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Everything posted by kaliphatesani

  1. Learning is very essential and that is the more reason why you should always dedicate time to learning before making your post as this would make your understanding more firm and your posts would stand out.
  2. There are less members in the forum because most of the members were spammers and there was need to take care of them and kick them out. The only members that would exist in the forum for a long time are those that are doing just quality posts.
  3. So many users don't care if what they post so they are posting useless contents. I advice that you be very careful ecause posting useless contents can get you to be banned which is why I urge you to follow the rules and take them very seriously.
  4. Cryptocurrencies trading is very profitable and it is very important that you learn about it properly from the right source. I urge you to invest into bitcoin and ethereum as they are the best Crypto currencies to invest into and they have more lifespan because of the amount of market capitalisation they have managed to acquire.
  5. There are so many ways that you can become profitable with bitcoin. Some people prefer to HODL for a long time while others prefer day trading and want to build their income based on that. So you should go for whichever one is more convenient for you.
  6. There is no way that you can become successful in the forum if you are not willing to make any effort. You need to make sure that you seek proper knowledge and follow all the rules and guidelines of the forum so that your contents will stand out.
  7. I am becoming more enlightened on crypto currencies especially bitcoins. I have been able to figure that trading is the best way that one can become profitable with cryptocurrencies. Other forms are also very effective bit this is what is most effective and efficient for me.
  8. This forum is full of useful knowledge about cryptocurrencies. You can learn almost anything about crypto by interacting with other members that have more knowledge than you. After proper knowledge then you can begin to venture into cryptocurrencies and invest.
  9. We can definitely improve out English through this forum as there are lots of English speaking members here and it seems that the English section is more populated than the Russian section. So it is a very good way that you can work on improving your spoken English.
  10. You should make sure that you post a good content and that is the only way that you would become a good user of the forum and you will also become more knowledgeable about the forum.
  11. I always go for an extensive research before making any post. It is very important that you learn a lot about the topic that you want to comment on so that you don't end up making a useless post and get yourself banned.
  12. I always go for an extensive research before making any post. It is very important that you learn a lot about the topic that you want to comment on so that you don't end up making a useless post and get yourself banned.
  13. You cannot make any significant profits doing this. This is not an effective way to earn crypto. You should try to HODL or even trade cryptocurrencies so that you would be able to make profits. This is much more better and would certainly give you better profits.
  14. You should make yourself knowledgeable and focus on improving you knowledge. This is to make you firm in what you post and also have confidence that what you are posting is legit and is on point.
  15. With proper research and good technical analysis you can make your predictions more accurate and also your changes of profits more accurate too. It is very important that you seek a lot of knowledge so that you can make your crypto experience the best.
  16. This forum is a very good place to grow yourself and achieve good results. You can focus on learning some special crypto skills and then use that to build up your fortune. I really recommend this forum to a lot of people because of its importance in giving quality knowledge.
  17. I think that you should avoid looking for sites that allow you to earn free earnings rather you should focus on learning more profitable business strategies like trading which would give you better profits if you are very careful and strategic.
  18. A lot of newbies and even some expert members fall victim of panic sell and that is because it is related to emotions. I urge you that you should work on your patience and greed so that you don't fall into panic selling as it would lead you to a lot of loses.
  19. Many new comera do not want to follow the rules and regulations so it is very important that we enlighten them of its importance. We should let them know that they must make sure that their posts are in line with the rules and regulations and they won't have any issues with the forum if they do that.
  20. The forum does not require a y special phone. All that you need is a browser and an internet connectivity. You can make use of any smartphone to access the forum provided you are using a browser that can open the forum well.
  21. This is usually a normal problem. There are times that the button is not working and then after a few days it will be opened again. So you should focus on making your good posts and not worry about the button as you would definitely get a chance to send them to your balance.
  22. You should always find time for yourselves. You should make sure you take time to learn a lot about crypto so that you can prevent yourself from falling into scams. The only way to be safe from scammers is to acquire proper knowledge.
  23. I would recommend TRUST WALLET as it is very secured and you can trust it because it is backed by Binance. This wallet also has so many other coins. So of you are looking for a wallet to store all of your favourite coins then this is the right one.
  24. There are so many ways to make money but most of them would not be worth your time. You can choose to be a blogger and wait for 6months before you start to earn money. You could also decide to become a trader and start earning right away by following proper strategies and good money management.
  25. I have a lot of plans for 2021. I want to become more successful in crypto and own a lot of crypto including but not limited to bitcoin, Ethereum and BNB. I also want to become a better trader and make so many successful trades.
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