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Umair Gondal

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About Umair Gondal

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  1. This is an interesting point.If you remain absent from crypto talk then there is a loss in you.In my opinion, if we remain absent from the crypto , then there will be no loss to our account.account Nor will we get any warning point So we should keep working with patience So that we can achieve success.
  2. Thats brief point I'm totally agree with you.cryptotalk is very good way for both earning and the thing that encourage me is the most is to get knowledge and experience.its very simple and easy way for earning money rather than any other platform.
  3. Yes this is a great point.We sould read the repiles of others so we can get more knowledge and experience from it.first of all we should read the topic very carefully and after that we read the topic also for making good posts.try to do hard work so you can get money by cryptotalk.
  4. I think there is no.problem by using crypto accounts at same location.While there is risk of your account banned if you're sharing the mobile data to each other during the time of working otherwise there is no risk of your account get don't worry about that and keep on moving forward with hard work.
  5. There are some principles of cryptotalk which we are bound to follow. We should avoid copy paste.We should work hard and be patience.we never give up our struggle.if we break any rules then our accuount can be we should avoid from breaking any rules.continue with hard work and hope to be success .
  6. First of all we say wellcome to newbies here.there are some rules and ragulation of this platform that you must follow.try to make useful and valuable posts. Never try to steal others posts and don't try to copy post.never give uo your task and continue with hard work untill you success.
  7. That's brief point I'm totally agree with you. Firt of all we must follow all the rules and rugulation of this platform. We shuold try to make the post valueable and useful.don't try to break any rules of this forum.continue with hard work and hope to be good luck.
  8. Hi welcome dear.You will understand this platform as the best platform.First of all, you have to complete Hundred Useful Posts.Then your account will be registered.And then you have to do 20 posts daily.Then you Get your payment.
  9. Yes i agree with you.If we keep trying every day for our success then we will achieve goal.In the same way, if we continue to work on cryptotalk, we can achieve success through it.And I can complete my daily Expenses.I think this platform is much better than other Platforms.
  10. Hi Guys.We can get a lot of information and knowledge on this forum.We can make it study expanses and our pocket money right from home during the quratine's Holidays.We can earn our money by earning our Daily on this forum.I think this forum is very good from another forum.
  11. Welcome dear brother, first of all you have to know about its rule, after that you will have to read the rest of the topics and comment well.We will need information about whatever topic we have, which we can achieve after a good search.First of all we have to follow its rule. If we work hard then we can earn from this.
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