Mohammed33 - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content


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About Mohammed33

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  1. Есть еще много людей, которые не знают разницы между валютыми и отличительными символами и считают, что это один термин, поэтому мы должны знать разницу и дискриминацию.
  2. Thanks for this good post, many of us have these misconceptions, and certainly after reading your post, the picture will become clear and these concepts will disappear.
  3. You are right, there is a difficulty in writing new topics, so we need this challenge in order to be able to publish new topics and thus promote this forum and raise its level.
  4. At the beginning of my work here in the forum I wrote a topic and after 4 hours it was deleted I felt anxious, but I kept publishing some of them are deleted and others remain and I started avoiding the mistakes that led to the deletion of my posts and here I am still working here so we should not feel fear when deleting our posts, but rather look for the reason And we avoid it in our next topics.
  5. They are smart and lucky people who believed in the idea of the cryptocurrency, kept it and were able to make riches through it, and this makes us motivated to work and believe that a good investment will make us rich, and all we have to do is patience and not despair, no matter what difficulties we face.
  6. Yes, storing cryptocurrencies on the Internet is fraught with risks, so cold wallets can be used, which are not connected to the Internet instead of using a physical means to store keys offline, which makes them resistant to attempts of piracy on the Internet. As such, cold wallets tend to be the safer alternative to "storing" your coins.
  7. Yes, it is a wonderful opportunity, but shouldn't we first look for the reason for this significant drop in its price in order to analyze and know whether it will continue to decline or will it rise again, because if it continues to decline, we will lose our money.
  8. Your topic is considered good, as the beginner can choose any platforms that he finds suitable, and we can add a fourth option, which is the Yopit platform, as it is characterized by safety, ease of investment, and its few benefits as well.
  9. In this forum there are many benefits for you as a beginner, here you can learn everything about cryptocurrencies as well as earn some of them. You can also meet new people and benefit from their experiences.
  10. You can divide the currencies that you have into two parts, a section that you withdraw to use in your expenses, and a section that you invest in the platform to increase your profits, especially if the currency price is rising.
  11. The leading panel in this forum is a moral win and not physically giving you a currency but having your name in the list is proof that you are offered important and helpful topics.
  12. Thanks for this recommendation, everyone is looking for a low-fee currency, and Dogecoin is one of the most popular currencies, as it is characterized by the ease and speed of its transactions and its low fees.
  13. You must walk towards your goal step by step in order to be able to succeed and at the same time do not waste your opportunities to learn new things, while if you are hasty, you may lose all of your opportunities.
  14. Working hard and making an effort to present good content in this forum made me receive coins in return for this effort, and my continued work here, yes, will make me feel independent and financially stable.
  15. You are right. The evaluation must be based on the content. It is unfair for a topic with good and useful content to receive a negative evaluation. At the same time, we see a topic that has no meaning or less than 100 characters that has received high positive ratings. This cheating in reviews will frustrate those who make an effort to provide good content and make them back off on writing topics.
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