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Dike Charles Uche

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About Dike Charles Uche

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    Brand New
  1. I see myself growing on this platform because this platform has really broaden my knowledge on crypto currencies and in general it has made me focused on getting tasks done
  2. It's just like a new baby learning to crawl before walking, as newbies we need to first learn from this beginners section before taking a step ahead. It makes you equipped and prepared for the task that comes as you go higher and also broadens experience
  3. Crypto currency was helpful in every way during this lockdown. Many persons that were sacked and had crypto didn't feel the impact of the lock down because they could still trade an earn from the comfort of their homes
  4. There are plenty platforms that scam people off their crypto and money. So a proper background check on the company you want to invest in should not be over emphasized for safety purpose.
  5. I think flash VPN isn't the only one that opens Crypto talk because I use a different one and it works perfectly without any issue. So if you find a good and reliable one that works for you then I feel you can use it .
  6. I don't really understand the question directly but then if you are talking of the platform to store crypto I would say Luno wallets but some persons use coinbase also.
  7. I have seen testimonies of people withdrawing from this platform. Though I haven't gotten to a stage of withdrawal,I believe if one can simple follow the rules you will surely get paid. Crypto talk is real
  8. Using myself has an example,I was at some point in my life scared and ignorant of crypto currency even when it was cheaper to get then. After a while I began to see the worth and future in it and by then its worth as already sky rocked to a high side. We all need to get exposed to this crypto world and embrace it has the future for us all
  9. I don't think there will be anybody on this platform that won't like Yobit. Just simply engaging comments,you get paid. This is quite an opportunity that one can't easily see elsewhere. I love YOBIT
  10. I will agree to this fact but let's not rule out Thale fact that litecoin and some other cryptos are gradually gaining recognition and value for money. In the long run Ethereum might have serious competition in the crypto Market
  11. I am newbie here on this platform, I would also consider myself old because I have been finding it hard to understand the concept of crypto but gradually I am learning. I think on getting the old people understand bitcoin a pictorial and less confusing languages and inscription be used to relate it to them.
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