t have a lot of cryptocurrencies and I cannot start investing.
  9. CryptoTalk offers great trading in this field. All members can earn cryptocurrencies, trading and investing in exchange for sharing your information and posting important topics in this forum. CryptoTalk earns you information, and this is especially important for beginners in the forum, and this is great for achieving success and earning money and knowledge.
  10. Youtop is one of the best platforms around the world, and since its inception in 2015 until today, it has managed to become one of the top ten platforms around the world in the field of investment, trading and cryptocurrencies. The most important issue is reliability and safety when you are dealing with this wonderful platform. As for the airdrop, I really don't know much about it and I'm trying to learn from other people's experiences.
  11. Hello my friend, I can help you according to my experience in the forum and I advise you to read the topics in the junior section to learn a lot about the experiences of friends and their experiences, and after you successfully complete the first 100 comments, you must share at least 20 posts per day in order to earn money and trade and invest.
  12. In fact, cryptocurrencies, trading and investment have become important topics in this era, especially with the increase in the global price of cryptocurrencies, so I think that it is a good investment of time when we work to win the cryptocurrency. I try to share information with friends every day to benefit from other people's experiences and not make mistakes.
  13. Thanks my friend for sharing this topic, which gives me all the information about the payment method that the site gives to the members. Bitcoin price goes up and thus we can make a lot of money if we do the hard and honest work here at CryptoTalk. But I have a question @Noor Abdullah and I could not find an answer to it, which is when is the post considered useful? Is commenting on Friends’s posts considered useful, or should we publish new topics?
  14. Hello to me, as a novice in the world of cryptography, I prefer to earn Satoshis because Bitcoin is the main currency in the field of trading and investment and I like to get a quantity of it, even if it is small, because I like to invest and develop in the field of cryptocurrencies to earn more money. CryptoTalk gives us a good amount of money for the job and I'm happy for that.
  15. I have the same opinion about cryptocurrencies, so for the future I think that we will buy our needs using cryptocurrencies and therefore we must gain a lot of information about cryptocurrencies, trading and investment, and CryptoTalk is one of the best platforms that give us experience, information and money at the same time.
  16. Hello, I have read a lot of topics about price changes for cryptocurrencies and I can tell you that Bitcoin changes its price according to the demand for the currency and according to the use and investment that is made through it, and thus the satoshis changes according to the supply and demand in the cryptocurrency market and global platforms for trading.
  17. My friend, in fact, the spread of your topics among the members will give you more positive reputation points and thus more gain, fame and development in the CryptoTalk forum.
  18. Working in the field of cryptocurrencies, trading and investing will not bring me huge wealth, but it can provide me with good capital that I can use to start a new business that I can earn through. Working with encryption only, in my opinion, does not achieve great wealth and requires other work.
  19. Thanks for this good information about trading and investing. Honestly, I am a beginner here and I have not made money yet, but in the future, when I achieve financial gain and trade, I will benefit from your information very much. Your topic is awesome.
  20. I'm a beginner here at CryptoTalk but I can tell you a good choice of topic and big thinking before sharing information will give you lots of reputation points and ensure you success, development and earning money for your good posts.
  21. In fact, adhering to the rules and laws of the forum will guarantee you a long journey in the world of coding, and for the sake of reputation points, you must publish topics carefully and accurately and be distinguished in order to develop and achieve success, which in turn will earn you a lot of money.
  22. Hello, honestly, I see a great future with the CryptoTalk platform, as I'm learning a lot about cryptocurrencies, trading and making money at the end of the day. CryptoTalk is the best site around the world for learning to code, investing and earning the best.
  23. Friends told me about cryptocurrencies and trading on digital platforms, and it was through them that I began my personal experience in the field of cryptocurrencies. I started recently in early 2021 and started working here with CryptoTalk. I am learning a lot about Bitcoin here and I am happy that I will get the satoshis.
  24. I am new to my friend on the CryptoTalk forum and I do not have much experience about it and I have not tried posting before and I will do it after I get 100 comments. I haven't gotten a positive reputation score yet, only a few of them, but I will create my own topics to gain fame and success.
  25. My friend, thank you for this wonderful explanation about electronic trading platforms. I use the Yobit platform, as it is a safe and simple platform, and today Yobit has become one of the ten best platforms in the world through which I can trade in a lot of cryptocurrencies, and this matter makes me feel comfortable and happy.
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