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  1. The replies are obvious but we surely need to see when we are creating the topics if they are already there otherwise your topic will be deleted and so all the replies with it too.
  2. Hi friend ! Criticism is our right we can criticise if we are not agree with someone post. But we should not use abuses language to criticise. I think we should correct the other mistakes and realize them that they are wrong. So we can also appreciate to make useful Post instead of criticise.
  3. I think you cannot earn $5 at the foucets because they give very small amount but its also depends upon your hardworking. But we can earn $3 per day easily by working at this forum. So I think there is no need to work at any foucet.
  4. Don't worry about the selection of the legit wallet because you can take advice to the seniors that which wallet is best for the cryptocyrrency. You can use blockchain wallet because this is a very secure and easy for the transaction.
  5. This is very important for all of us to know about the field in which we are going to win .Because this is necessary to have knowledge about the secrets and there should be an experience of that field to win.
  6. Good question dear and I am agree with you we should do research about the website where we are going to invest our money and then invest it after sometime when we have trusted in.
  7. Thats a good idea but i think this depends upon the government of any country because we cannot add it in our course without the permission of the government. If it is applied then it will be very beneficial for the new generation. We should promote the cryptocyrrency at village or city level. We should taught about crypto to our children and Family members.
  8. No I think this is only for part time job but if someone has knowledge about trading and investment then he can do full job here. But at initial level it will be considered as only part time job. We can earn only $3 or 4 daily at this forum it is not a big amount. So till now I am working here as a part time job and I am also a student now and I have not any other job .
  9. Hello dear friend now I am student and not have any job I am only working at this forum but in future if I feel that there is no need of any job then i will quite my job and I will only work here. This depends upon how much I can earn from here I will learn trading also to get more profit.
  10. Yes you are absolutely right this is a time taking process you didn't become a rich quickly because it requires hardworking ,time and also patience. In crypto world you can become rich but first of all you have to earn money and then you can trading .
  11. Cryptocyrrency is a digital or electronic currency and haven't any physical form we can trade and invest by cryptocyrrency . There are many wallets are using to store cryptocyrrency. I learnt about cryptocyrrency to my friend and also i watched videos about this.
  12. Hi dear friend sorry for this i don't have any knowledge about this I think the answer of your question is only given by the moderator because any member cannot give you a correct answer of this question. Only moderators know when any new compaign they will start .
  13. Agreed ! Being a good member of this forum this is our responsibility to follow the rules and regulations of this forum and we should not appreciate such members that stole others content . We should give negative reaction and report to this kind of people.
  14. I think so ! You can see if someone spam you but you cannot see that whose give you a negative reaction. This is a very bad habit to take a revenge to others . And we also should avoid giving a report reaction without any reason .
  15. I am agree with your opinion we should take care of these kind of rules when making the post. We should try to share our own knowledge without using copy paste method. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I hope many people will learn from your post.
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