Omar25 - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content


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About Omar25

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  1. Thank you my dear friend at first might have some members disappointed but I do not expect to be used to work because encrypted currencies can be replaced by many ways
  2. You are right my dear friend. At first, most beginners comment on the posted topics and do not post anything because they do not fully know about this forum and what it offers us, but over time the beginners will get used to this forum and they will post and I will post when I get to know some things
  3. You are right my dear friend. You cannot work on this forum if our only concern is to make some money. We must also understand why we are here? We are here to increase our knowledge of digital currencies and to take advantage of this field because this wonderful forum is the best in the world regarding knowledge of digital currencies.
  4. My dear friend, you have to understand the topics and read the rules and conditions of this forum. First, you must write 100 comments and you must follow the conditions, including that your comments on the topics are useful and you must avoid spelling mistakes. Read the rules of this forum and you will understand what I mean
  5. Yes, my friend, you are right, because trading in digital currencies is not always luck, but rather knowledge of currencies and the market. We must start trading with a zero amount in order to be able to study and know trading because with knowledge we can make money more than relying on luck
  6. Yes, my friend, you are right that 95 percent of people who enter the forum enter the junior section because it is sufficient in principle to learn the nature of work and acquire the necessary skills and useful information that they will benefit from when moving to another section
  7. Thank you my friend for this information. This section is for beginners who do not know how to publish topics and make mistakes that lead to deleting posts. The forum terms must be read correctly to avoid these common mistakes
  8. Thank you, dear. You are right. What follows are the common mistakes committed by many beginners in the forum to avoid falling into these mistakes in the future and to avoid warning
  9. Hello dear friend. You must first read the rules laid down in this forum, and you must publish topics of favorable thought while it contains useful information
  10. Thank you, my friend, for sharing this topic. In fact, there is no need to use offensive and insulting words even if there is no list of these words, so we must move away from these words and use discussion and good treatment between us to build positive thinking and to reach a higher level.
  11. Yes, my friend, you are right. This digital currency will spread in the world more and more in the near future, and many people will want it because its value is high and it will become more global companies to deal with this wonderful currency, so it will be a wonderful future with this currency
  12. Thank you, my friend, for sharing this post. Actually, the way to make more money depends on the useful publications that you publish daily. Do more and do not let disappointment dominate you and think about your new topics that carry positive thoughts.
  13. نعم يا صديقي ، أنا أتفق معك في هذا الموضوع فيما يتعلق بالعملات المشفرة ، وتحديداً في العملة الرقمية ، بيتكوين. هذه العملة من أفضل العملات الرقمية في العالم لأن سعرها مرتفع وأعتقد أن قيمة هذه العملة الرقمية ستزداد في المستقبل القريب ، وفي الفترة الماضية زاد الطلب على البيتكوين. هذا يؤكد أنه أفضل. العملات المشفرة على مستوى العالم.
  14. Hello my friend, in my opinion, teamwork is necessary to reach better results in a short time compared to limited individual work, which shows late results. The idea of teamwork and the spirit of cooperation must be spread among us in various fields and topics.
  15. مرحباً يا صديقي ، أنت محق وهذا ما أفعله في هذه الظروف وبما أنني أجلس في المنزل معظم الوقت هناك الكثير من الوقت الذي أقضيه في هذا المنتدى وأتصفح مواضيع جديدة تهمني وأكسب بعض المال
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