Pabelpikul01 - CryptoTalk.Org Jump to content


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About Pabelpikul01

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  1. Hi my dear friend, thank you very much for a good question.I am a new beginner here, in fact I have not been able to make 100 comments yet, it may take two more days. From then on I will be able to earn talk token. I will deal with one of my professional friends. He gave me knowledge about talk token.
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  7. It is natural that he who makes good comments will get a good reputation. And before you give a bad reputation, you will understand the matter a little better and give a reputation. thanks for your .......
  8. I'm new, I don't know what happened to your youbit. I think that's a big problem. If anyone knows, please let me know. I want to know about it too.thanks for your post.
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